>british reality tv
British reality tv
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honestly what's the point?
Why is this news? Isn’t sex supposed to be a private thing people do?
N-not that I don’t know, haha
Yes? What's wrong?
>not watching interracial love island on the BBC channel
brainlet confirmed
>it's a poltard feels insecure over black men and sperges out on the internet episode
Lmao at OP
Why they write the samefucking thing in 3 places?
repetition is key to hypnosis, goy
>the s*n
I bet you're a scrawny nerd. Get fucked
i can't wait to see all the lawsuits against cucks when their wives inevitably get AIDS
This, Fuck niggers, literally.
unlike you, who's jerking off
>the monster munch stained fingers feverishly type how he is the alpha male and the only one who can preserve his culture against those invading moors
>after conquering another post on an korean paper mache board he opens a 2litre bottle of coke and downs it all
>yes I am the savior of Europe
these are based, thanks!
Yeah I'm sure you're really out there in chainmail doing your knightly duties, user de la Mancha
That's a kike on the right, you burger chugging lardass. Had your shithole country not allowed Israel to happen they would only be half as much of a problem
what is it with lefties and niggers?
Lel, be sure to ask Mohammed permission before posting again
What's funny is the man now is taller.
Mohammed is a pedophile
>and it's beautiful
She looks like she fucks black guys
Go back to Stalingrad, Vlad
It's not even on the BBC mungo
hmm, this thread is still up
this window will close in 3 seconds....
My main gripe isn't even that he's black. Who the fuck discloses that?
Another Aryan Goddess submits to the bbc!
Wow you sure made me look foolish
I’m not a retarded idiot screaming “it’s da joos!!!!!” Because of my problems
I realize it’s because of sissified man children who refuse to give up their comfortable little lifestyles to have children and spread their ideals that allows people to become comfortable letting niggers and minorities trample over their country and values
I’m 6’1 and 210 pounds squatting 315 for ten+ reps in the gym right now faggot
Heritage and ancestors are literally Deus Vult LARPers buzzwords and you probably couldn't explain why they're important to you if asked.
>meanwhile, in the den of white nationalists who want to outlaw miscegenation and up the white birth rate
niggers have the biggest cocks so they like them
She isn't white btw.
>I’m 6’1 and 210 pounds squatting 315 for ten+ reps in the gym right now faggot
hahaha and you think some picture of weights is proof of that? It's nice to daydream user.
yeah i'm sure american tv is much different with your glorious 56%
>interracial relationships being depicted on television is jewish propaganda
lmao do you even hear yourself?
>nigger gets the ugliest and trashiest looking white woman
atleast it's accurate, well, would be if she was fat
She looks like one of those desperate roasties you pick up at a bar. And besides, she'll pay the toll eventually, it's inevitable.
You’re right I’m only 206
I’ve been lifting for the past 2 hours so I’ve probably lost water weight but I’m sure you probably think anyone over 50kg is just a barbarian huh? you fucking cuck
This tbqhwy senpai.
Why would a (nominally) Protestant country like UK give a shit about a bunch of idol-worshiping papists like the crusaders anyway?
kek the British genes on that woman
>refugees welcome here
Yeah, in her ass lmao
You think posting a photo of some anonymous gym proves youre right? You're still cleary a moron
Imgine that abomination's parents. Killing that faggot would be a gift.
quintessentially british
That still isn't proof of anything. You could be a fatass for all I care.
Post an actual picture of (you) or GTFO larper
>this angry fat manlet in the gym
get on the treadmill and stop browsing Sup Forums in the gym, fatty
>picture taken from the perspective of someone who's 3'2"
This has to be a /fit/ meme.
wasn't that the woman with weird stomach? [on that naked pic with another white dude]
>ride of valkyries starts playing
>210 pounds
hi fattie
I'm 13'6 800 lbs squatting an F-14 for 20+ reps in a flyover state that I've made my own gym
why are you guys so obsessed with niggers
ITT: Fucking Niggers shouldn't be allowed to use white inventions.
They won’t shut up.
It’s usually a nigger or kike who makes these threads and nobody is smart enough to just ignore it
Here’s my back after hitting some tire pulls you should really go on /fit/ if you want to look at naked men’s bodies faggot
Must suck not having any heritage to be proud of amerimongrel :’)
Watched this with gf last summer. She was the least desirable woman, literally was never asked out on dates. There was a whole plot line round it.
The guys which the girls were creaming themselves over were all white.
Whites just can't stop getting BTFO these days.
What a joke of a race.
The people who are obsessed with black penis in white vagina are actually overwhelmingly white men, although I'll concede that they do like to roleplay as "the black bull btfoing ytboiis" for some strange reason.
I don’t know if you have ever watched these shows but the chicks literally fuck every dude there
>the manlet got so angry he went into the toilet, took his shirt off, and took a picture
keep posting. please
>american reality tv
How can she have sex with a character who's not unlocked yet?
pls add me on kik tomaszn2
need advice on liftin
Meh, I'm disappointed. Why haven't the niggers done to her what they do best? Is she still alive?
>the height of the sinks
Manlet confirmed
Some of us actually have heritage to be proud of Amerifat
If you want to know why that’s important it’s because I respect my country and my ancestors who built it and I’m not gonna trample all over their memory because they fought and died to protect it and died believing that I would protect and I’m not gonna betray their wishes
What a sad waste of air amerimongrels are
Please remove yourself from existence nigger
>Step 1 - Eat well
>Step 2 - lift
>Step 3 - ???
>Step 4 - Profit
It ain't rocket science, you imbecile.
Don’t forget creatine and squat 3x per week
Damn this really triggered some yuropoors
Women need to get their shit together, for real
A cock would be less disgusting than that.
Back to /fit/, manlet
Okay for real guys, how can we even compete?
Why would anyone voluntarily pose for this picture
El Goblino.....
imagine being at such a low point in your life you argue about jews on a tv anime board and so insecure you post pictures of yourself telling anonamous people on the same faggot board that your such a chad