*steps on you're waifu*

*steps on you're waifu*

I thought that was the wacky chick from NCIS at first, but then I remembered she's like 50 now.

I just want her to crush my balls

But Luv, you're my waifu


But... She's my waifu




fucking man jawed tranny bitch

Women with strong jaws are hot

fuck thats so fucking sad :(

as a man that loves computers this really resonated with me

she is a qt i agree




*drowns your waifu*

Damm, can't believe I could drop her as fast as I'm dropping here right now.

K is truly JUST: the character

based cat poster

based based cat poster poster

They couldn't have made it more obvious that Joi was a computer, yet I still feel

How did she switch herself on? HUGE plothole right here.

Why is she stepping on herself?

maybe it went on when it fell out of his pocket

She had always had the ability to do this, plus she was already on before the strike happened, examining things



Why didn’t Denis have her get a pedicure instead of a manicure? Is he truly a dishonest hack?



Footfags need to be gassed


Can anyone explain why Luv was crying there?

She's angry that the child was killed

So it's like rage tears, not sad tears?

I don't think she actually enjoys hurting people, but she is programmed to obey Wallace and do as she is told, this probably leads to an internal conflict.


She's sad that Madam was killed.

>I hope you are satisfied with our product

yfw you realise this applies to both Joi and K

I just want her to be all tender and gentle and loving with me but backhand smash the neck of anyone who fucks with me.

That's just cold.

Probably a mix. She's failed her mission to bring back the child to her boss, whose love she desires and who she wants to satisfy. Also maybe it's because replicants are not supposed to kill people and she has to struggle to ovecome her programming (but then again she kills that police dude without flinchng when stealing the bones). Also maybe she had some interest in the child existing in a similar way the resistance dudes did, like a true miracle that would elevate her race and give them a soul.

also to herself

I really wanted her an K to hook up in the end. They make a cute couple.


i need a br rom-com

how to make Sup Forums better:

permaban all footfags and all those


reply baiters




Who would win in a fight? They're both Southern Dutch hillbillies.

Luv easily

is there an actual stereotype like that about southern dutch people? is it similar to the stereotypes about US southerners?

Absolutely. The Netherlands is a tiny country but they have a whole bunch of distinct cultural groups divided by region. Southerners talk weird, generally have had little education, and are more likely to be criminals. Their weird way of speaking is what they're most infamous for.
Deep southern food from the area Stefanie is from is nice, though.

>tfw no southern Dutch hillbilly gf

pls don't


>his smile and waifu... gone


shes incredibly emotionally scarred from being essentially forced to do many horrible things. Now she thinks the only hope of her race being able to ever reproduce has been killed because of this human thinking so small.


This is upside down

I wish she would step on my testicles tbph.

haha, joke's on you friend; her transsexual qualities only make me more attracted to her.

you have completely misinterpreted both the rule and the spirit of Gooseposting.




homosexual detected.


>[crushing sound]

That was my heart being squished.

what does dutch pussy smell like

this pshyco bitch must've know she's the worst girl

salty bags of guilders


Goose is best girl

which kino is this from?

>tfw more than one waifu

Total Recall



Did his balls explode?

>imagine being this much of a newfaggot
he spilled his spaghetti.

>So did they ever explain if replicants like her were just raised evil or was she born with that personality?

I would have swore to God this was the Zoltan worshipper from Dude Wheres My Car?

this is why you always have to separate art from the artist

I now know why eurocucks here always spam the 56% maymay, it's because their nations will be less than 56% white thanks to all their women wanting black or brown babies

What legacy? I mean shit even if you think Zimmerman was a psycho that capped somebody for no reason, what the fuck did Trayvon actually do in life that was admirable and noteworthy?

>what the fuck did Trayvon actually do in life that was admirable and noteworthy?
he was black in amerikkka

It's moms spaghetti, now back to r.eddit with you


she's on a big boy

I think it's bullshit but I want to believe it's not

Name one actress who is having a good career and doesn't spout liberal bullshit. Also this


It’s big nigga season

This only makes her more attractive tbqh.
