Romans invade your land and kills your celtic tribe

> Romans invade your land and kills your celtic tribe
w-what do!?

Get naked and paint myself blue probably

Give myself to the Romans because as a woman I'm instinctively attracted to the stronger men.

I wish they'd shown her shitting out the magic stone

w-what? haha

I thought she was about to take off her clothes.


Submit because Rome is better

Get prepared for the big Mediterranean cock

>agent of the empire
>head north to a strange land
>place is run by a weird hippy who approves of getting high
>his brother was better suited to take over the position
>land is divided by petty provincials and gauls
>they think they are in a position to negotiate terms with the most powerful military force in the region, let alone the known world

fucking Canadians

Celts were violent barbarians. It's a good thing Rome decided to waste their time civilizing them.


Is cait suppose to grow up to be boudicca ?

Good thing they fucked off to Ireland and Wales, the cunts


jump on the big roman cock ofc

I'd hold the fucking camera still

Just swear at them a lot...

B..but that means she's gonna get raped at some point...


boudicca huh
>Be King of the Iceni
>about to die so leave your kingdom to your 2 daughters and Rome
>The local magistrate viewing this as a slight sends legionaires to rape and pillage
>men sold into slavery and the king's daughters are raped and their mother boudica was flogged
>Boudica mad gathers the Iceni and starts a revolt
>Meanwhile the hero of the whole affair Paulinus goes north to fight some druids and comes back to find a revolt occuring
>He has only 2 legions with him which amounts to about 10000 men while Boudica has 80000
>Boudica kills and brutishly kills her own fellow britons and they beg the Romans for help
>The Romans were now in the right
>Paulinus leads refugees from destroyed cities away and sends them north and then he goes to fight what he thinks will be a suicidal battle
>The Romans end up slaughtering them all and boudica kills herself


It's okay.

I hope she gets blacked in the show

Starts slow but gets kino.
> also what did Plautius mean by this?

You're a Roman out at the slave market and see this qt being bid for by a bunch of sleazy jew merchants.

What do?

> Doesn't sound like a sympathetic character

yeah but imagine how red and furry boudica's pusy must have been

Ask to examine her cunt first

Run to the forests.
Force them into terrain that time and time again they hate and are not used to.
Probably laden with traps and vines.
Shovel earth and water over their "Latin Fire" until it goes out.

Also, unironically this.

How do you actually stop 20,000 of pic related if you are a native celt? was it even possible

Fight in environments or conditions they are not used to. It was hard for legionaries to fight effectively in dense forest for example.

I am sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sounds of your villages burning to the floor, could you repeat that?

Oh, hoho. Funny man. Remind me to thank you for watering the Teutoburg Forest for me.


Same way the Germans defeated those Romans.
Lure them into a thick forrest and then gang-rape them until they don't want anymore.

>implying caesar would fall for your tricks

That was a simple mistake, we should have cleared those forests before rolling over your barbarian hordes. Don't think the same trick would work twice!

They are so cute before they grow up to be hundred pound death machines.


Could have fooled me.

Now you are just being hurtful.

The Romans were defeated because the fall of their morals and degeneracy, which created a weak, complacent, society.

More Rome Kino when?

Call Boudica?

Yeah huge disappointment

80K fighting men in 1st century AD Britain? Home field advantage certainly, but that seems like a lot.

Kek Americans always love romans for some reason! enjoy backstabbing pizza midgets

> men, women, and children
fighting number is less but significantly more so than the 2 legions the Romans had. .

Talk shit.

Get hit!