Watching The Passion of the Christ with my Jewish gf

>watching The Passion of the Christ with my Jewish gf
>not super religious but I'm a Christian and find the film to be beautiful
>gf watches the film with a mocking smile and bursts out laughing at some of the most horrible torture scenes
Wtf... Are the Sup Forums memes right? Why do Jews dislike The Passion [and Jesus] so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

He pretended to be the son of God and got what he deserved

Are you a Jew or what?

In fairness Gibson sometimes goes so over the top with violence that to some people it can come off as funny. I laughed a couple of times during the Passion but more in a 'Holy shit he actually went there' way. Especially when he started bleeding holy water:

ask her what they say about jesus in the talmud and you'll get your answer.

>de doos control hollywood >:(
>also they let mel gibson make these movies, and he is above everything, just like god emberor trumb :)))

Get her to watch Schindler's List with you and laugh the entire time.

>Sup Forumsbeard
>ever having a girlfriend

sorry OP my immersion was broken there

>a blasphemer boasting of G-dhood dying

So what?

How is this a Sup Forums thread?

Samefag, or is it more than one shill?

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie. #BlackLivesMatter!

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

You don't have a girlfriend and nothing you say will convince me otherwise.

Nope, you're just retarded!

Instead of Sup Forums memes can we have an actual Passion thread for once? Seriously, the film is so well shot and executed it's insane no one will talk about it on a technical, film-making kino level and instead always bitch about anti-antisemitism or torture porn. Just when you think the movie is going to be unbearable torture Gibson suddenly will pull out a fully realised piece of religious imagery out of seemingly nowhere. It suddenly goes from gore and suffering to looking like a goddamn renaissance painting only moving. Such good film-making and it's a shame it always gets ignored in the face of the controversial subject matter.

Here were the plans of the Nazi Chief Ideologue for the Christian Church:

>the National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches
>publication of the Bible would cease
>crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars
>Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as "to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book"
>the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika.[35]

Why did Nazi's hate Jesus so much?

I'm fucking her every night m8. You seem triggered.

The movie was made by his own production company, it wasn't a company owned by Jews. If this movie was produced by Harvey Weinstein, you'd have a point

Think of South Park. South Park makes a show where a little kids gets brutally murdered in every single episode, and the gore has gone up every season. The Jewish characters are all massive stereotypes, and the whole world is owned by an alien race called the "juzians," which are just green caricatures of Jews. When The Passion came out, South Park made an episode on it, where they went
>omg, the passion is bad cause it's gorey and anti-semitic
Whenever a Christian movie comes out, it's either attacked for being a bad movie in general (for example, the Son of God), but if that criticism doesn't work it's attacked for being historically inaccurate (Jesus of Nazareth, Ten Commandments, etc.). The Passion is a very well-made, well-acted, beautiful movie. It's also very historically accurate. It can't be criticized for being a bad movie, and it can't be criticized for being historically inaccurate, so it's criticized for being gory and anti-semitic. They just need an excuse to shit on Christian movies, that's all.


>why did Nazis hate the most famous Jew in history
really made me think

your girlfriend is cheating on you with a black guy, I hope you do realize that, right?

>Why do Jews dislike The Passion
coz Mel

OP here. I'm black. Not that it's relevant.


Once I saw this with my ex jewish gf and she kind of chuckled with some scenes, including this one What the fuck, bros?

I've never fully understood why Christ's suffering on the cross was enough to redeem all of mankind. Thousands of people were beaten and crucified, some of his own followers even got it worse (skinned first and crucified upside down etc)

It's a terrible way to die but I don't see how it's enough suffering to redeem an entire species for all time.

>Germans love people who want to destroy Europe

What a surprise, they're too genetically pathetic to do it themselves so they outsource it to the muds.

>Jewish gf
jump off a roof

>Why do Jews dislike Jesus so much?

Watch this to get a PhD in understanding jews.


Partly because Jesus was innocent, but mostly because it turns the table on the concept of the sacrificial ritual.

none of you neckbears has even graduated highschool

>faggot jew supremacist

Ask her why they don't use the addition symbol in Israel


cry more neckbeard faggot

best right here

because they were occultists, user

>I'm christian
Stopped reading there

A mirrored "nazi" swastika stands for peace

The guy is a huge troll but the hatred he gets is from ignorance to what the symbol means