The oldest swastika are found in Romania and are a few thousand years older than those in India

>the oldest swastika are found in Romania and are a few thousand years older than those in India

Maybe the swastika represents just how our ancestors saw the movement of the pole star

Other urls found in this thread:

>now lemme pick your pockets real quick

Why are you gypsies obsessed with having shiny shoes?

Get educated on the swastika burger.

wow, that explains why Romanians are just like poos

>poos originate in Romania
what else is new

Of course.
It's entirely reasonable to believe that common symbolism exists throughout European culture, especially if it exists in Ancient Hindu religion, because Hinduism itself is part of the Indo European Pantheon.

Further proof that you were Indians way before we sent our untouchables there

Are you literally that stupid?
Our history is older than the civilization in Europe.
Pick up a fucking book and read it instead of holding onto it while Jamal fucks your ass

>swastika = nazism
I though this board was repellent to brainwashed...

what an accomplishment

I wasn't talking about our accomplishment, but we do have many accomplishments both modern and ancient.

So why don't you go raise a black rapefugee child and leave online bantering to me

>but we do have many accomplishments both modern and ancient.


Your act of laughing on a world known fact (even acknowledged by /poltards) is the proof of you capable and ready you are to raise a child of your wife and a rapefugee

makes me smile when i remember that you and your family go to shit on the street


It makes me smile when I think that a shitskin like me is probably raping your mother and daughters in Germany too

Also, here something you can read while waiting for Jamal to be done with your wife's ass


India founded the modern number sxstem.and introduces zero to mathematics.
Thats it.

Lookinf back the last 1000 years what did You guys Do?

Literally this -> Also Leprosy vaccines, Zika vaccines, Finding water on moon, providing cheap generic medicines to the world etc. etc.

Cost of American cancer drug - 75000$
Cost of the same Indian cancer drug - 7000$

You are welcome

The closest thing Europe's got are those cave paintings in France , indian civilizations are or among the earliest , google harapa and mohanjadaro

Hell our religion & country was literally named the now extint indus river , Hindus are the people of the indus.

You know what also lived back then? Monkeys.
Indians are literally subhuman no matter how you twist it.

d'aw poo babby's furst rage post

or maybe..... Hitler is a time traveller!

Keep dreaming fuck boy. Hitler dwell deep into the occult which most of their knowledge comes from the East.

Hitler and his party were obsessed with Indian culture. I know you xenophobic faggots cannot grasp this because you fell for the Muslim obsession with saving pictures of Indians shitting on the street and spamming it here. Deal with it.

It's a musical note, chaps.

If you strike the end of a singing stone with one of these in their prime, you get it to vibrate at a fixed frequency.

Same for the Templar Cross, which is Cmaj in fact.

The only thing more embarrassing are the people who can't understand satire.

Says the cuck who stays in his basement while his women open their legs to get raped by foreigners.

The very word "Aryan" comes from India. Hitler and the Thule Society/NSDAP were Indianboos. Deal with it.

>has a entire porn industry about poop
>calls other subhuman

>once history is written down in a book, that's it, that's the 100% truth, no future evidence refuting what was written down could ever present itself

Poo for brains.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Still to this day you haven't invented civilization.

The Hindu Scriptures dates back the Indian Civilization to 10,000 years. Archaeological evidences(lost city of Dwarka) suggests cities were seen in the Indian subcontinent in 10,000 BC itself.

lol @ calling an ancient race "subhuman". Your failed movement of the 1930s would not come to fruition if it were not for Vedic knowledge and texts.

>le poo in the loo meme xD

"satire" made by a repulsing internet asspie isn't satire. Its just retard writing unfunny shit on internet. You gotta have understanding of human relations and sense of humour to succeed in satire, spouting meme words and being overtly interested in tanks, weapons and uniforms kinda kill any sense humour you may have

Swastika was ancient pic related. Just a cool thing you can doodle on a rock.

t. pajeet

do you want me to call chimpanzees masterraces too?

>do you want me to call chimpanzees masterraces too?

No, but you should call your Jewish overlords the master race, cuck boy.

Bow down to the real master race.

The origin of the holy Romanians:

As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.

Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't leave space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.

Source: Gesta Romanorum

This is proof that gypsies originally came from Romania then migrated to India.

Dude you do know that gypsys are originaly indians that where kicked out right?

So your basicaly admitting that Romania founded india.