How y'all doin?

How y'all doin?

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You goin to have to lose 200 pounds


That's a big weight loss.

I can't believe my nigga Herbert was actually fucking her and his dumbass put pizza rolls a frozen food in the refridgerator instead of the freezer.


Why does he have a gold stethoscope?
Can you pick your own?

Persians are notoriously tacky

Why wasn't anyone helping her?

I'm trying to lose 50lbs by tomorrow.


*yells at crying fat person*

which episode?

Newest one


*tips lipedema*

His name and face are on the building, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

To show the world that he's making mad bank from cutting up fatties.


>"when do we start the diet"
>*reaches for a coke*
>"new plan, diet starts right now"
Is there anyone more based than Daniel?

down to 385 from 500
no surgeries to accomplish this; just good old fashioned "calories in

>this crazy bitch launches into this sassy NUH UH YOU DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE DAT speech
>Dr. Now completely deadpan "Are you finished yet?"
Fuck that was great. Crazy bitch got kicked out of there for a fake suicide threat after he wasn't having her shit too.

Did they show it or was it just mentioned?

She was fucked.

fat cunt tried to call the cops on princess

Just mentioned.
They did show them finding an empty chip bag in her folds though.


"Just a taste, james," you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need our breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer," you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake - a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and shaving off the whole piece. "Mm," James grunts as the flake slides into your mouth, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course," you say wryly. James' beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy, looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a full day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs to reveal half an inch of incredibly thick paste lining the folds. "Laygs" was yelped from the corpulent James, but you barely notice. Sliding a finger across the goop, you happily place your now heavier finger into your mouth and suckle the sour paste down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wild, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of stringy flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, stomach full, well, today was bliss.

I thought of it as there was no way he could fuck her without a literal horsedick that not even the niggest of nigs have, so she would just suck his dick after he got her the food or something.
Herbert was totally fucked though, it almost seemed like he was too good to be true not to be a plant on the show, but I know he wasn't. What a fucked up guy.

How would someone her size kill herself anyway?

I assumed he humped her folds.

Yeah, you can choose the color of the tubing too.

Gold, white BMWs, Blonde Women, large McMansions in southern California. These are the things that Persians like.

t. Persian medical Student

British fat people shows are superior.


I'm shocked he's not much fatter if that's his regular diet

>Hello. How y'all doin'.

Is this a good show to marathon? Just finished Master Chef

Waddle up a small hill over the course of an hour then slide off a 5 foot drop crushing every bone in her body.

>Waddle up a small hill over the course of an hour
Wasn't she completely immobile?

No just lazy, she'd tie a cheeseburger on a stick to her head for motivation.

Episodes are hit or miss. The better ones are usually episodes where the patients are a bit independent and can walk since it shows them actually doing things.

Was this week's episode any good?


He was literally retarded guys. Sub 90 IQ

Remember when you were allowed to make fun of fat people on tv?

I weighed 400 pounds at age 17 and went to the same school as Too Fat For 15, lost 180 pounds, gained it back, and after a bout of pneumonia have lost 50 pounds and counting. Trying to be a real adult and take responsibility for myself but it’s hard. Ever since I almost died I’ve been eating clean and I have a ways to go go but I’m doing well now and have hope for the future.
>fuck fat people I hate fat acceptance and looking at myself makes me sick
This show is the television equivalents to popping adderall for me. Kills my appetite and motivates me to not be as a disgusting burgerslop like these people.
t. obese user working to better himself.

Remember when you were allowed to make fun of colored folk?

you want a fucking medal fatass? or perhaps a brownie?
haha na just joking tubs, good for you.

You've relapsed before only lost weight now because you almost died. You'll get full props if you make it but not before.

no. I'm not from the 1950s.

Sorry for typos I’m a faggot phoneposter
>before anyone asks I forgot to mention I didn’t attend the same year as the show aired but I spent my senior year at the location in Brevard NC after getting caught smoking weed at my normal prep boarding school so the “therapeutic boarding school Wellspring” was my only option besides wilderness camp
The 2F415 show wasnt even a therapeutic school it was literally an off season summer camp
I lost a lot of weight but they don’t really teach a reliable way to keep it off once leaving. Good temporary way to shed pounds but not good long term. Best way to lose weight long term is to not be a child.
>mfw the school-camp got shut down and lost accreddation the year after I got my high school diploma for severe health code violations
It was such shit but I have fond memories

>He was literally retarded guys. Sub 90 IQ
Yes we know he was black.

I’d be happy with either lel
My whole life I’ve fluctuated between hamplanet and normal, I’m on my way back to normal. Working my way towards finishing university and trying to be somewhat functional. I could be a fag and blame it on abusing drugs and alcohol for the past 10 years but I really have no self control. Now that I’m older I realize I need to kick things into gear before it’s too late. Although I wasted my prime teen years I have had some experiences in the past few years that robots could only dream of so it hasn’t been 100% terrible.
>still wanna kill myself on a daily basis

You can do it user. Have a Sup Forums waifu for motivation.

One lil eggroll is the hero Sup Forums deserves


Bless up, nice get

I have to know what those dwarves' names are.
