HOH: Mark
Veto: Ari
Nominations: Marissa / Brandi
Previously on /bb/:
HOH: Mark
Veto: Ari
Nominations: Marissa / Brandi
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
woah new season looks awesome, that dude on the right looks bad fucking ass
>my shoop was saved and used
What is paul standing on?
i saved it too bub keep it up
Guest star: Dan Schneider.
anytime someone on /bb/ makes a shoop I try to make an effort to use it as an OP image
thanks Ian!
no niggers
Fuck off Sup Forumstard
blacks offend my senses
Maybe you should leave back to your safe space
Because of you, I've grown a good, confident sense that the majority of this community are non-racist, good-natured people.
Thank you for existing, human trash. Your degenerate ways have shed light on just how good and decent other humans are. I appreciate it, and I appreciate the BB fandom for not being like you in contrast.
What a wonderful community. I love you guys.
I find education of others more beneficial. Niggers are pets, nothing more. You cannot love a nigger any different than you can a dog. If you are OK with putting peanutbutter on your balls and letting a primitive animal lick it off than cool. Everyone around you will be in disgust that you are in love with an animal though.
t. insecure about his dick
Insecure about putting my dick in a wild animal. Thats how you get it bit off, or aids.
Asians have higher IQ's than whites
You fear blacks because of your own insecurities like how you have never worked out in your life and shit behind a computer and polshit every thread you are just as bad as shareblue.
Is there a better season for qts than BB17?
Thanks friend
There are only 4 races
Mixed fucking mongrol nigger scum.
That gooky thing you posted is a mixed nigger-asian who will never succeed at anything in life
I fear blacks because in my every day life, I see 0.
I like to keep it that way. If I saw one hes probably homeless or about to mug me. They can stay wherever they come from, but away the fuck from rich white men zones.
There are 2 kinds of racists
>the virgin racist
Shitposts thinking he makes a different
>the chad racist
Has hung niggers from bridges
Which are you?
probaly #3
>troll racist
looking to rumble feathers
She already has done more than you ever will
I bought bitcoin years ago and never sold. Sorry but I'm more successful than that trash from doing nothing
Now he's larping lol
1mil is a small loan you poorfag
Literally everyone on /biz/ is laughing at your meager portfolio right now. Come back when you actually have investments.
And this is only money in bitcoin. Not stocks, 401k or anything else. I took out about 220k already for a down payment of a house. This is just play money to me.
Might have been impressive in the 90s
I'm 20. I dont know anyone my age with more than $20, my friends can't even buy McDonald's and I have my own house. And no debts as I never went to school.
I buried some Sacajawea coins in coffee cans in my back yard..
>never went to school
It shows, and it will continue to show
>implying niggers can afford school
Dont make me laugh. They are just gangbanging with the homies.
That isn’t what I implied at all, but thank you for proving my point.
>It shows, and it will continue to show
this thread is what happens when a season of BB is this bad
dont ever question me again
who /here/ credit score above 700
Jeff is that you?
>what is affirmative action
I'll continue to have a blast being a white man who never has to work because I was smart and you can continue to be a niggerlover living on welfare until a cop shoots you as a favor for all of us to reduce the monkey population
it always gets like this when a season is wrapping up newfag
The worst threads that have ever existed in all /bb/ threads were the twitter postings, social media posters and waifu faggers between bb18 and OTT. This thread is NOTHING compared to that
yeah no see at least the discussion then was still about the HGs and waifus... you guys are now treating this as you fucking facebook blog
this is the person who cast bb19
would you guys fuck Wil?
>meme arrows
>yeah no see at least the discussion then was still about the HGs and waifus
I would take this thread over THAT any day of the week
>using green text
sup newfag
>defending those threads
nobody cares about your fucking credit rating or ratcole
you are the reason this thread blows
here, 823
Post your Youtube Recommended videos, see what kind of people post here
>1st video title
>allowing yourself to be gaslit in the year of our lord 2018
851 or something
pao pao said she brought a vape pen into the house but she never used it or at least never when the feeds were on her. i bet someone could easily sneak a cartridge in that has thc in it.
how would they ever know?
impossible, 850 is max
>using the term incorrectly to make yourself look like a dumbass
I meant 751, my bad
hey i'm a fucking loser
Nice user. I'll get there some day
adam smuggled painkillers in his butt and he didnt get sick all season lol
>Gaslighting can be very insidious the longer it occurs. Initially, you may not realize you’re being affected by it, but gradually you lose trust in your own instincts and perceptions.
over 9000
the most underrated /bb/fu
>stepping into my mist
nothin personnal........ kid
not as embarrassing as I thought it'd be
ay nigga post that sleeping dog vid
I got u senpai
>triggers fold filter
you need to go back
That's interesting to see, thanks for sharing! That Vin Diesel cringe video is top notch.
>One-Eyed Monster
WTF Ellen??
>Eric Andre
Wait so, is there a reason feeds are down? Just regular Friday shenanigans or is it like, down forever now?
unsure.. They've been off for a while tho :(
I love Ellen.
I'm not a girl btw
gone forever
they always go down on eviction days
>is there a reason feeds are down?
I like her too
[spoilers]She gets cute guests that I like[/spoiler]
get out
I love her meem segments
one of my favorite movies this year
only second to I, Tonya
i'm not familiar but i'll look out for it!
Excellent list. Lol I had the same BB8(UK) recommendation
>inb4 phonefag
BBAD is scheduled to air tonight at 10pm BBT and tomorrow at 9pm