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Sup Forums said this movie would fail
I'm not a fan of any capeshit, but I knew it wasn't going to fail. Hollywood exec kikes have greatly refined the socjus marketing techniques since the Ghostbusters reboot.
Is anyone actually shocked that BP is doing well? I doubt it.
This movie must be really important to you OP.
Nobody cares anymore, past this stage, it is old news. Heck it could earn a billion
Please find some new way of annoying people here
>i-i’m not shocked
fuck off you virginitic Sup Forums-cuck you got BTFO
Justice League made more
Only a Virgin would try to use it as an insult towards others.
>Black Panther was supposed to fail
>The Last Jedi was supposed to fail
>Wonder Woman was supposed to fail
>Fury Road was supposed to fail
Does Sup Forums ever get tired of being wrong?
>they thought based T'Challa was going to freeze
He never freezes, Sup Forums.
Why are you so angry? I don't understand.
Surprise, Sup Forums is always wrong.
>Does Sup Forums ever get tired of being wrong?
The opinions of the plebeians mean very little to me. They are shit movies regardless of how many retards such as yourself have watch them.
Did they say they were going to fail, or that they'd be shit films? You don't need to make a good product for people to buy it. Why do you think americlaps eat mcdonalds 3-5 times a week?
>>Fury Road was supposed to fail
nigga what? and it did fail
Yeah they did, it was some stupid white kids
They're fucking retarded
>Fast food (Mac donalds, Burger king Kentucky fried chicken) is designed to be as addictive as cocaine, with too much sugar, trans-fats and salts to stimulate the dumbest part of your brain to eat more and more leaving you feeling good for a short while before utter loathing kicks in again
>Fast food movies from Marvel and DC designed with focus groups to appeal to the masses with fast CGI, dumb dialogue, pandering to minorities, Nostalgia, rehashing the same shit over and over, entertaining in a dumb kind of way, fun for a very short time with a feeling of emptiness after it has finished
Sums up middle America pretty well.
It didn't you dumbfuck.
Just because it didn't make a billion doesnt mean it failed. It turned a multimillion dollar profit
why are you happy that fucking capeshit is making money? what the fuck is wrong with this board
Haha I'm now legitimately embarrassed for the entire planet
> 230-90
So over 50% fall?
What a disaster.
I really liked furry road but 2bh it did fail
It's tracking as high as $120m now.
Are charities still buying tickets for "underpriviledged kids"? Because if that's so it's great for Disney but still pathetic for the movie and the left
It is funny how both sides are played by Disney corp to market this movie.
They do not give a shit about blacks, but identity politics means everyone will talk about the movie, SJW will praise the shit out of it while the haters will talk about it sucking, causing outrage and calls of racism from the SJW's.
It also helps when almost all of the media both TV and print are under your corporate control through the thousands of subsidiary companies.
This fighting is exactly what they want, dance little puppets dance.
Yes, the people laughing at you for being wrong are jew puppets. Whatever helps you sleep at night clumpf lover.
Just take the L on this one, Sup Forums. You can’t win em all.
>Got TLJ right
>Got Justice League right
>Got Ghostbusters right
You can’t win them all.
re-read it again my mentally challenged friend.
I've been asking this question to Sup Forums for years
Such a massive L too.
I don't think it counts as "getting it right" when you literally say every single movie ever is shit and will flop.
Broken clock.
>take the L
Why would you talk like this?
Imagine being this insecure about your skin colour
>only an incel would post this
You wish Chad
It’s over white boi
Sit down. Be humble.
>Disney spending their own money to make sure this looks profitable
>Nigger celebs being shamed into buying tickets for entire black neighborhoods
>shills are spamming this because they are still butthurt about TLJ
yesterday the expectations fluctuated between 100-120
now it's 90
yes it's tumbling down, mouser
>This fucking damage control
Get a grip
Race has nothing to do with skin colour.
White guilt is really profitable.
Serious question that I don't understand
>Black people say America is racist and hates blacks
>This movie makes this much money everyone loves it and thinks the black culture presented in the movie is awesome
Which one is it?
White people have Hogwarts, a fantastical land filled with magic, wizards, mystical beasts, elves and great darkness.
Black people have Wakanda, a fantastical country where black people aren't impoverished, starving or killing each other with machetes or getting killed by drugged up child soldiers.
>America is racist and hates blacks
Amerifatland is the most nigger-lover country ever.
Those who follow the mcu movies liked him in CW, Plus black audience. 1+1=2
it looks photoshopped, but why?
Are wh*Tes the most pathetic race? Yes.
Imagine being white in 2018 lmfao
of course they did, they also said it would do really well. Sup Forums is not a single voice.
Literally walking out of a screening of the black panther. It's a disgrace. Hollywood was a mistake. People were sniggering and laughing at what was happening all through the movie.
I bet Africans are embarrassed.
Imagine being a nigger the rest of your live.
Oh, and head shape too. Because phrenology is the hill Sup Forums wants to die on.
>Disney-Marvel’s “Black Panther” continues its torrid pace, taking in $292 million in North America — the highest first-week haul for a Marvel Cinematic Universe title.
>That’s $22 million more than “The Avengers” grossed in its first week in 2012. “Black Panther” earned $14.3 million on Thursday, or nearly $2 million more than “The Avengers.” It has also made $228 million internationally, led by the U.K. with $31.9 million, for a $520 million worldwide total as the must-see tentpole heads into its second weekend.
>Sup Forums says it's gonna flop
>becomes the highest grossing movie in the series
>A terrible movie made a lot of money
What is your point?
>tfw your tick box meter is slowing down dramatically to the point you'll have to stop posting it soon
You don't even know what you're talking about.
People were laughing and sniggering at what they were seeing in the cinema just now.
It's got a shot at 700k before the weekend's out.
>tfw BP made more in its 4 day weekend than JL did in its entire domestic run.
Can you actually not read? No wonder you're sucking kikepenis.
>>becomes the highest grossing movie in the series
but it wont end as highest grossing you mong
>noun, historical: the detailed study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities
Wow, that sounds a lot like some retarded assertions that epic redpill inforgraphic makes.
Can you not count? Keep crying, Sup Forumsfag.
But he's literally gonna need to make a new image with 1.1 billion, 1.2 billion, and so on
We're pretending $90million is cutting a profit now?
Are you stupid?
Nobody said it would fail.
We just made fun of it's shit CGI previews.
That pic never mention phrenology, subhuman.
>in the US
Movie will break even this weekend at $700+ million. Everything after is profit
Nice deflection. Keep crying, Sup Forumsfag.
It hits China on March 9th. It will break 1b before then.
>What matters more because the studio gets a much larger cut
I feel embarrassed that I gave this movie a chance.
This is really quite embarassing.
Almost a billion dollars just to shill a shitty movie into popularity. And that's on top of the social justice trash, paid reviews, literal bans for not supporting the movie on review sites and cutting corners on every part of production.
The absolute state of american movie making.
81 replies
39 posters
/leftypol/ in full force.
>damage control
>Why do the retard lefties care so much about a movie's box office performance?
>I'm still incredibly invested in the movie failing though. Meme magic is gonna tank it to save the white race. Shadilay brothers!
>movie is about to break even on its second weekend
>this is really embarrassing
Lmao, don't quit school.
>he actually thinks there are sides
>he actually thinks this isn't just shill instigated company wars to have people blindly support actual trash
You're retarded, my friend.
>a billion dollars in marketing
>IP counter didn't go up
Top kek you're really mad at this movies success aren't you?
>Don't quit school
>can't even into basic reading comprehension
Lmaoing at your life, my friend.
Not sure if you're falseflagging or actually retarded
>capeshit #39 makes billions
>now i have to rethink my political views
>he actually thinks didney is investing 700 million dollars into a movie for quality
>meanwhile actual good films barely exceed 100 million dollars in budget on average
It's pathetic that you spend your life shilling retarded movies.
>All these non sequitur (you)'s
Really must have struck a nerve.
32 posts for this one.
>Sup Forums said it would flop
>outperforms the Avengers