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My concern with a female Dr Who is that it's going to be a bit preachy on the gender angle. We don't need to be reminded that sexism was and is a thing but at the same time I don't think it should be ignored entirely. Episodes shouldn't gloss over certain attitudes towards women throughout different times and cultures but also they should not constantly keep on about it.
That said, a historical where it's a major plot point or even the entire point of the story could be interesting. Perhaps I'll get my wish of a pure historical about Matthew Hopkins the Witchfinder General and the East Anglian witch hunts.
My hope is that the actual gender change is dealt with in the opening scene and left at that. It doesn't matter who she was, it's about who she is.
I guess a lot of this post could apply to a black Doctor and racism. Sorry if it's long and rambling. I don't often type more than a few sentences.
Why are people hoping the Chinballs era is "RTD style"? What does that even mean?
>dude why do you want a gf lol they are overrated lmao
>friends are for normies lmao those are overrated too
Hey, that's good!
Now try to explain that to my quinquagenarian parents and uncles that have been harassing me for many years on why I don't have a girlfriend or why I don't go out, I'm sure they will understand it!
>enemy of the world special edition isn't releasing in america
Fuck the beeb. Being an burger classic who fan is suffering
Who would like to read my smutty fanfiction featuring C'rizz and an original male character?
Chibnall isn't a moffat type writer, and I don't expect the type of "stronk women" stereotype moffat often fell into. What I do expect is writing that Sup Forums will interpret as sjw-ish just because Chibnall's writing tends to reflect more mainstream politics.
I think we'll get something much closer to what you're hoping for, I don't expect more than a brief acknowledgement from the Doctor of the change, and since her companions are a complete new cast, it's not like they're going to comment on the change either.
I'll echo the other user in registering my interest on the condition you link it and don't spam it in-thread.
I had planned on linking it anyway.
There's just a big lump of fans who always want the show to go back to the way it was in their favourite era.
It's just in this case, that lump probably also includes BBC execs who want it to go to back to pulling RTD era viewing figures/toy sales and dominating the national conversation.
Are those natural? her eyes I mean although she does appear to be filling that sweater quite nicely do you have any more? Her specifically but cute femdocs in general would also be welcome.
what is it like to actually be attracted to this?
Has the season with this SJW bitch started yet? I want to see how bad it is.
>this SJW bitch
Who the fuck are you talking about? I hope you haven't mistaken the Seventh Doctor cosplayer in the OP pic for the new Doctor
jodie's fucking great
Doctor who is dead
>tfw if the 14th Doctor is a man people will complain that Jodie was a 1 time thing and Chibnall/Beeb gave in to people complaining about a female Doctor
>if the 14th Doctor is a woman people will complain that the Doctor is just a woman from now on
>even if it's a black man like Patterson Joseph there will be complaints from both sides
>if it's a white woman there will be complaints that the BBC refuses to cast a minority in the role
>this will be the case with every regeneration from now on
>mfw there is no escape
don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Jodie as 13 and I'm sure whoever they cast as 14 will be good for the job, but fucking hell am I not looking forward to being online the day the casting is announced
Nick Briggs will be 14.
It'll be praised as a huge blow for bald representation.
Is S8 the most emotionally complex season of the show?
>12 and Clara
>Clara and Danny
>12 and Danny
>12 and Missy
All of these relationships are twisted and conflicted on multiple levels. The season in general is so dense with themes it sometimes shocks me that it even happened.
characterkino series
>if the 14th Doctor is a woman people will complain that the Doctor is just a woman from now on
Yeah but nobody will listen to them assuming Jodie turns out good
>even if it's a black man like Patterson Joseph there will be complaints from both sides
Yeah but the support for first PoC doctor will win out in the wokeness sweepstakes
Daily reminder that Paradise Towers is great.
Doctor Who is dead.
Fawlty Towers>>>
>Yeah but the support for first PoC doctor will win out in the wokeness sweepstakes
>mfw watching the end of MotOE the other day and realising that the Mummy wasn't just Moffat pushing a "lol soldiers" theme
>it's an undead soldier who should have passed away but is being forced by technology to keep pushing on, until the Doctor enables it to go in peace
>aka a direct foreshadowing of Danny's fate along with the rest of the cyber army
Made MotOE even more based in retrospect. One of the rare times shoehorning an arc theme into an episode actually improved it.
>It's just in this case, that lump probably also includes BBC execs who want it to go to back to pulling RTD era viewing figures/toy sales and dominating the national conversation.
That's not gonna just magically happen overnight by making the show a soap with cheesy CGI monsters again.
Of course not, it's not 2005-9 anymore. But nostalgia goggles are thick. It's easier to just say "That worked before, do that again" than to try and figure out a genuinely new approach uncluttered by the old approach.
I'm not really all that familiar with his work. I haven't seen Broadchurch. I've grown sick of crime shows and find the ones involving sexual crimes and crimes against children to be rather depressing.
The Moffat era's hamfistedness is really what I'm afraid of. The show can deal with real life issues but I don't want it shoved down my throat. The way the Xmas special dealt with sexism was terrible and I was annoyed that they had made one of my favourite Doctors (also I was hype for Bradley) more sexist than he really was. Also I found that a quite a few his female characters followed a certain stereotype of a strong woman that equates strength with bitchiness.
>a genuinely new approach uncluttered by the old approach.
Is it a coincidence that the Moffat years (especially the Capaldi era) don't have several (badly dated, even at the time) CGI monsters per series like RTD did?
Why does Man-Whittaker remind me of Walsh?
Let's read a DWM article together. I hope this is as interesting a read for you as it is for me, I love interesting little design tidbits like these.
yeah Moffat had a lot of shit planned in advance for Series 8/9. I remember him talking about the cliffhanger at the end of Heaven Sent before Series 8 started airing. Maybe he learned his lesson from the Silence arc? Although I was pretty fucking satisfied with how he wrapped that up in Time of the Doctor
>"what's wrong? it's just a crack in the wall"
>camera pulls back and reveals the Crack from S5
Name a funnier ending than In the Forest of the Night. You Kant.
Bringing back the crack in TotD was cool. Trying to retcon the crack into The God Complex was not.
I swear, for every great idea in TotD Moffat also put in a baffling howler. The ultimate curate's egg of an episode. I still truly respect it though.
is there a MEGA with past DWM issues?
is it a retcon if it's tying up a loose end?
>female Hurt is just Judi Dench
>female Eccleston is just Karen Gillan
No but there's a VK.
It's just a minor but legitimate nitpick - in The God Complex when the Doctor opens door 11, he says, "Of course. Who else?", implying he either saw himself in that room (the whole "The Doctor is his own worst fears" thing) or it was the War Doctor or whatever.
Then it ended up just being the crack on wall.
>mfw fem Tennant is actually a qt
This one's cuter
Which one is this from?
>tying up a loose end?
No, you see, this is the problem. Satisfying ambiguity and mystery isn't a 'loose end', especially when it comes to the Doctor who we're not supposed to know everything about in the first place.
But to answer your question, yes it's a retcon if it flat-out ignores details about the scene it's trying to retroactively revise ("Who else?").
I knew calling fem Ten cute would summon you out.
I've been rused
cheers Lym.
What are the best issues of DWM to read according to /who/?
>Grandma Pertwee looks the same
Tom also looks the same but in drag.
How do you actually view them though when it just says "This document is available only to its owner."
I have also pondered how regeneration will be handled from now on. Will it alternate? Will everyone get a go?
I'm not against a Doctor of a different ethnicity (I support of a Sanjeev Bhaskar Dr. Who) but historical racism like sexism shouldn't be glossed over but also shouldn't become too big a part of the show and in many times and places a black or brown Doctor would have a worse time than a white female Doctor. Ultimately I think the Doctor should remain white (but not necessarily British, there's a couple of Commonwealth actors I support of) be they male or female.
>fem ten
this has awakened something in me
Can we all agree that Five/Turlough/Peri is the most objectively attractive TARDIS team?
I found out the other day that the doctor who examines Danny's body is Pralix the Mentiad, and now I'm never going to be able to take that scene seriously because I'll be thinking about this.
At least you'll be thinking about an elder-god-level moment of kino.
That stream was so comfy. Just goes to show how great season 16 is.
I think Fourteen should be female, the next one non-white male, and then anything goes from there on out. And let them all be British.
Imagine having taste this bad
Looking at the screencap again I'm stunned by how many separate names there are on it (considering it was a Classic stream) and how many of them I'd totally forgotten. The stream clientele changes so rapidly.
yeah I suppose it's a damned if you do/damned if you don't kind of thing, but I think the show can get away with a white Doctor if the companions are all various different ethnicities. They're pretty much the audience surrogates anyway usually, so it'd make more sense for the casting of the companions to represent more than just white British women in their 20s/30s than the Doctor. Ultimately I think the most important factor is the dynamic of the actors and their chemistry. Capaldi/Jenna had much better chemistry than Capaldi/Mackie.
As much as I love John Hurt as the War Doctor I do feel like it was a huge missed opportunity by Moffat to cast someone like Tilda Swinton in the role
Yeah, it's like looking at a time capsule. There were more too, considering I didn't make the screenshot.
>non-white male,
I miss Cathartic. He was like family.
He's still on the stream! He goes by the handle "2odastream" now though.
Having the first female Doctor be "the Doctor who failed the promise and did horrible things" would have looked bad. Part of what's good about Thirteen is that 12's regen into her was normal, not some unusual aberration.
That being said, Tilda as the War Doctor would have been awesome.
Which female companions would most likely be into scat? Asking for a friend.
we should watch Time of the Doctor in the stream desu
true maybe it's easier to say now that 13 has been cast as a woman, but at the same time the War Doctor didn't actually do the horrible things in the end.
>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -
>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?
If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.
This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:
> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)
> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)
>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)
Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).
>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck
Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.
Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd
/r/ing a scat fic.
Hi, Judy
Seasons of War makes it clear that the War Doctor did a lot of horrible things during the Time War.
Leela for sure, you never know what those tribewomen get up to
>but I think the show can get away with a white Doctor if the companions are all various different ethnicities.
Collect the whole set? I always thought they missed a trick not keeping the qt oriental girl from Battlefield her and Ace could have shared a room in the TARDIS but there was only one bed and they had to shower together to save water because the fluid links are on the blink again.
>Capaldi/Jenna had much better chemistry than Capaldi/Mackie
I disagree. Capaldi and Mackie had a father daughter vibe bertween them whereas Capaldi and Jenna had a slight romantic tension that felt innappropriate.
>yfw she poops on the console room
because what is a toilette?
Reminder that audio > prose > classic tv > comics > new tv
>comics > new tv
classic tv > new tv >audio > prose > bbv > fp > >>>>>>> caterton > roloblox >>>>>> comics
fan fiction > audio > prose > classic tv > comics > new tv
I jus wanna see her use the sonic screwdriver...
Absolutely. No contest.