Was the Louie C K movie the final nail in the coffin for Chloe Moretz?

Was the Louie C K movie the final nail in the coffin for Chloe Moretz?
I haven't sen in in anything else since.

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>those wrinkles
>those disgusting tits
>literally fridge shaped

White girls not even ONCE


hehe subtle

Don't bully Chloe, she just has 0.5% more neanderthal ancestry than the average person


>the Louie C K movie
I thought it was pretty mean, since the punchline of the movie is that she's so fugly that the old guy never intended to fuck her.

Ya ma nigga

check these bitches, so pretty no


Not much else to see...

>pierced nipple
Absolutely disgusting

so beautifull

>smile lines
>eye bags

Is she aging at 2x normal speed or something?

No, she's just white.

took forever to see it but lel

I'm not big on fake tits.. but that bitch needs em.

Is (s)he a Hollywood secret tranny?


Hi. America.

I find those perky non tits pretty hot honestly

You haven't seen her in anything other than a movie that was released on torrents two months ago? Does your frame of reference have that small of a scope?


Its clearly a German name
>inb4 >germans white

go fuck a trap.

muh black don't crack,

Here is Rihanna

replied to the wrong post

But she has le 44% face, its the white genes aging her :^)

Did she play the sister in black panther?


That cannot be real. What the fuck is her forehead doing?

>looking at her body
im almost convinced there are more than two genders now because i have no fucking idea what she's trying to look like

She's like 10 years older than Chloe

Sounds way more romance to my scandi ears. With the brown eyes my bet is that she's got spic blood.

Her eyes aren't brown tho, its that weird greenish shit color you usually find on frenchmen

What's with the whole anvil deal, I don't get it?

calling it - to stay relevant she will say she's a lesbian, or a bislut. her brothers are faggots so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary

>black don't crack
Who came up with this saying? some black bitches look fucking beat up as hell and its also ironic because blacks do do heaps of crack





They are not real jews though


I'd say they age less but already start out looking 40-50 something.

How can i achieve her GAINS?

did she buy those?


thats a shop or isnt it?

This is not fair to riri. She was caught at a fucked up angle and her forehead looks like it has a strange slope because there’s hair hanging on one side. She’s also wearing little to no makeup, not that she needs it. She just turned 30, Chloe is 21. Still, RiRi could lose a few, but if anyone could rock thicc, it’s this bitch

I am sorry buddy, I won't post a picture again where she looks like a crack whore

Jesus.... did she pick up an extra chromosome along the way?

Unfortunately, this is pretty much peak form for her. It’s not terrible, but she’s not gifted with great form naturally. Her best bet would be to really work on her ass and back and legs. This will at least create a bottle type shape. That would be more flattering. I think some small implants would do her a world of good, like a B cup. Her face is pretty, wide but nice lips and eyes.

You havent seen many girls without makeup, huh pal? I’ll pray for you duke.

It's like a caramel Brad Dourif

god i love those little titties

She has to be on hormones or some shit cause those puppies have grown quite a bit indeed.


>She has to be on hormones or some shit cause those puppies have grown quite a bit indeed.
could be fillers, just saying, which include fake nipples.


Still would

also stop doing 5 plate deadlifts and power shrugs

she aint black she carribean

the carribean race of black people that originated in north america?

It's a dipslay of power, a dick swinging contest if you will.

That's huge, like yolandi visser huge.

fuck, this is so hot. why'd she go and get fake tits?

Holy shit

damn straight
she's cute/hot

Don't compare Yolandi to this musclebound pig please. Thank you.

pregnancy would help her milkies be more milky. She should get knocked up. I would still volunteer my spermies.

Anyone know the name of her pet anvil?