Stick yer licence fee up yer arse you fackin cants!

Stick yer licence fee up yer arse you fackin cants!

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Every time I see this I feel embarrassed to be British. Cuck police.

lmao how can white bois compete?


Even without guns there are non-lethal methods they have access to:

CS Gas
A koch


The thing is that every webm of British police I've seen are English police dealing, or trying to deal with a violent or potentially violent situation
Nobody posts webms of Scottish cops with MP5s at train stations for example, so don't feel embarrassed by them

obvious pol thread so polite sage and

Scots are turbo cucks.

>mfw britain will be fully islamic in 50 years
>mfw i have no face

>red karambit

It's no wonder when more people live in a single English city than in their whole country
To be fair to them, they're good lads


The June 2017 London Bridge attack was an Islamic terrorist attack[8][9] in London, United Kingdom, on 3 June 2017 whereby a van left the road and struck a number of pedestrians on London Bridge. After the van crashed, its three occupants ran to the nearby Borough Market area and began stabbing people in and around restaurants and pubs.

Eight people were killed and 48 were injured, including four unarmed police officers who attempted to stop the assailants.

>be british
>get stabbed



>kitchen knives
I hate my country.

Did that cop just kick the shot up guy? Jesus Christ ruskies.

>unarmed police officers try to stop terrorist attackers
>meanwhile lethally armed American school cops run away from teenagers with guns
Not to mention that armed police had shot dead all 3 terrorists within 7 minutes of the first attack
You've not really got a leg to stand on with this one, you got outgunned by Britbottles for fuck sake


This is some Cyberpunk shit right here.

>unarmed police

absolute fucking lmao

lol that throw out of window

Manlets btfo

No deaths. The system works user

Boy Meets World sucks so hard


>you see Ivan with of vodka intake you can do Rainbow six Siege thing da?

This woman is a senior British politican and Privy Councillor

>spider man csgo skin karambit

A typical day's news today!



Why are liveleak threads so comfy?

The same woman who wore a stab vest when visiting her constituency


>that headline

It's fucking shameful, this bong faggot cop hides behind a civvy from the angry Muslim


REAL police were out doing real police work


What the fuck are they doing?
Establishing civility within the general population instead of inciting extreme violence and/or murder?!?!?!

not really related, but do you happen to have the webm of the cat stuck in a tree in russia and some soldier tries to get it down?

>teach me about the Quran Abdul
t. Queen Victoria

out bottling Somali cum for the state breeding program

46.3k upvotes for you!

>six days apart

That's beyond pathetic.

here's the better version

False dilemma. Off yourself, moron.

What a bitch ass cop what the fuck


they are being a waste of tax-payers' money

>Establishing civility
British Empire m8
That old English imperial invader gene kicking off, bringing basic good manners to violent shitholes

holy fuck can they just leave whites alone

Why does Sup Forums have to be right, dam it

In a civilized society, this faggot would be shot by the citizens he's terrorizing, since they'd be concealed carrying
What a shitshow


doesn't look real

Goddamn it

What's the context here? Does he have a knife or something?

Russia isn't real.

Rubber bullets



Why the fuck did they let him in?

The rabbi one is fake (for once)

>Men rarely catcall me any more

it's because you're old


>man doing his job to pay for a roof over his family's head
>alone, on his rounds, no backup until the end of the clip, appears to taser the knife-wielding idiot
>just a few other people and a savage
>human self-preservation kicks in
>another man has makeshift protection
>the savage swine postures for posterity, probably talking shit and calling him a pussy
>backup arrives, they taser him too
You'd do the same thing, don't pretend you wouldn't
He's just trying to make ends meet and pay his bills, not his fault there's a fuckwit with a knife who thinks he's above society's laws

literally the only people who still call at woman are blacks and some pakis



If this was here in Brazil they would beat the shit out of that guy, no fucks given.

Cops should have a gun on them.
You're expecting people to go unarmed against violent sand niggers using only stern words and tasers.
That cop was a huge fucking pussy though. He should have meat shielded the civvy.
Pigs these days....

what television and film is this?

Sup Forumseddit GO BACK


Like this?
Brazilian cops don't fuck around

>what television and film is this?


the state of UK

wtf the fuck is this?
we call them abacaxi.


I'm not expecting police to go unarmed against violent retards at all. British police have armories full of weapons, if needed.
The majority of armed crime there is committed by the genetically unfit with knives, hence the use of tasers.
He wasn't a huge pussy, he was a man doing a shitty job that I couldn't do, fuck that

This guy is basically a senator, wtf

W-whats this


Digital killed our old friends

I miss Bamber Boozler
That was a video game for people who couldn't afford Atari

Get behind the unarmed civilian and prance around like a faggot?
I don;t know how you see it in the UK but anywhere else that's a shameful display of being a pussy.
A cop is sworn to protect the public with his life



>no muscle faggot as a cop
no wonder no one takes them seriously, i hope he just sits behind a desk.

Chad cops
Bong faggots

>British police

They must eat with only their hands
Just pick up the beef and bite into it, I do that sometimes.

funny story actually, because of the police's careful non-lethal methods that man has now rehabilitated, turned his life around, and is now a practicing surgeon

in america he would be shot dead

think about that.

Throwing yourself at a knife is a stupid thing to do that doesn't help anyone. If he had been taken out, there would have been a delay in his backup arriving which may well have lead to harm coming to the dozens of people you can see at the gates
You saw how fast the guy with the camera ran, you think the cop wasn't feeling that too?
He could have run for his life or tried to tackle the savage who was obviously larger and wielding a knife, neither scenario would end well for the public around them
If you're in that position, just run straight at the guy with a weapon, don't be a pussy!


>funny story actually, because of the police's careful non-lethal methods that man has now rehabilitated, turned his life around, and is now a practicing surgeon

[citation needed]