>friday night
why are you here?
Friday night
Answer him!
Nothing better to do
Oh god, I didn't know it was friday.
to eat mozzarella sticks and drink beer
me on the middle row
Playing fortnite on PS4. New update is kino although I’m going to miss the double pump
>drinking beer
Enjoy your man boobs tubby
i came here to spam reylo threads
Pic related happened instantly
My life is getting closer and closer to its inevitable demise and I don't know how to stop it.
To be fair, I'm playing LoL and alt-tabbing to check when the kinoposters will come online (sex webms, black dicks, all women are whore posters)
I just wanted to hang out with you CIA
Hungover from a coke binge and want to kill myself
>just ignore reylo let the tumor fester
My gf wants me to come hang but i need a few hours away from everyone to chill after this week, so i told her i have plans and will come over later. Im actually just shitposting and eating pizza in bed
Man, sometimes i wonder if i even like this girl.
too stoned to move. send help.
>no twin peaks
wow, way to fail user
Killing time before work, faggot
i don't have any friends or a girlfriend
well I didn't make that picture but ok
I'm old and fat and married and it's what I do now, plus I have a DUI, so I can't go whoring around to the bars like I used to
Anyone who has a DUI is literally the dumbest peice of shit on earth. Especially in the era of cell phones, uber, lyft, on call taxis, and everything.
do you show your wife the latest memes?
I feel you my man. Haven't seen my girlfriend in two weeks, I'm visiting her the day after tomorrow and I'm not in the least excited about it.
She's a really great girl and we've been together for almost two years, but honestly I don't know how I feel about her anymore. I just feel like slacking off and do nothing all day
Canada won’t let you in man
>A rule everyone breaks
Me and mine are coming up on 6 months and she actually just told me she loves me.
Im just only atrracted to her like a third of the time. And the sex is mediocre at best. But shes great in every other regard.
Anyone here gets banned often? Probably 2-3 a months. Sometimes I just can't resist pornposting when I'm drunk
are u edgy? id like someone to flood reylo with gore to get tumblr out but i cant save necropolia pics from b its 2 gross
>Man i wanna get home and im drunk, better put my physical well being, the lives of anyone i pass, and my most valuable possession on the line, as well as my right to drive, so i can avoid a $6 uber fee and having to pick up my car later
Yeah nah dog. You are just a dipshit. Its really really fuckin easy to not drink and drive.
Do you ever feel as if you are just trying to convince yourself you like her, because you know she's a great girl and all?
Because I work long hours and have nothing better to do. Plus I hate my gf and use Sup Forums to avoid her.
got the DUI 11 years ago
but you're posting tonight, so your life is a real go-go, huh, palsy-walsy?
>tfw low IQ and will have to drop out of uni most likely
this is fucking Sup Forums
it's been a whole since either of us was 14
im working out in 30 minutes and then im going with my girlfriend to my moms house for dinner :^)
>not the fault of draconian zero tolerance laws
I once wanted to get banned from this shithole forever, so saved a webm posted here that showed a 10 y-o blowing a doll.
I posted it minutes after and got banned for only 4 months
I was also arrested by the police, but there werent any accusations when they realized I'm not an actual pedo
I don't usually buy disney conspiracy theories but seriously what the fuck is going on?
>blowing a dog
Ive got a good job, steady gf, and im still allowed to drive, so im feelin pretty comfy honey muffin.
"Ooooh, our mistake user, you're not a real pedo."
Thats p nasty. Next time make sure to stop by reylo general though!
Well, seized my computer,cellphone, usb drives and shit. They said they would get back at me after 2-3 months. It's been a year and still no news. Maybe they're just spying on me right now I guess
Hello officer! :^) suck my dick nigga
thats a really long ban. rly makes me think
dude I have my license, a good job (no I don't work in a coffee shop or a used record store or wait table - a real job)
steady gf?
talk to me in a year pal
ah, the hubris of the young
and you're on Sup Forums on a Friday night, kewl!
Waiting for my dealer to hit me up before I go to the bar
Yeah. Most of the time. I also dont want to bother with fucking dating while im trying to focus on my career. Work is enough to worry about without having to do the whole initial dating thing, or even the fwb thing. Sometimes you just want some domestic bliss even with underlying doubts.
But my ex fwb sent me some nudes the other day and even though im several states away now im remembering what real good sex was like.
Yeah bro
Honestly mate, you should end it before you drag her in too deep. It seems you never liked this girl to begin with, it will only get harder the more time passes
Because I went out drinking on Wednesday night instead
Yeah, maybe. I deleted the pictures that chick sent me, im not thrilled with my relationship but im no cheater. They were unsolicited, but i dont think she knew i had a gf, i dont really do social media.
Four biggest points in my gfs favor are she frequently cooks for me/takes care of me, shes cuddly as fuck, and she supports my work and interests, and she makes me laugh. The sex is the real sticking point. Honestly, spelling it out, it sounds pretty fixable.
I don't know really, don't know what I'm doing with my life in general anymore.
I make enough money to live comfortably, have a meaningful job and a really nice girlfriend. Everything's on track, yet that same crushing feeling I had when it wasn't is still here, like no matter what, I'm never going to be happy.
Only thing stopping me from putting a gun in my mouth is how it would affect my parents and girlfriend. I hope I don't give in.
It's weird when rationally it's pretty good and workable but you heart is not really there.
>the day of the week has meaning to him
Lonely, tired, a bit depressed and nothing better to do.
i'm going to play street fighter with my buddies after i eat
Because I’m heading out tomorrow Night.
Fridays are for the boys.
Saturdays are for The Men.
where's Tom Hardy? REEEEEEEEEE
also, classic paul dano
Where’s Ant?
Where’s Patrice?
Where’s Artie?
Where’s Quinn?
You seem like a reasonable kinda guy to have a brew with.
Only a bit? How do you know is only a bit?
At work and just want to participate in awful threads
What is your job?
you tell me
So they've still got your shit?
I'd feel really pissed if the state stole hundreds worth of shit from me. But then you did post cp so I kinda don't have any sympathy for you
I genuinely forgot it's Friday. All my friends are metaphorically dead
Because I got into a pretty big argument with my friend last night for not liking Disney's Star Wars. Now I have no one.
A kid unironically told me I reminded him of Rick from Rick and Morty today. I'm kinda tempted to just kill myself now
It's like it has it's grade of intensity. And I'm on a low grade right now. Maybe it's too complex for you to understand.
Just tell him Santa’s not real.
Then you can have your Revenge without an-heroing.
I work the night shift.
Too dumb to escape middle class mediocrity so I'm just wasting my life away on Sup Forums before I inevitably kill myself.
It was an i3 non-gaming rig a 100$ cell phone so that's fine with me. I actually sent an email to the detective after 4 months asking what was taking so long, he said he'd get back at me but he never did
>actually caring about what day it is
You really wanted everyone to know how much of a pleb loser you are, didn't you?
Hmm but are mediocre people really this self-aware? There may be hope for you yet.
I was ashking you
>knowing what day of the week it is
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Because I have no friends and I'm moving out of this city within the next week.
I watched Back to the Future for the first time yesterday. Just finished Part 2 and will be watching Part 3 tomorrow night.
Time for some DBF
Because I have a good career that required me to work when other people are "in leisure". Hopefully I'll be makig six figures by 30
kys now instead of a painful, drawn out process where you loose all trace of dignity.
Mods doing their job for once.
Uber is like 30 bucks when bars close, minimum, faggot. And you have to interact minimally with some somali who just cut his daughter's clit off. No thanks
part 2 was kino
Cause I'm a loser, baby
The first half was great, but I found the second half really tiresome.
You have to learn to love yourself. Seriously. Might be time to go single again
why are you here?
>being smart enough to be self aware
>but not smart enough to improve your condition
that's the real hell on earth, user
>subscribed a VOD service
>saw Toni Erdmann was on the menu
>didn't want to watch a German movie. let it sit there and wait for my interest to accumulate
>saw this movie got recommended . suddenly wanted to see it
>it's expired and removed from menu
Since I subscribed the service I spent most of my time talking about movies I don't watch than actually watching the provided contents
It looked interesting.
>no Gul Dukat
Come the fuck on, he's been part of so many /trek/ threads
>moved across the country immediately after school
>always made new friends through people I already knew
>haven't made any new friends out here
>B-b-because I'm a bored loser.
tbdesu Tyler's little exercise wouldn't have worked on me, because I'd have welcomed the sweet release of an anonymous homicide.