Which one do you take into the kinoplex?

which one do you take into the kinoplex?

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twizzlers of course, only niggers eat redvines


The superior candy

Red Vines taste like wax. If you like Red Vines, you will go to Hell. I have proof.

dis nigga know what up

these used to be actually sour but they changed them probably because they would tear the inside of your mouth to shreds

not bringing at least 3 double downs with you

>bite end off Red Vine
>slide twizzler inside
>transcend from humanbean

*blocks you’re path*

Actual licorice

I slid my twizzler into your moms butt last night LMAO

they both suck, I hate them


Ya back when they had purple pieces instead of these blue ones. Also, the pieces were smaller than the ones they have now

>Amerilard “cuisine”


Who else used to eat the powder using their fingers and saved the candy stick to eat by itself later?

We got a MaDlaD here!



I don't think we have red vines in Canada so Twizzlers

Is this thing real?

Man its been like 20 years since ive eaten all tgese different types of candies but i can still remember their tastes

Holy shit. One of my favorite memories is one of my birthdays as a kid. My parents bought a bunch of candy for my brother and I and took us to the museums in Chicago. My favorite was these things. I haven't thought about them in forever. Thanks for reminding me about these.



Originally known as mars men. This candy is a classic.

That ain’t shit...

which dark souls boss is this

>comparing your penis to a pencil-thin candy



works perfectly with my keto diet