Are you smarter than J-Law?

Are you smarter than J-Law?

>“I dropped out of middle school,” the “Red Sparrow” star, 27, revealed to “60 Minutes” in a segment airing Sunday. “I don’t technically have a GED or a diploma. I am self-educated.”

>She explained, “I struggled through school. I never felt very smart. And when I’m reading the script and I feel like I know exactly what it would look like if somebody felt that way, that was a whole part of my brain that I didn’t even know existed, something I could be confident in, and I didn’t want to let it go.”

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>self educated

>middle-school dropout
Oh, it shows.

Even if it's true why would you admit to this?

She literally can't do higher math than long division

This partially explains why when she talks she seems borderline retarded. She has to be one of the dumbest starlets in years. Its painful to see interviews with her.

She's still trying to play the "oh gosh she's just like us!" card. Even though there aren't very many middle-school dropouts from buttfuck kentucky who go on to become multi-millionaires.

I forgot how to do long division but I can still do algebra & factoring if you forced me to

>american education

At least she has a nice butthole. Like, a really, really nice butthole. You can see her really, really nice butthole in a high resolution, too. You'll agree with me that it's a nice butthole.

The point of getting an education is to get a job that pays well. If you can get a job that pays well w/o education, in the arts, then why even bother?

Did she really deserve an Oscar for Sliver Lining Playbook?

Why do people listen to a middle school dropout whore who plays pretend for a living?

This explains a lot.

Shhh, you'll make the people who paid thousands of dollars to listen to old guys read off powerpoint mad.

>Going to school makes you smart

>Education bad
>Money good

>The point of getting an education is to get a job that pays well.

That's not supposed to be the point of getting an education, even if it can seem that way. That said I learned almost nothing of value past 9th grade.

who's dumber, her or Daisy Ridley?

>listening to old fuck read off powerpoint

>getting mad at people who beat the system

Because the people who do listen to her don't exactly have much more of a education themselves. They just follow whatever people say in a position of power, even if that power is entertainment.
True, it wont inherently do so, but it can fucking help you mong. Thats why it was phrased as "partially".

>american education

>The point of getting an education is to get a job that pays well

yes, that is definitely the bedrock of western civilization and not a recent corruption

education wise past 9th grade is a waste of time unless you plan on going to college. obviously you still need to finish school to get your diploma but your have already learned 95% of your basic shit. Socially its still very important

how do you even fuck up in middle school

>muh """education""" is only available for a cheap price of $49,999 a year
i hope that piece of paper is worth it my dude.

Daisy Ridley easily. Jennifer seems borderline, but Daisy honest to god comes off as high functioning retardation, like she NEEDS help to complete some tasks like paying bills and such. The fact that she was convinced to do porn is just fucking wrong.

the average Sup Forums poster is smarter than the top 90 percentile hollywood A-lister, so yeah, probably

>drop out of middle school
>nudes leak on Sup Forums of all places
how much more can she take?

I see this point, education is not necessarily good especially if heavy politicized or just of a bad quality. And there are out there genuinely smart and knowledgeable people with no official papers.
Nonetheless, albeit there is or should be a correlation, education should be more than just the money you have access to.
Culture should have a value by itself, and being a responsible citizen should be partially associated to knowing what happened in the past, have a grasp on numbers and logic, and so on.

>*reads off powerpoint*

That'll be ten thousand dollars.

you putting an equivalence between extraordinary individuals who helped build western civilization and someone who didn't need to go to high school not going to high school is mindbogglingly stupid

what good would she have done society if she graduated high school, college? grad school? another retarded sub 100 IQ psychologist? a barrista with an art history degree?

>The fact that she was convinced to do porn
is this a joke about those fake videos, right

Poor dumbo daisy doesn't even understand the movies she stars in.

>The fact that she was convinced to do porn is just fucking wrong.

The real question of "who's dumber":
Hannah Hays
Jennifer Lawrence?

Remember one of them at least graduated high school

All she is playing is the "I am dumb blond bimbo who made it on looks and lips" card

she doesn't have to be smart, men wanna fuck her that's why she has a career

Meanwhile Natalie Hershlag is a Harvard graduate !


Lot's of actors and actresses leave school to pursue acting, you don't need a lot of traditional educating to act. That said, if you're trying to become a political commentator and activist, *then* you should be ridiculed for bailing on a basic education.

I mean fuck dude, the girl has brain damage from a car wreck.
She has talked about the porn producers do her bills and taxes for her because she cant. She talks like a 8 year old on twitter.

How in god's name can she expect us to take her opinions seriously?

>Daisy Ridley was convinced to do porn

>part of her brain only works for acting

I now see JLaw as a complete retard who just drools in a corner until given a script.

>"going in to politics"
>highest education attended is middle school


the point of education is to elevate your own mind so you aren't a fucking shaved monkey

if she had been forced to read some books, practice critical thinking and argumentation maybe she wouldnt be so braindead and could contribute to society more than just her tits

I think you're talking about Hannah Hays. Daisy Ridley is the big-forehead girl from the new Star Wars movies

>She has talked about the porn producers do her bills and taxes for her because she cant. She talks like a 8 year old on twitter.

wtf you talking about user

>is a Harvard graduate !
that means very little these days.

m8, i cant even multiply after 12.

How many Harvard degrees do you have, user?

That's Hannah Hays you dip.

Also it's fucking sad. What happened to her parents?

Incredible stuff.


May I see them?

memes truly have surpassed reality in the last 2 years

we are entering a new era

I have an uncle who is "self educated". He says that studying for diploma is bad and you should only study for knowledge.

He is also schizophrenic and claims to have a PhD in everything that is relevant to discussion he is having at the moment

What you want this to mean is that she isn’t very intelligent. What I infer this to mean is that she has a very adept EQ, empathy, and right brain function. The past century has set the standard of quality for one’s life to be directly related to their ability to be a knowledge worker, a left brained thinker with high IQ. What’s happened in the past 40 years that’s taken us from the Information Age into the Conceptual Age are three things: abundance, Asia, and automation. Having a surplus of goods in the West made people value quality of things over quantity and value emotional resonance in products in addition to functionality. Outsourcing of knowledge worker jobs to India, China, and other countries where people work for way less has made knowledge workers need to augment their intelligence work with emotional work. Automation of factory jobs continues to be a hot issue today. Basically if someone in another country or a computer can do the job you’ve trained for stateside equally as well or better you’re in deep shit. Jennifer Lawrence is not and will never be in this predicament and that’s why y’all salty af.


my jobs never going obsolete and JL is a terrible actor compared to say, Meryl Streep at 27

"honorary" graduate

>Jennifer Lawrence is not and will never be in this predicament

You say this like she won't be replaced by some other young blonde with a shapely bosom as soon as she ceases to be useful

Don't you mean (((honorary))) ^_^

>How many Harvard degrees do you have, user?
I went to Oxford, but that is not much better

I somewhat agree with this. My friend dropped out of college because he was on the ground floor of transportation firm and he now earns 90 grand a year. It doesn't mean that anyone who drops out will be success (like a lot of drop outs believe) but if someone has an opportunity to earn a lot of money,college is overrated.

Go to bed Malick

Is there any actual evidence that critical thinking and argumentation can be taught and can be applied practically? It seems people may learn general thinking principles, and then either forget about it or are unable to practically apply it.

And some of the most destructive people in society have been forced to read books and have tried to contribute. At least being an entertainer is something she has been proven to do successfully as opposed to thinking that you know something just because you read a few books.


>middle school drop out wants to get into politics and preach morals and ethics
Democracy was a mistake

Yeah,he is based until the moment he tries to debate you. His main tactic is "I am older than you and thus I am smarter than you and how the hell could you know I finished (astrophysics,law,theology,medicine etc) because that happened before you were born!"

Don't play your Heideggerian games with me, Terry

Judging from the fappening leaks, she wasn't very smart to begin with

Don't work nights then

Wasn't Catherine Zeta-Jones too?
Actresses don't get anywhere for being smart.

They needed Harvey Weinstein

so the correlation between development and education level in a country just happens to be circumstantial?

REMINDER: A woman doesn't need an education and can easily leap social ranks regardless of her background

You, as a male, have to connive and accrue years of experience to make it to the upper class and you'll only be there at the end of your life.

You will NEVER experience the amount of social freedom a woman has. You will NEVER wait tables one year and have a cocaine party with politicians in the next year.

Because he is actually smart and didn't get to where he got by being good looking.
His only mistake was underestimating feminism

Who gives a shit about "smart"? She has success. I am "smarter" but nowhere near as successful. Being smart is not enough.


>You, as a male, have to connive and accrue years of experience to make it to the upper class and you'll only be there at the end of your life.
This entire post is literally, L I T E R A L L Y why women will NEVER be able to understand Barry Lyndon

Why would a woman need higher education?

I have no idea why Sup Forums is up in arms. Most women just attach themselves to a man and use him to leapfrog to whereever they want to be.

>Implying you can work your way in to the upper class
Lottery economics user. Work all day and all night but if your number isn't called you get jack shit.

I'm a high school dropout and I taught myself Spanish, some math, some science, and I read regularly. I'm more familiar with the Western literary canon than many college graduates. It's possible to have no formal education and still be relatively well-informed. Not saying that she is, but it is possible.

How much education do you really need to suck Weinstein's dick though?

>didn't get to where he got by being good looking
Yeah, and it took him 40 years just to get there. She got to the same level (Harvey's wife is another example) in her 20s.

Men have the struggle, crawl, and backstab their way up social ladders and even then they only make it when they are old men (i.e. Harvey in his prime). A retarded actress dropout at the age of 18 (or younger) lived in the same rung as that man who wasted 4 decades of his life

You will never experience that amount of freedom.

And yet more women are getting degrees than men right now.

Depends how you define education. Obviously there needs to be some expertise to create development, but a formal educational schooling system is usually created after development has already been created through people applying expertise in a small field. Being capable of productivity in a insulated domain which causes development isn't the same as general "critical thinking skills", which seems like an obscure and unverifiable measurement.

No wonder she sounds like an idiot when talking about politics

I hope that user was kidding on that part, but there is a new app going around where it analyzes the face of people and swap it unto another. It's called Deepfakes.

Notice how you mysteriously opted not to say what those degrees were in, my female compadra.

Really makes us think.

>middle school dropout
this explains everything

I self-taught four languages and every computer skill I have. With such an easy access to information like today, a formal education is only good for pedigree.

Codemonkeys are not knowledge or intelligence based

This right here. Unlike actors who can go onto a long career, actresses aren't as fortunate. Unless they can snag an Oscar or really outstanding role, they'll start off as the hot new actress and then eventually will get roles like the evil queen or high witch who will be pitted against the new hot young starlet and lose to them on screen. Even when the male actor is passing the torch it's usually done in a friendly manner.

she does contribute to society, moreso than any shrink, art history, english major right now.

Her name attached to a movie guarantees that it goes into production, thus enabling the employment of THOUSANDS of people. Her contributions to society, American culture, can't be replicated by some monkey with a STEM degree.


>“I don’t technically have a GED or a diploma. I am self-educated.”