I think we should send troops into africa and exterminate from the north down untill every nigger on that shit hole of...

I think we should send troops into africa and exterminate from the north down untill every nigger on that shit hole of a continent is smeared with their neighbours blood. After they are all dead we should divide the continent into 2, 1 half for children, and the other half for the women where we impregnate them and if their baby doesnt have blonde hair and blue eyes we kill it. we only accept blonde hair and blue eyes then we have a thousand year reich that we promised.

Sieg Heil
Long live the Fuhrer

Love user


Enjoy getting v& lad.

hey can you give source for that picture? i have seen it loads

africa shits out over 60k children a day.. good luck with this plan.

murdoch murdoch on YT

thanks lad

guys im joking i love the blacks

sounds reasonable


You're a cuck faggot is what you are.

If Hitler had just invaded subsaharan africa, he could have had his lebensraum, resources, ports and genocide and not a single country would have given a shit.

careful hans, you dont want merkal knocking on your door for racism


yeah right germany had colonies but they were stolen after WWI the only non-colonized patch of land was negropia and italy took care of that in 1936 or so.,

guys im only joking, this is a bad plan and a bad shit post

If we stop sending them help these primates will die off regardless.
They can't take care of themselves and will likely al be dead within a year if we stop sending them food and supplies.

No need to spend a single penny on their extermination.

lol your going to get in trouble fellow anglo

im sorry guys, i didnt mean any of it, im gonna go back to 9gag

yeah promoting genocide is not cool im reporting this post

guys im really sorry for the remarks i have made on this post theyare all untrue and i do not belive in any of them at all, sorry if i upset anyone

Anybody know how we can start to convince people this is a good idea?

i have tried redpilling my friends about niggers but they never listen and usually unfriend me

any ideas Sup Forums?


So you've od'ed on redpills... I had that happen once or twice. Smoke some pot and hate yourself. It'll level you out