Waco Miniseries

Anyone been keeping up with this show?

It's actually pretty good, and doesn't demonize the Branch Davidians.

Fuckin' FBI murdered those people, and it surprised me that the show would portray it as fairly as it was portrayed. Acting is good, and the production values are pretty fuckin' good too.

No one seems to be talking about it.

Anyone else seen it?

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Very good show, too bad its not realy popular.

Loved all episodes and the end of episode 5 was realy cool, i hope they will release their version of "i still believe".

>It's actually pretty good, and doesn't demonize the Branch Davidians.

but it should, the guy was a pedo and a nutjob that considered himself the messiah and convinced a bunch of loonies that were probably even crazier than him to allow him to impregnate their wives

they were all crazy.

Remus thinks there's still room for more Boardwalk Empire actors.

>doesn't demonize the Branch Davidians

David lost all sympathy when he drank the baby's milk. Why did he drink the milk?

>dey wer all crazy so it's okay for da fbi and da atf to burn children and pregnant women alive

i guess you can't read, because i didn't say any of that. the atf and fbi were also scumbags. but them being scumbags doesn't change the fact those people were all completely crazy

Taylor Kitsch is lucky it's a miniseries, otherwise the kitsch curse would have cancelled it.

Short is good. Do you know the shortest verse in the Bible?

Yes, I do. It's 'Jeeze, I swept.'

I know, right?

That scene was fuckin' badass.

Fighting the man with the power of rock.

jesus fapped

Who's to say what percentage of those claims are just smear tactics designed to justify the government's slaughter of innocent women and children?

Government murdered those people.

So what if they believed differently from people. We don't go in and slaughter the fuckin' Mormons for believing in their modern day prophets.

The government cut the power, and the milk was going to go bad anyway.

>So what if they believed differently from people

so do you use this to defend muslim behavior as well?

>tfw went to school on property they used to own
>Couldnt tear down some of their shit because it was religiously protected/significant
>Had their doomsday analog clock mosaic in the center of our library
>Davidians still stopped by there every once in awhile
They are just weirdos but Waco has a lot of cults that just want to get a long and actually do a lot of work. Overly demonized tbqh

Pic related is the clock
They thought the world ends at about this time but with no date to tell exactly when

That's bullshit.

The Branch Davidians were Christians. They might have been a bit out there, but the government overstated a lot of things, and outright lied about others. The survivors were coached to say what they said.

They had guns, yes. They were Texans! They had a right to bear arms!

The government conducted a military campaign against US citizens, and murdered tons of people to show that they had the might, and that might makes right.

They had a right to believe what they believed.

Interesting..the way I see it is if they don't bother anyone they're fine by my book. They're not like that cult that gassed a subway in Tokyo.

haven't had cable in 10 years

wtf is the paramount network?

Bretty gud show but they are glossing over the fact that Koresh raped kids as young as 13-14.

It's the old spike network.

t. ATF

they were a bunch of white trash garbage that stockpiled guns for doomsday and their leader was fucking 12 year olds.

i'm guessing you're either a gun nut or you're a texan. those are only types of people that defend these retards.

>13-14 year olds

If Waco pissed you off then don't read about Ruby Ridge

The ATF and FBI are wholly to blame for mishandling the entire situation but it's not like Koresh and his followers were saints who they decided to raid for no reason.

Koresh literally went into town every weekend and most of his followers had regular jobs
They could have arrested him in town or done anything differently than approaching in military vehicles in the manner exactly like how they thought the apocalypse was going to happen
Their info was bad and shit and they handled it miserably

>if they don't bother anyone they're fine by my book
that's the same type of logic that has allowed the mormons to basically take over utah

They fucking founded it
They are huge cunts but you can't take over what you made

Then don't move to utah.

feels too rushed, like they went straight to the meat, of what we all know about, no real before waco moments

>the government fucking up massively in an insane way resulting in a lot of deaths including children is fine because I didn't like them
Shut the fuck up

bet you don't get sad when a black guy gets killed by police lol

seriously dont care what happens to trash

you mean the age were female are still pure, and not yet whores?

It's not illegal to be crazy or believe in crazy shit, see Scientology. Having children with a minor is. None of the followers did anything illegal. That being said the ATF swooped in with zero evidence and murdered innocent people. They circumvented due process and just went full Rambo. This was a massive government overreach and did nothing but turn more people against the government and they are justified in that sentiment.

the atf believed they were modifying guns and that got them a warrant. no one knows how the initial gun battle was started. no one knows how the fires were started. anyone saying otherwise is just picking a side.

>David Koresh was an abusive, unstable scumbag who deserved what he got but that doesn't mean all of his people deserved what they got, especially the children
>the government had legitimate reason to move on the Davidians but that doesn't mean they weren't incompetent fuckups and that the superiors in that operation aren't guilty of manslaughter for how things turned out

This isn't that hard to understand anons. It's just like how both Goerge Zimmerman and Treyvon Martin were idiots that were partly responsible for what happened between them.

That scene was unironically kino.

they had a chance to leave many times, they chose to stay. oh well?

"jeezie pete!"

So because they didn't want to leave they deserved to die? The Atf could have picked Koresh up in town at any time and avoided this whole thing but they wanted to wave their dick around.

If the black legit dindu nuffin it would be something to be upset over

they chose to stay...that's on them. every kid who died was the result of their parents being idiots.

>Just come out to the armed men who look exactly what you imagine the apocalypse might look like who have also shot some of you

yes when i think apocalypse i think atf boogey men with rifles

That scene was fuckin' badass.

this is the key point. the local cops knew koresh and were on first name basis with many of the people. they could have easily handled it differently.
also the feds motives were all over the map, at one point they claimed the davidians were manufacturing drugs, then they had the child molestation angle.
the icing on the cake for me was the entire congress standing and applauding after the compound had been burned.

>literally blaming the victim

Feds murdered, not killed, the people at WACO

they were a victim of their own stupidity

Thats a pretty rough way to talk about the holocaust user

After Ruby Ridge, yeah. I would think that.

It was a huge power trip to all involved

muh ruby ridge. the guy didn't show up for court, that's also on him.

The only thing Mcveigh did wrong was not go far enough

The ATF never has any nefarious motives


fake news

The CIA destabilizing countries or aiding Columbia cartels is also fake news I bet.

Link to the thing about congress?

the cia doesn't exist so yes its all fake news

Zimmerman did nothing wrong you retarded faggot

Neither did Koresh. The Government spun so many lies to cover up the truth, and to cover up the extent of the blood bath.


Michael Shannon is very cute in this show

>Government murdered a bunch of women and children

>Janet Reno knows what to do

>Claim they burnt them alive to save them!

Michael Shannon is a two faced government stooge in this show.

How about when the ATF raised their flag above the compound when they finished burning the place down and killing all those people?