I’ll start:
>me: Interstellar
>dad: Raiders of the Lost Ark
>mom: Titanic
>gf: The Iron Giant
ITT: Your favorite movie, your parents’ favorite movie, & your gf’s favorite movie
I don't like you, your parents, OR your gf.
congrats user, both your parents and your gf have better taste than you. how does it feel to be such a pleb?
me: 2001
dad: Return of the Jedi
mom: Casablanca
gf: Frozen
>me: l'ascension du chevalier noir
>dad: द डार्क नाईट राइसेस
>mom: Vitez tame: Povratak
>gf: ദ ഡാർക്ക് നൈറ്റ് റൈസസ്
>me: Waking Life
>dad: Blade Runner
>mom: Lady Bird
>gf: It Follows
Me: Gladiator
Dad: To Kill a Mockingbird
Mom: Doesn't like movies. She's probably just go with my dad's choice.
gf: lol
How the fuck can Interstellar be your favorite movie?
That's like having royalty-free music be your favorite album.
me: the spirit of the beehive
dad: seinfeld
mom: Three Colors trilogy
gf: Natvris khe (the wishing tree)
Pretty good taste considering
>dad: seinfeld
nice life, user
me: Pulp Fiction
dad: North by Northwest
mom: Titanic
(ex) gf: no idea, probably Love Actually or some shit
>me: Sicario
>dad: he has zero taste in movies, will watch literally anything that has guns, especially if made before 1970
>mom: Grand Canyon
>exgf: The Life of David Gale
Mom and gf : Black panther
what to do bros??
Your gf’s a poo?
Me: Nightcrawler
Dad: The Godfather
Mom: Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
gf: >gf
no shes from Georgia ( the country)
we're all european
Me: Gladiator
Dad: Blade Runner
Mom: Paycheck
gf: Moana
What is your opinion on the recent exploits of Saakashvili?
Patrician Disney choice senpai
You're not Europian. Fuck of to your mountains fucker
I have none, not very involved in politics. I'm Norwegian, not Georgian.
Me: Blue Velvet
Dad: Saving Private Ryan
Mom: Doesn't really care for movies.
Gf: Says she doesn't have one, but it's pretty clearly basically the entire LotR trilogy.
me: Apocalypse Now
dad: Fellowship of the Ring
mom: i dunno
bf: Crank High Voltage
>me: the notebook
>boyfriend: Shawshank redemption
>dad: alien
>mom: taxi driver
>sister 1: the notebook
>sister 2: gangster squad
>sister 3: crazy stupid love
Nah. Something like The Black Cauldron, Treasure Planet or The Great Mouse Detective would be real patrician Disney choices.
fag or gril?
Green Room
Mission Impossible 2
Anything with 90s Kate Hudson
Probably a fag.
A woman couldn't understand Apocalypse Now.
Millenials fuck off. This is a Gen Z board.
t. underage babby with no taste
Take a guess
>green room
>me: manchester by the sea
>dad: lawrence of arabia
>mom: titanic
>gf: grease lightning
Your parents both have better taste than you.
Green Room is a shitty film with ugly visuals and idiotic characters.
dad: one flew over the cuckoos nest
mom: probably some sandra bullock or julia roberts flick
sister: titanic
gf: arrival/BR 2049 (before she dated me: blue is the warmest color)
me: the vvitch
>Me: Watchmen
>Mom: Awakenings
>Dad: 5th Element (or Nell, i'm never quite sure)
>Sister: Harry Potter saga I guess, something like that.
>No gf, so latest ex: Memoirs of a Geisha
>Me: Interstellar
>Dad: I don't think he's ever seen a movie
>Mom: Iron Man
>GF: She died but her favorite was Into the Blue
My sisters and I will literally marathon Ryan. We call it Rainy Ryan Day. If there’s nothing going on and the weather is bad we’ll all go to one sisters place and marathon his movies. I won’t lie, it’s pathetic.
>before she dated me: blue is the warmest color
Marry her, user
>Blue Velvet
I want to kiss you
So you made your GF like movies for neckbearded manchildren? She had great taste before.
Me: Star Wars
Dad: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Mom: Korean Dramas
Wife: "Mecтo вcтpeчи измeнить
>She died
She even looks a lot like Anya Taylor Joy (im not providing pics im not stupid). Dating 3 years now, shits good.
The Big Sleep
You've Got Mail
The Neverending Story
Is your wife a gommie?
Me: 2001
Dad: raiders of the lost ark
Mom: time bandits
Gf: The hitchiker's guide to the galaxy
No I just took her to the theater with me. She also really liked phantom thread and shape of water.
Ha! Uzbek.
>Me: The World of Kanako
>Mom: Pulp Fiction
>Dad: Apocalypse Now
>Sister: Fight Club
no gf lol
Me: Shaun of the Dead
Mom: Pride and Prejudice
Dad: Anything with violence and Jason Stathem
GF: Heavy Metal or Point Break
>Heavy Metal
You HAVE to marry her.
>Me: Empire Strikes Back
>Dad: Gladiator
>Mom: Last of the Mohicans or House of Sand and Fog
>gf: Fight Club
Me: Alien
Dad: no clue
Mom: The Shining
Gf: haha
Some of my best memories from my childhood is watching horror films with my mom. Good times.
Your mom is the only one with any semblance of taste.
Me: pic related (go watch it it's a fucking masterpiece)
Dad: blade runner
Mum: million dollar baby
Gf (well, girl I've fucked most recently and have had like two dates with): the guest
>watching horror films with mom
ma nigger
comfy af
Dad: Sopranos
Mom: FOX News
Girlfriend: NGE
>The Guest
Don't start dating a pleb like that. Taste that shitty is quirte rare.
It's the response I usually get. Empire is a damn good sci-fi movie, people just don't look passed the Star Wars part of it.
yikes, are you some self-hating american? No really, where are you from? (besides Sup Forums)
>Dude my favorite film is an anime series LMAO
It's not sci-fi, it's fantasy with a space backdrop.
There are very little actual sci-fi elements in classic Star Wars.
>Empire is a damn good sci-fi movie
lol no its barely a sfi-fi movie to begin iwth its just set in space
literaly could have been nazis
besides its kinda shit
so you're indian?
you know the series ends with a full length movie right?
>Going through the effort of taking and sending this pic because of some retard.
>that skin color
>la creatura...
Go back to whatever shithole country you crawlef out of, you’re not Nrowegian
I know. I've seen it. There are 4 EVA movies tho.
Six by this time next year
>Six by this time next year
You're too optimistic.
>me: The Last Samurai
>dad: can't tell, died
>mom: The Thorn Birds (miniseries, but only 4 episodes so it should count)
>gf: Trainspotting
>I hate fun
the guest is flawed, yes, but great nonetheless
Nah, Moana is better than that shit, and I own all of them
just seen the original series and movie
are the new ones any good?
>muh fun
That says absolutely nothing about the movie itself. Anything can be "fun" if you're in the right mindset.
My dad works for Gainax. You didn’t hear it from me, but they’re in post-production right now. Surprise release scheduled for fourth quarter.
1.0 is just a retelling of the series' beginning episodes.
2.0 is good.
3.0 is irredeemable shit.
>me: Apocalypse Now
>dad: Absence of Malice
>mom: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
>gf: A Beautiful Mind
One does not belong.
>seven samurai/big trouble in little China
>Schindlers list
(Ex :'( )gf
>hot fuzz
My dad is some kind of weird proto-weeb, like not in an anime sense but in a
>lived in nipland for three years as a young man for work, speaks fluent Japanese, collects jap pottery and is obsessed with old school movies and the history and culture
Sort of way, which is better (I guess?) and rubbed off on me somewhat
My dad is also a proto weeb. He raised me on Akira Kurosawa films and lectures about the samurai. He gave me a copy of the Hagakure to read when I was young and every time he wanted to encourage me or praise me for being a good kid he said I was acting like a samurai or a good German soldier
That's amazing. My sister and I do the same thing but for home alone. I like the Ryan idea.
>me: Robocop
>dad: star wars or the avengers
>mom: some 50s musical trash
o shit am I an edgy fag for liking Saulnier's last efforts?
Is that why he's doing True Detective?
>me: original texas chainsaw massacre
>dad: deer hunter
>mom: its a wonderful life
>gf: the boondock saints
>o shit am I an edgy fag for liking Saulnier's last efforts?
>Is that why he's doing True Detective?
He'll ruin it. But then again season 2 sucked as well.
>S2 was bad meme
>he didn't watch it
It is bad and I watched it, though.
fuck you OP
do you think anne shat in that spacesuit? she would have to right?
me: Big Hero 6
Dad: The French Connection
Mom: Men in Black
I mean maybe, but I think the guest is fun cos
>mc (dan Stevens) guves a perfect just slightly hammed up psycho performance
>the script is mostly hilarious while still being somewhat subtle
>the art direction and cinematography is great for 80% of scenes
>tension isn't overplayed, and it's always broken by really impactful and meaty moments (when the bullies hit the boy, when the ex bf gets slammed, the whole bar scene with the fireball etc) like idk if I described that right but there's just something really nice and weighty about how it was directed
>the soundtrack
>maika monroe a cute
I know there are some weirdly written, out of place scenes and the plot is retarded for the whole last third of it, but I enjoy it more as a series of awesome pastiches than a whole story. Also 80s b movie nostalgia just gets me, idk man