Why did he need the bandage for his nose if he's a Replicant?

Why did he need the bandage for his nose if he's a Replicant?

He's a synthetic you retard, his nose is still real

It's tape, his nose was falling off.

Noses are the only real part of replicants. Something with the limits of artificial dna reconstruction, the can only clone noses from living being. In fact a whole colony is dedicated to that iirc.

Read the book

watch out with the spoilers you fuck

reddit doesn't care as long as it looks cool

>didn't understand a core concept of either film's universe
>calling anyone a redditor that doesn't care about

It's established from the start that he's a replicant you fucking idiot.

Replicants still bleed

If Replicants are “more human than human”, was did Luv drown after thirty seconds, if at all?

Considering humans can't breathe water, if she was 'more human than human', shouldn't she have drowned even faster?

replicant != robot

replicant = biologically recreated human

Is that why he could walk through reinforced concrete?

he was choking and drowning her for like 3 minutes lmao

yes, replicants were originally made to do slave labor.

are you seriously asking why a person would drown if someone was choking them underwater you fucking idiot

it's only truly revealed towards the end

Nigga no

He he needed it why did he take it off? Maybe they just put that on to stop the bleeding.

You're so stupid it's making my head hurt.

I’m asking why an emotionless “””robot””” would not just hold its breath.

Replicants are not emotionless robots. They are just like humans that have been taught to supress their emotions. Like soldiers.

are you autistic

am I being baited or something? him being a Replicate is part of the movie's climax

I'm not either one of those guys, and no, you are sincerely not being baited. I'm serious dude, he's established as a replicant from the start. He wants to find out an answer about himself and what "kind" of replicant he is. You can watch it again.