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>Clinton News Network

wow what a joke.
the word is 'biased'. bias is the noun.

need a video


CNN reporters are seeing the oncoming storm.
After the election what will they do?

why does noone on cnn have hair?

I hate this jew centrist faggot. He ruins POTUS on XM with his "I'm a objective centrist" bullshit , while shilling for hill everyday

I don't even click on CNN links or watch their streams anymore. They are the worst of the worst.

CNN are reptilian

Topkek someone should post the video where they say "we did all we could to help HER".

Hair is an unneccessary distraction, user. It only costs energy that's better spent doing good and honest objective journalism.

Pot calling kettle black

>CNN calling other people biased


>implying Fox isn't biased
Why don't we ever hear about Trump's many scandals???

Top kek.


CNN is like the new Onion without actual facts

-1:06:00 from the very start

Someone link either Kelly getting roasted or Katie Hopkins destroying CNN


Evan mcmullim just called trump a corrupt politician

Lol the network that literally promised to SERVE Bill Clinton talking shit about other networks bias. Who cuts the feed of people that go off the pro-clinton narrative.

Good strategy there, distract people away from your own problems with being impartial by focusing on the shitshow that is fox news. Fox news having, miraculously, been one of the most impartial networks this election cycle although still having a republican bent on merit of both not truly liking Trump OR Hillary.

Oh, you're wasting your fucking time. Just don't bother.

But we do? Fox caused one of Trumps scandals by coming out and criticising him for his treatment of Megan Kelly. Are you sure they haven't been criticising Trump, or have you just not been paying attention to them and been assuming that's what they're doing since they're fox news? They nearly had a fucking aneurysm when Trump won the primaries, they are just still willing to support him over a democrat.

That is the joke.

Yeah, I just watched it.

That motherfucker called Trump a "populist white nationalist movement".

A FUCKING MORMON accused someone of a populist white nationalist movement

What about that "Mormon army", you piece of shit?

I remember they said it was a (((error)))

Like CNN has straight up been the most bias network this entire cycle being pro-hillary all the way through Sanders campaign and giving her disperportionate coverage. I wasn't really shocked the links between CNN and the Clintons are well known but they managed to beat fox this election run when it came to bias coverage. The last 3 elections I would have said fox took it when it came to bias coverage.

Because Time Warner (CNN) has known about the upcoming merger with AT&T FOR MONTHS (they've been in secret negotiations) and knew Trump or Sanders would never let it happen.

The word is "biased" you fat fuck.

mcmuffin is literally a hillary plant. he should be executed immediately on film.

>too bias

Who is this Tobias that CNN refers to?

im not sifting through this shit

give me a Fox livestream please. This CNN is bullshit.

daily reminder

mormons need to be gassed

For real, honestly before this election I thought the American right was so dishonest and biased. Now I see the American left is just as bad and in this particular moment much much worse.

I want to kill this fucking piece of shit

Really shot your wad with that joke
