Ron Paul: I Won't Vote For Trump
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I'd lose respect for Paul if he did.
Still voting for Trump though
This wrinkled old faggot had his chance back in 08 and he blew it.
Dumphf is done this time! Look at my face, he is done!
Ps I love Ron and his son, but Trump pwned his little son, so that is obviously why he won't support him.
Ron and co are good people but never took the power to win.
I'm a libertarian and I voted Trump.
Ron Paul wont support anyone that doesn't want to allow an unlimited number of mexicans in to vote in our elections.
What's it like being a retard?
This was Sup Forums's choice back in last election? TOPKEK
>Paul, who was also a candidate in the Republican primaries of 2008 and 2012, said neither candidate offers any solutions to the serious problems that the country faces and that "control of the system is much bigger than the political parties."
What did he mean by this? Just who could be above the two party system??
S E L L O U T.
Fuck him, I'm deleting all his happening reaction images.
What's it like not being principled?
being principled is good unless your principles are retarded
(((Ron Paul)))
We are allowed to change our opinions based on new knowledge.
Like my opinion of you, I now think you are a colossal faggot.
>The enemies of my enemies are also my enemies
Fuck off
>What's it like not being principled?
>voting for Trump
Again cognitive dissonance here is massive. Trump is about as principled as a three dollar bill and flip flops more than Romney.
What a salty old man. He talks out about trump everyday on his shitty show but hasn't laid a finger on leppo Johnson for hijacking the libs and exposing himself as an autistic manchild. Fucking shill
>Just who could be above the two party system?
I hate autumn, can't wait for winter to see all the leaves disappear
>have poorly conceived principles
>accomplish nothing
>help people who would defile everything you believe in
>stand in the way of people trying to accomplish several of your goals
Ron Paul is the pure, virgin QT who exists in your imagination as the unimpeachable ideal, and Donald Trump is the foul-mouthed stripper who is street smart and surprisingly kind but lacks self awareness and has herpes on her cheek for some reason.
If Ron Paul decides to join Trump's clique, he doesn't make Trump better, he only makes himself worse.
that's okay, molymeme completely dismantled leppo the other day, and he's actually a bonafide anarchist unlike ron paul who is still pretty much just a libertarian. it was more than enough to go around.
HAAHAHA Controlled Oppo Confirmed
>he's actually a bonafide anarchist
he's a jew, just like you.
What is al oppo!?!?!
Dunno you tell me you anime manbaby.
This was back in May, Paul could change his mind given how many stances Trump has changed since.
It should also be said Paul is not going to endorse or vote for Johnson.
It should also be said Paul has been in this rodeo before. He was personally moved by Reagans charisma, which lead him into politics and the republican party. Only for him to be betrayed when the party suddenly started going for stances that were the complete opposite of what they preached and said was wrong of the dems. So it's fair to say hes being cautious, as he doesn't want to endorse someone that ends up being against freedom in the end.
That's a pretty stupid decision. Even worse that you would broadcast that decision. He has to realize how devastating Hillary would be to our country. As a non interventionist his first priority should be preventing Hillary "Arm the terrorists" Clinton from getting in power.
It's a dog food.
What's it like losing all the time?
Or you guys could stop making excuses for this faggot Anarchist and stop sucking his old dick? Libertarianism is fucking retarded, and Ron Paul is fucking retarded. That simple.
>That's a pretty stupid decision. Even worse that you would broadcast that decision. He has to realize how devastating Hillary would be to our country. As a non interventionist his first priority should be preventing Hillary "Arm the terrorists" Clinton from getting in power.
Neopol seems to think Hillary or Trump are in any way different from anyone else who ran for president since forever.
I wonder who much of '''''''pol'''''''' are 2012 Sup Forums and how many are reddit shills.
He's free not to vote for Trump. Isn't that why USA is called Freedomland? I would vote for Trump though.
Not gonna lie, if I were to ever hire a lawyer he'd have to be Jewish, no questions asked.
This guy is one of the cuckbertarians that Stefan blasted in his last video. All talk and no action.
Ron Paul has never been wrong.
He's the reincarnation of one of the founding fathers. You children are too stupid to realize how patriotic he is.
We're talking about a guy who wanted to repeal the NFA and make all firearms legal. We're talking about a man who wants to audit the FED and expose the jews to the entire world.
Ron Paul is and always has been our leader. Also he knows it's useless, since the MSM pulled some huge bullshit on him when he ran.
>Or you guys could stop making excuses for this faggot Anarchist and stop sucking his old dick? Libertarianism is fucking retarded, and Ron Paul is fucking retarded. That simple.
Yeah statism and fascism has worked out real well for America for the last 100 years now.
I couldn't give a shit less what Ron Paul does.
Nor did anyone expect him to. But at least he isn't shilling for Hillary. If anything, he's only going to convince his followers to stay home, and that's fine.
He's in the same camp as Sowell. It's not a big deal. Hell, he probably only stated this openly because he was asked/ He's not on twitter/facebook talking about how much of a monster Trump is, like some other right wingers.
He's also the fucking retard who wants open borders. Watch his perfect lawless fuckworld turn to a Commie nightmare when 100 million spics come over.
Rand will vote for trump though. He is smarter.
Wow people actually take a pedophile seriously on this board.
t. real life uncle tom
Having principles is fine, but you have to actually, y'know, be able to implement them.
Being a lame duck doesn't accomplish anything.
I still support trump, but Paul will always be our guy.
>open borders.
Yes because there are trillions of people just swarming over the border every day. You fags didn't give a shit about muh wall till Trump turned it into a meme.
You're right, Trump who has been fought by both "sides" of the establishment is exactly the same as bush and clinton.
That's what he's saying dipshit.
There's nothing retarded about righteousness. There's nothing righteous about throwing your lot in with a freedom-hating big-government nanny-statist.
What exactly is "poorly conceived" about wanting people to be free senpai?
You mean winning all the time? Cuz it's great ;)
Yeah, it really has. It's only gone to shit since we've started letting women and niggers vote and since we decided to bring in fucking millions of spics.
but you don't need all those destructive devices user
>You're right, Trump who has been fought by both "sides" of the establishment is exactly the same as bush and clinton.
Where does he stand on Israel and Iran again?
he wanted to bring in american troops from overseas to protect the border you down syndromed abortion
>Yeah, it really has. It's only gone to shit since we've started letting women and niggers vote and since we decided to bring in fucking millions of spics.
Liberty movement is bigger than your childish racism and sexism. In a true libertarian society, everyone would be judged based off the merits of their character.
>complains about people making non-arguments
>appeals to emotion non stop during his rambling
In a post Ron Paul would you'll be able to conceal carry your newly legal fully automatic AR pistol and fight anybody who apposes freedom.
Also the wall won't be stopping immigration since most illegals come by plane and overstay their visa.
Get the fuck off this board.
I thought you were discounting his political views as just a smoke screen for the true agenda? Either they are his real views or they aren't, you can't use it on both sides. So you agree that he's non-interventionist unlike hillary?
>people in this thread unironically disrespecting Him
Wanna know how I know you're new/underage
This btw
Yeah, I've given a shit about it for several years. Why don't you just vote for Hillary since bringing in an endless amount of people not from our culture will somehow advance our culture?
Libertarianism, now with 100,000,000 Muslim theocrats and 100,000,000 Mexican Socialists. Woohoo. That'll work great. Give em all guns while youre at it.
Anarchists are fucking retards.
>everyone would be judged based off the merits of their character.
You guys are fucking retarded you would get gang raped by fucking Mexican cartels and street niggers if you ever got your dream America.
And? Ron was the best politician this country ever had, and he fervently sticks by his policies.
Obviously he wouldn't vote for the authoritarian loudmouth, no one would expect him to. He has stated several times that there is no one running that really follows anything close he believes in.
I, personally, will vote for Trump just to fuck up the system and to get back at the Republican party for ruining his chances to win back in 2012 (literally rigging the votes in Maine, among other things).
If I didn't feel that Hillary was as bad as she is, I probably would've wrote in Paul in all honesty.
fuck off CTR
>Get the fuck off this board.
Yeah make us.
Oh, you can't can you faggot.
And I actually voted for the old retarded faggot Ron.
>So you agree that he's non-interventionist unlike hillary?
He's not faggot. That's why Ron Paul won't endorse him.
this is from May you faggot
Honestly, honestly people.
"Ron Paul will let us defend liberty by killing people we don't agree with with guns see checkmate statists!"
Ron Paul is a moron and you guys are no different than the faggot stoners I know with their Ron Paul "Love" stickers.
You weren't old enough to vote in 2012 lel
but I don't want to fight everybody user, I can't actually fight off a gang of niggers by my misanthropic self, I want to live in relatively stable society where the niggers get thrown in jail and I have roads.
>won't vote for the first republican nominee who wants to audit the fed
>Welcome to our Libertarian Utopia, hispanic people!
>Hello I'm Pablo I like welfare and vote Democrat
Well you called me a faggot so I guess I'm wrong.
apply sanctions to Iran until they give us what they want, rather than give them a trillion dollars
support Israel but be the ultimate deal maker and come to the table without any bias.
>OMG you disagree with the wall? You must be a Hillary supporter then!
Fucking kys
All these newfags on here
>Well you called me a faggot so I guess I'm wrong.
Why are you posting a faux libertarian pedophile?
Muh old man dick is going to gimme guns to defend liberty. Oh wait you mean Libertarians now represrnt .0005% of the population instead of one!?!? Please don't rape my girlfriend to death Mohammed!
It's not like anyone didn't expect this. Ron Paul has earned enough respect from me to have earned the right to do this. He didn't support Johnson in 2012 and he won't in 2016. He obviously won't be shilling for Hillary.
>apply sanctions to Iran until they give us what they want,
Newsflash user, repealing the Iran deal and more sanctions means war with Iran. Iran will start building a nuclear weapon the second it's gone, so enjoy WW III.
RP just wants to be an ideoligically pure gadfly and jackoff over how pure he is.
Actually accomplishing anything is irrelevant to Dildotarians.
>You weren't old enough to vote in 2012 lel
I was old enough to fuck your mother to bad she didn't abort you after. lel
How would I be raped in a post Ron Paul world when I'll be open carrying pic related through the streets???
Learn2Freedom you cuck
>support Israel but be the ultimate deal maker and come to the table without any bias.
Said Jerusalem should be the capital of shitrael and Palestinians weren't human beings.
The wall aint happening but opening the borders and giving everyone guns and getting rid of laws is retarded and youre retarded for thinking that'd work.
Fuck this cuck. The only reason I considered voting for him was because he was a step in the right direction.
Trump is 5 steps in the right direction.
Or Stein
Nobody really. I don't understand why people here start sperging out when someone might not support Trump, especially Ron Paul who has earned more than enough respect. Is it r/the_donald refugees? If so, get out. You're not welcome.
You are really too fucking stupid to post. Trump isn't banning all Muslims. If he actually was I'd support him more than I already do. Also he's gonna buckle when asked to take refugees, whereas Ron wouldnt have taken one.
so will the millions of spics and mudshits that came across the non existant border to steal your shit.
>when I'll be open carrying pic related through the streets???
This faggot thinks his toy will save him from a military grade equipped cartel gang rapes his corpse.
Top fucking lel
>Libertarians unironically think they want to live in Walking Dead land
I swear the only underaged dumbfucks here are Ron Paultards.
Excuse me US armed forces, not to be rude about your berets. But they look fucking gay and stupid. As a matter of fact all berets looks stupid, but the US ones stands especially out!
I like the old ways where a guy like Ron Paul would be listened to. Instead, though, we live in a world where he tried to do the right thing and they sat him down at the kid's table and he disappeared into a black hole. His son tried to rectify that problem by buying in a little more to the system. Didn't work. I'm voting Trump, cancelling Ron's vote, but not his son's.
>ou fags didn't give a shit about muh wall till Trump turned it into a meme.
You're a fucking retard. It's been one of the most important voting issues for conservatives forever.
Why would open borders man not take refugees stupid fuck? And honestly, refugees are less of a problem than Mexicans, straight up.
>We're going to spend billions on a wall
>Mexico will pay for it, while at the same time improving relations
>STOP & FRISK (fuck the 4th amendment)
>If you're on a terror watch list, no gun for you
>I love Israel *sends 10 billion to bibi*
Fuck off
>was because he was a step in the right direction.
>Trump is 5 steps in the right direction.
This so fucking much.
I want the border close and trade deals fucked I don't give a fuck about drugs or the addicts or the flat tax bullshit.
I can't wait for Trump to lose and Sup Forums become a board full of libertarians and libertarian leaning progressives again.
neopol seems to support whatever is the most fascist and authoritarian policy possible.
>This wrinkled old faggot had his chance back in 08 and he blew it.
I remember when Ron Paul had the chance to interrogate Bernanke and instead he waffled about the gold standard while Americans were being made homeless by the banks