ITT: Accurate movies

Is Dreamworks /ourguy/?

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sure, in the time of moses that's probably accurate. But by the time of Ptolemaic Egypt the racial makeup of the ruling classes would have changed.

Egyptians were not black.

Mummy exist and you can get genetic information from them.

>showing modern egyptians as proof
I agree but its a brainlet argument

>Ancient Egyptians and Arab Egyptians are the same people

>posting modern arab mongrels

That's from Joseph king of dreams tho.

Not skin color though. This is why that whole "Black Briton" thing has been finally shown to be a crock of shit. You can't get someone's skin color from corpses.

I still like Prince of Egypt

Modern Egyptian gene pool is tainted by Arab invaders
The Fayum Portraits indicate that Egyptians circa 2000-2500 years ago had extremely Mediterranean features, though of course this is millennia after the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt

melanin is a protein, and it dissolves over time
if you are white, and get mummified, in 3000 years you gonna look like grey/brown/black coprse

was pic-related black? white? or red?

Quite of the Fayum portraits are likely not of natives since that style of painting was imported by the Greeks and reachd the height of its popularity in Roman times. Also that's fairly cherry-picked collection, plenty of the portrayed people look darker than that.

Probably only egyptian art is able to tell truth.
For example Bust of Nereftiti, which is dated 1300BC.

No its not. Egyptians have never been black unless you want to count the Nubian Dynasty that lasted less than 100 years.
Not as brainlet as using out of context ancient art as "evidence".
Rameses II, the most famous Pharaoh, had red hair

I think they're obviously not traditional European white but they're good enough proof that Egyptians weren't sub-Saharan black

>Quite of the Fayum portraits are likely not of natives
You pulled that out of your arse. The portraits were place on the sarcophaguses of natives. They were done in a Greek-style because everything Greek was fashionable back then.

Blacks are subsaharan people of the negroid race.

Always been and always will be.

2000-2500 years ago is roughly the period in which Alexander the Great (born around 300 BCE) conquered Egypt.
Are you sure those portraits are of Egyptians and not foreign Greek invaders like Cleopatra?

I was under the mistaken impression they were older than they are, I believe the British Museum has portraits from circa 0 AD

Oh absolutely they weren't black, I was more replying to the "tainted by Arab invaders", since some of the portraits definitely look like modern Egyptians. Though just as a note sub-Saharan actually a pretty poor distinction for Egypt since the Nile cuts through the desert and has provided a fairly easy travel route between Egypt and Nubia since time immemorial. Egypt repeatedly tried to establsih control over their southern neighbors which cause the Nubians to adopt Egyptian culture and to some degree language.

The Greek settlers adopted the local religous practices.

>Modern studies conclude that the Faiyum portraits represent Greek settlers in Egypt. Victor J. Katz notes that "research in papyri dating from the early centuries of the common era demonstrates that a significant amount of intermarriage took place between the Greek and Egyptian communities".

Doesn't matter, Egyptians were still not black.


However, they got figures from 2000BC, and they got actual paint preserved.

Okay, but waving around bullshit to argue that point just lends credibility to the other side.

wow, nazis tried to ruin this piece of art


I'm not the guy who posted the pic, but this petulant arguing about when some out of context paining is from is not real evidence.

Then what were they?

Explain this then

>anyone with dark skin is automatically a nigger

Gee, I guess Indian's are black too.

DNA, DNA.... lalala DNA

bait post
but all they are going to find is that its just fantasyland


>niggers go over to africa askin "WERE DA WAKANDA AT?"
>African's go "What you looking for, American Nigger?"
>"Because, you speak like American Nigger, you dress poorly and have fake tribal tattoos."
>"It doesn't exist, you stupid American Nigger, it come from some Jew in New York, now go back to your chicken-nugget-eating restuarants, you disgrace to the African nations *spits* I am sorry my ancestors did not kill you, instead of taking you as property for European people."

>niggers actually believe Ancient Egyptians were sub-humans from Central Africa

That's a pretty sick cosplay actually.

so you're saying that it was us meds who wuz kings

You can get the hair colour.
Some Pharaoh and old egyptians had red tint on their hair
Confirmed not black, at least the ruling class

I grew up in Africa and plenty of them like American blacks

but for real that was racist by SJW standards.

Depends which part.

The only decent black people I've met were both African's.

maybe just bad lighting, but shouldnt that nemes on his head have blue stripes, not black?

Yeah, I'm only really speaking from a South African perspective


go back there nigger

>only blacks live in Africa

It's actually quite depressing, when they got told about Wakanda being just a fairytale they automatically assumed white people think like them

Ramses II (as portrayed in this movie) was actually a ginger, not a baldcel. That being said that doesn't really make him white at all as we see many populations in North Africa, Anatolia and the Levant, and Central Asia also producing red hair.

Ancient Egyptians were not white, despite many meme Sup Forums historians citing fake news or tabloid stories about King Tut's ancestry. Ancient Egyptians looked like the Modern day Palestinians/Jordanians/Syians.

das right

you can't get the same DNA results from a fossil of human skeletal remains (cheddar man) as you can from a preserved corpse (mummy)

>Neither is Hogwarts


Don't be dull. With today's technology you can get a pretty good picture of how a mummy looked like when they were alive. Race diferences are not limited to skin collor: the cranial formation is also a major tell.

nowadays, not necessarily then

Just as a note, the source article implies that her theories are about Greco-Roman immigrants.

>She said fair-haired mummies were rare: she has seen just four in her research career. This was perhaps why it was widely believed that the fair locks were a result of the mummification process.

>However, Dr Davey said, she was now convinced that there were blondes dotted among the ancient Egyptian population during the Graeco-Roman period, which spanned from 332 BC to around 395 AD.

>She said it made sense. The child mummies had fair hair because they lived during the rule of the Greeks and the Romans. This era would have brought many new genes into Egypt, via the Northern Greek and Roman soldiers as well as traders and slaves who may have had northern European genes.

need to go s m h for the sydney morning herald

No ones going to even mention this is an edited shot from the movie? They werent really depicted that dark

Jeez the filter fucked my shit up

It's shaking my

>South Africans


What? Are you saying white and black differences in skeletal structure only occurred in the last couple thousand years? Is this bait?

>No its not. Egyptians have never been black
Wrong, in lower Egypt it's true that the people were closely related to the people of the Levant and most likely had a middle eastern appearance, but in upper Egypt most Egyptians were black.

Yeah they have


Yo Maise Williams is that you?

does this mean Native Americans of 700 years ago were also 56% white?

Prove it. Without posting out of context art.

you use the word black as too black and white.

Were they sub saharan zulu tribe black? No, of course not they are not in that part of africa.

The issue that you and Sup Forums seems to have, is for some reason you want to pretend like they have zero black blood, or their accomplishments can't be attributed just as much to black people as any other race.

Understand, egyptians, at any point in history were about just as much black as any other race.

Maybe you can make an argument for royalty straying away from black blood LATE in egyptian history but that doesn't mean much anyways.

Empires are never truly created by the rulers, this holds true even more so in egyptian society where pharoahs were sheltered "gods" and the perfect definition of a figurehead.

Black people and black blood were the norm in egyptian society for all of history, therefore it is ridiculous to say that the black race holds no credit in the success of the egyptian empire.


South Africans seem to like them. Ethiopians and Somalians seem to hate them almost as much as they hate eachother.

The biggest issue with the melanin testing and recreations is that they take the relatively accurate depiction of what that melanin content looks like and run with it.

As a mixed black guy, if I do not go in the sun for a few months I can get really light, to where people do not actually think I am black... Spend a month in the sun though and I become definitely black.

There is WAY too huge of a range due to sun tanning to accurately depict what someones day to day skin color looked like when dealing with any skin color besides white.

Egyptians =/= Subsaharrans.

Niggos are so dumb.

What an absolute abortion of a fucking post. I'll use the specific terminology since you seem to be the type of autist that gets hung up on semantics. Egyptians were not European
Egyptians were not Negroid
Egyptians were Semitic peoples with possible genetic contributions to both of those aforementioned groups. That does not make them one or the other, they were Caucasoid semites.
>the black race
No such thing, unless you want to derive all negoroid phenotypes as a race (of which Egyptians were not.) My European genes are closer related to the foreign exchange gook that lives next door than some West African Bantu is to a Nubian.
Your post also did not contain a single piece of objective information, so again, try and prove your cultural thievery without using dubious Egyptian "art"

I used black race loosely meaning genetic contributions from sub saharan gene pools.
It's laughable that you think the egyptians somehow devloped isolated and became this semitic people with only "possible" contributions from the arabians and negroids.

The very fact that they are literally closer to black than white is also pretty funny considering you call them caucasoid, move up a little north east from egypt and you start to actually get caucasoid semites (actual arabians who are much lighter complexioned than egyptians). I guess you have to be literally pitch black to be more negroid than caucasoid for some reason right?

Try this: Sub saharan genes made there way up to north africa just as much if not more than arabian/middle east genes made there way to egypt.

Egyptians are a special case where they were in a chokepoint, reality is, if it wasn't for the middle east influx, they would look exactly like libyan, sudan, niger and ethiopa.

The caucasoid claim is just ludicrous, you trying to tell me the entirety of africa is negroid right up until egypt and suddenly that small strip of land connecting them to the middle east has made them caucasoid?

They are fucking black with some arabian mixed in, end of story.

Start the caucasoid bullshit once we actually get into the middle east


>hurf durf, im a retard look at me

In bronze age times some would be relatively brown and others would look a lot more European. Egypt was a big crossroads and was very diverse. I mean that in the real way, not the SJW way. Ramses the great was a fucking ginger, for instance. Confirmed by genetic testing. Ancient Egyptians themselves considered there to be four different races in the kingdoms.

That said, I doubt most of them would be recognizably any race we would recognize today. They probably had a strange mix of traits.

What part of Upper Egypt? Starting from the first cataract? Or the parts that were annexed later and were full of Nubians?

>The very fact that they are literally closer to black than white is also pretty funny
Well thats not what the genetic tests say. But you can't into scientific reasoning, just your rambling, vague hypothesis that you demand to be accepted as fact. Pathetic.
> I guess you have to be literally pitch black to be more negroid than caucasoid for some reason right?
It has to comprise a significant portion of your genome. Of which it does not.
> you trying to tell me the entirety of Africa is negroid right up until Egypt
All of North Africa has been Caucasoid/Semitic since long before the Younger Dryas. The Numidians are not Negroid, the Berbers are not Negroid, the Carthaginians are not Negroid, and the Egyptians are not Negroid. Get over it.
>They are fucking black with some arabian mixed in, end of story.
Rameses II was ginger.
Take your Reddit spacing and scientifically somewhere else. You have no support or quantitative data for your bullshit. This is pitiful.

wtf that stand-up is very problematic

This. Ancient Egyptians were Ancient Egyptians. Their exact mix of traits is gone.

>Ramses the great was a fucking ginger, for instance. Confirmed by genetic testing.

There has been no genetic testing on Ramesses II as far as I know, his hair has only been studied with micro-scope.

Holy shit someone that knows what they're taling about.

Caucasoid and Negroid doesn't refer to skin color. Please stop.

Shout out to Dreamworks for acknowledging blacks invited slavery.

It is pathetic how badly black people need this lie to feel better about themselves.

Well, he calls the Egyptians a Semitic people, which is not true. Semite is not a genetic description but an linguistic one, and the Egyptian language is not Semitic.

Oh, the genetic testing that occurred when?? Maybe during the 20th century long after egypt established itself as a branch of the middle east and isolated themselves from the rest of africa?

I guess we have to stop using our brains since we will never get a genetic test from 5000 years ago aside from a statistically insignificant pharoah.

And as far as cuacasoid is concerned Im not getting into the politics in those designations besides saying the politics are there and real.

We are not talking about the fringes of north africa either, we are talking about the massive egyptian country and empire that was on top of the nile.

You wanna claim morrocans were caucasoids fine, Ehypt is a different story, its actually inane to say there weren't endless influxes from the surrounding regions just south of them and on top of the nile WHO WERE ALL NEGROID.

Fact is, we will never know exactly what was going on thousands of years ago, which is why you have to use some form of logical reasoning.

Lastly, it is amazingly ironic how you seem to be an advacate of scientific research and quantitative data but you used "ramses II was a ginger" as a supporting point. One genetic profile means absolutely nothing scientifically, it is even worse since it was high royalty.

The British royalty is fucking inbred, taking their genetic profile paints a crazy different picture than reality.

The ancient Egyptian ethnicity does not exist anymore and there is no correct term for it other than "Egyptian". So I supplanted a word that everyone knows to mean "middle eastern". Sue me.

Is this thing with Wakanda the black version of what happened with fat middle aged women and Avatar?

>they would look exactly like libyan, sudan, niger and ethiopa.
one of these things is not like the other
one of these countries doesn't belong

It's getting increasingly hard to find any of the original articles on either the hair test or any DNA testing on google. Kind of creepy.

You can do genetic testing on corpses. Very old corpses are hard, but they've been done.

Ok good point. Their branch of the Afro-Asiatic language was probably cousins to the Semitic languages though.

Ethiopa has direct access to the nile making it relatively easy to migrate northward. Ethiopans probably had an easier time getting to egypt than libyans

Still not too easy though. The Nile is rough on the higher elevations.

Who cares what color they were? They're long dead. What does it do for your life if they were black or white?
>We wuz kangz
>No, WE wuz kangz
Neither of you was kangz because you're you. You're just some faggot NEET that wastes his life on Sup Forums. Your ancestors, whoever they are, would probably be ashamed of you.

That's the funny thing, even if they were black (they weren't, mostly) they have absolutely nothing to do with modern African Americans. Totally different ancestry. Africa's a big place with multiple races.

I just think it's retarded for people to obsess over it. Unless they're historians or archeologists, why worry about it? They lived thousands of years ago. Whoever they were, whatever they were like, has nothing to do with anyone in the present.

Maybe my ancestor was a pauper or a prince (most likely a pauper like the rest of my family), doesn't change my life. Doesn't change the fact that I'm some user wasting his life on Sup Forums.

>The genetic testing that occurred when??
All the testing thats been done on mummies and burial remains. Not a single one has shown any Negroid admixture.
>You wanna claim morrocans were caucasoids fine, Ehypt is a different story, its actually inane to say there weren't endless influxes from the surrounding regions just south of them and on top of the nile WHO WERE ALL NEGROID.
Prove it. Here we are, 6 posts later and you are still too scientifically illiterate to provide a single citation for any of your bullshit.
>I guess we have to stop using our brains since we will never get a genetic test from 5000 years ago aside from a statistically insignificant pharoah.
There are many of them besides the Pharoah. His red hair just makes an easy rebuttal.
>Lastly, it is amazingly ironic how you seem to be an advacate of scientific research and quantitative data but you used "ramses II was a ginger" as a supporting point. One genetic profile means absolutely nothing scientifically, it is even worse since it was high royalty.
This was merely a direct counterpoint to
>Maybe you can make an argument for royalty straying away from black blood LATE in egyptian history but that doesn't mean much anyways.
Its also still better than rambling, uncited garbage you keep repeating.

"There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa.... The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."

"A study published in 1982 found that blood typing of dynastic mummies found ABO frequencies to be most similar to modern Egyptians."
"Survey on paleoserological studies"

It has socio political consequences, not saying they are correct or based in fact or science, but the world seems to view things with a broadstroke brush.

Currently there is the idea that blacks haven't had a successful empire throughout history, which isn't true even without egypt but the average person doesnt into history that much.

Giving black genes the credit they are due in regards to egypt would go a long way to mitigating that belief, regardless of the actual relation of those genes to african americans.

I agree with this, its is so dumb how africa, which is so much bigger than other continents is somehow homogenized. People love to quote the (kenyans?) average IQ of 70 or so and act like that means all blacks are on that level...

Ppl dont realize that's like saying chileans are the same as mexicans.

The world is a stupid place, unfortunately to better the lives of the average person you have to ascribe to the ridiculousness and combat it.

Egypt began when Sumerians migrated to Africa. As the years passed they became less sumerian and were a mix of middle eastern and north african

>I just think it's retarded for people to obsess over it. Unless they're historians or archeologists, why worry about it? They lived thousands of years ago. Whoever they were, whatever they were like, has nothing to do with anyone in the present.
I just find it interesting. I don't have any shared blood with either of these groups anyway.