Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing

>Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing.
is he right?

sure being alone most of the time is very damaging to your mental health

I don't understand this meme.

kek. He looks like the pic of that kid with the oblong, penis shaped head.

He's talking about homosexuality

Past what age?

yes except it's far worse for women since a man can still have kids way later in life

>being a man without my own lawn

>I don't understand this meme.

The scene is meant to show what a hypocrite the character is. He's attempting to portray himself as a good family man while being a philanderer. The meme is taking that quote out of context and dicking with virginal shut ins who are adult and alone.

He's right and wrong. Right that as you grow older alone, you're more likely to die alone/go batty.

At the same time he's wrong because even though he has a good wife (who he pushed away to the point she had to do something horrible), good kids, and a lovely home, he's still an asshole possessed by ungovernable rage and has a problem with keeping his dick in his pants.

>past a certain number, a thread becomes a bot thread

is he right? probably.

I'm 27 and never even had a gf or sex.

Sure. People need to be bind to their morality and often times it come in the guise of restraints. The restraint preventing them from unbinding is either family, that lone friend, or even a pet. Severe that binding and all a person is or will become, a shadow that walk by your side that were waiting to consume you. You'll become that darkness held within the cauldron of your hearts verboten desires.

god i hope this happens to me

>past a certain age. a man without a lawnmower can be a bad thing


>Past a certain age, a man without a lawn, can be a bad thing.

what did he mean by this?

I feel like half of the time this is posted it's trying to get someone to post Mammarios since this is the scene that precedes it. someone post Mammarios



Will I EVER have a girlfriend?

>redditors will shitpost instead of discussing this kino

Are you seriously soliciting dating advice in this forever alone nest of vipers?

You need to be past a 'certain age'

>good kids, and a lovely home
I don't remember him having any kids, and didn't he live in a trailer?


bruth these threads are based on shitposts.

is that a pic from the set of wolf of wall street?

what if i told you i've been making these threads for years? initially it was intended to shitpost about wizards and people on this board who will inevitably become 30+ without families. Some discussion about the series is great. It's Kino.

damn, toby looks really special

I sure hope not.

No. That's literally just a pic of his life. Notice Tobey's there as well.

100%. If you don't know what he means, then you haven't met the type of people that he's talking about. 40 and 50something year old men that are just weird, no one likes, and makes everyone uncomfortable


>makes everyone uncomfortable

It's nice that Leo and Tugboat still hang out together

look how tobey is so comfortable around white people.

Can we make it work even with distance?

I do know those people but they shouldn't have families because their kids would be insane.


I could say a joke to a waitress and it would be totally cool, but if he said it it would come off as really creepy. It's hard to explain, but if you ever meet one, you'll know what I mean. The way that he talks, acts, and holds himself is just strange.

most terrorists/criminals/drug dealers who are responsible for the vast majority of death and destruction in any nation/society are married men with kids

you just notice them more when they lack them

Why would you even post this. You didn't even watch the show.


>The way that he talks, acts, and holds himself is just strange.
My fathers godfather is a man without family (84) but he's extremely catholic.

>He looks like the pic of that kid with the oblong, penis shaped head.


God they all so fucking fried

Being single only works if you're Leo or a Hollywood A-list. Remember the alimony.

That's why the quote is "can be a bad thing" and isn't "a bad thing". Not all men without families are who he is talking about, heck most aren't, but all of those men are without families, and society would be much better if they buggered off.

no, because that line was clearly psychological projection, because he's putting a lot of importance on his family, you know the one he's shit at being good too.

>all of those men are without families, and society would be much better if they buggered off.
but why? they dont do much. basically live their own life without interacting with others.

>"A man with a family can be a bad thing"

who would win

Problem is they need to have jobs, and all their coworkers, clients/customers (if they have them) suffer. I used to work with a man like this, hell I might again in the future, and he would make everyone he worked with miserable.

Aziz easily. Massive natural advantage being a male that cannot be outdone by 3 out of shape women.

>he would make everyone he worked with miserable.
in what way?

>talked about stupid shit no one else cared about
>acted as if we were his friends
>stared at women for very long periods of time - which I think he was unaware of
>bad hygeine
I'm sure you went to school with someone that everything fucking hated, so you can probably fill in some of the blanks - and if you didn't, sorry that you were "that guy"

>>acted as if we were his friends
this is kind of slippery slope

I wish I had the pic but it was commonly posted as a "rate me" thread and it was a dude with a really long face and oblong head wearing the same type of expression as Woody...

>can be a bad thing.

CAN be, it usually isn't

It's an easy thing to understand. He holds an opinion reflective of the way things "Should be." However, he manages to get into plenty of trouble as a man WITH a family. He's a hypocrite.

Yes, but it doesn't negate or excuse family men as they too can harbor bad secrets