Rate TLJ out of 10

Is it really as bad as people are saying, or is it just a bunch of trolling manbabies pining for their youth?


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it was fucking shit

6, visually impressive but bogged down by bad decisions and lore-breaking plotholes.
don't mind women, don't mind depressive luke.


I would have given it a solid 7 walking out of the theater, but as time has gone on I’ve become more salty about it. While TFA awakens was inoffensive in its pure blandness, TLJ was actively stupid. And not prequel stupid, which was sort of funny, but frustratingly stupid. The people defending it have further soured my disposition.

I give it a solid 5. It looked nice, sounded nice, and I thoroughly enjoy Kylo Ren. Everything else? Nah.

This. Also didn't help they killed off the big bad they introduced in TFA so now we're left basically nothing left to really do going into 9. The Last Jedi felt more like what Episode 9 should be.


Ryan Johnson took a shit on Star Wars fans with TLJ. The only retards who liked this are the worst possible drooling normies and toesucking bugmen.


and the 2 only because the effects were ok-ish

I'd rate it 8/10 as a non-SW movie. In comparison to the other types of movies that Hollywood releases and taking off points for the pointless horrible pacing with the Casino and Resistance.

Luke/Rey/Kylo was KINO though. So, if you just ignore most of the rest of the movie, 8/10 because Adam Driver can actually fucking act.

I'm not a fanboy though, so can't speak as a SW fan.

>I'd rate it 8/10 as a non-SW movie
Most of the wrong about the movie is not related to be a SW movie.
The plot as an example requires that everyone involved is a drooling idiot.
The morale is schizophrenic.
The pacing is shit.
The coincidences contrived.
The choreography questionable.
The continuity of some scene just wrong.
Nothing of the above has anything direclty to do with SW.

Its somewhere in the negatives for me.
Id really rate it as like a 3/10, but it retroactively taints the other films by completely undoing character arcs and achievements and introduces so many logical holes in previous stories that i count the damage done to the other films against it. An impressively bad suicide bomb aimed at a franchise

The thing is this op, It's like two movies in one. One, an adventure/action film, the other one, Kino. If you ignore the action adventure one, you will like it a lot. I personally appreciate a lot the good part, I can't say that I don't like the movie. It's an 8 to me because I can forgive it's errors, because the Rey/Kylo thing it's just so good. And a lot of the complains really are manchild shit. Go and enjoy some fresh Star Wars with thing difficult to believe until you see it.

>because the Rey/Kylo thing it's just so good.
so.. this is the power of the reylofags tumbrites infesting the board...

No, writing was so fucking bad that even having it standalone without the Star Wars franchise context would have made it a subpar movie.

I actually hate the reylo thing.

>know all these women in their 40 who live Luke Skywalker
>all hated TLJ
>shills are still pushing the manbaby meme
You shills lost and Black Panthers success is based on fraud LMAO

C'mon man, use the proper ranking system for how shit a film is.

Type 1 (Hard to Pass as shit) to Type 7 Liquid.

Which of you shitlords voted a 10? That's ridiculous.

I'm ignoring everything that isn't Kylo/Rey/Luke.

The moral is pretty obvious, the choreo could be better. That's it.

I'm ignoring everything that isn't Kylo/Rey/Luke. Writing was good there.

You know, pretty much everyone has a positive opinion on Reylo, not just tumblr. Is this your new strawman? There is actually something to praise about TLJ, so you're just going to pretend it's tumblr or (insert group Sup Forums hates).

Kylo is literally hitler so Rey falling in love with him mean that he is a nazi.

Voted so bumpin

>the moral is obvious
They throw a new moral at the wall every 10 minutes
>war is bad, arms dealers are bad! Fuck capitalism! Oh the guy actually saying that is also a skeazy opportunist himself
>respect authority! Bad shit happens when you disobey your leaders. In a rebellion all about fighting unquestionable leaders. But wait, theyll still think youre cute and put you in charge anyway
>sacrifice to save your friends is noble! Wait nah fuck that shit dont fight what you hate, save what you love? Who the fuck wrote that nonsense. Oh wait no, kill yourself, its what luke would do to save 8 people or so
Thats a small sample. The only consistent theme was men are dumb, women are always right even when they contradict themselves

Mark supports Reylo too in case you weren't aware. Also, he's simply saying that's the only way he could think of to approach the scene, not that he himself thinks that. Like when people say "oh you can't get into the scene? Just think of something you hate" Are you actually this retarded?

>Is it really as bad as people are saying?

The obvious similarity all those things you listed show is that there is no right or wrong answer. It's obviously pushing grey morality. The whole film beats you over the head with it. It's not black and white.


Holy fuck how dumb are you


>there is no right or wrong answer. It's obviously pushing grey morality. The whole film beats you over the head with it.
>no right or wrong
jew agenda 101


Yeah, and thats retarded in a series literally built atop a black and white dichotemy of space wizards, and they further purpetuate the obvious divide between cartoonishly over the top nazis following an evil burn victim/edgy murderous emo versus the hope and love diversity brigade.
They didnt provide any morally dubious choices for the characters to make, they just had everyone contradict themselves every ten minutes.
Making everyone a hypocrite isnt compelling, its just hack writing.

>If this is the only Star Wars movie you've ever seen and ever will
It has some interesting set pieces (I still like the casino planet aesthetic despite it being pointless to the plot), and some of the fights and characters look cool, but it's a forgettable experience with no real conclusion, serving only as a bridge to the next movie. By itself, it falls short and the story starts to drag around the final act. Watch it once with a date at the movies, and then forget about it.

>If you are a hardcore Star Wars fan
The tone is just everywhere and the movie does its best to spit on the legacy of the franchise. Character actions and motivations are not well-though out, a lot of the lore is teased only to be dropped or ignored altogether. Watch it once on TV or your computer and then come here to complain about it.


26% say The Last Jedi is unwatchable dogshit and voted 1
Looks like all the alt-right Nazi's are out in force today.

It was awful. I was talking to a retarded autismo QT female friend of mine who said she loved it and after a 5 minute conversation even her stupid ass agreed with me that it was full of problems.

The only over the top cartoon character is Hux and he is obviously supposed to be the all-black villain. Kylo is portrayed as very human and complex and it's hard to see him as a villain by the end of the movie. At worst, just an unstable and broken boy on the inside.

Poe is a borderline retard and Finn literally tries to ditch everyone to save his own ass. I don't know how you got good guy all white out of that. Leia even gives up at the end and no one comes to help them until Luke shows up.

Making everyone a hypocrite on the Light Side is human and compelling showing that even the heroes can be dark and making you question them. Meanwhile, the supposed bad guy is the most sympathetic character so far.

My only complaint is if they completely ditch the grey storytelling next movie, but that is yet to be seen.


It's bullshit


as a star wars movie, TFA and TLJ get a 1/10

as a movie movie, it gets maybe a 4-5/10

Honest to god 2/10. Cliché/outright retarded dialog, no respect to the originals, and an inexplicable plot, likely resulting from lazy writers. Visuals were good, but that is to be expected from any space movie in the current age.

Went with my family who fawned over both TFA and Rogue One, and even they thought TLJ was stupid as fuck. I could see children enjoying it though.



2/10 the visuals were good
>On the side is it just me or is the music for TFA and TLJ been lackluster. The only music i thought that was good from both movies was jedi steps



I couldn't sit through the whole thing, am I still eligible to vote?