So you think you're a film buff eh? Heh... well how many of the 9 nominated movies for best picture have you seen?

Me.. 4.

>Get Out
>Shape of Water
>Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
>Lady Bird

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen 7, only skipped Lady Bird and the gay one because I have no interest in either

Get good OP

Seen all nine. in order of greatness:

1. Darkest Hour
2. Get Out
3. Three Billboards
4. Lady Bird
5. Shape of Water
6. Call Me By Your Name
7. The Post
8. Phantom Thread
9. Dunkirk

All nine

1. Call Me by Your Name
2. Three Billboards
3. Phantom Thread
4. Get Out
5. Darkest Hour
6. Dunkirk
7. Shape of Water
8. Lady Bird
9. The Post
Biggest Snub: Killing of a Sacred Deer
Honorable mentions: Good Time, BR2049, I Tonya, My Friend Dahmer

I still need to see Florida Project and Novitiate, and then I think I've pretty much covered what I want to watch before the awards.

>well how many of the 9 nominated movies for best picture have you seen?
I've seen every one nominated since 1927.
Get on my level.

>meaning anything in the last decade

Sorry the academy awards mean shit nowadays. Everyone knows its just a bunch of hipsters and Hollywood elites jerking themselves off. The academy hasn't meant anything for a long long time.

you're a fag
Dunkirk was kino and Get out was not good

Lady Bird - 6/10
Dunkirk - 6.5/10
Shape of Water - 7/10
Three Billboards - 7/10
Gonna watch CMBYN tomorrow night.

are Darkest Hour and Phantom Thread worth a watch? they feel like they fly under the radar among the overly talked about Three Billboards, Get Out and Shape of Water

Del Taco is gonna win Best Director because "muh mehicano filmmaker" but PTA really deserves it more for Phantom Thread. It really blows the rest out of the water.

This is so fucking bad. In no universe is Darkest Hour superior to Dunkirk. DH is TV movie-tier apart from Oldman's performance.


seen em all except for the post
I don't care which one wins just that it isn't get out
terrible flick

From best to worst :
1. Phantom Thread
2. Call Me By Your Name
3. Three Billboards
4. Dunkirk
5. Get Out
6. Shape of Water
7. Lady Bird
8. The Post
9. Darkest Hour

I'd rate the last 2 higher if they weren't so pointless in 2017 desu

Darkest Hour is an easy watch and a pretty universally enjoyable film, save for one awful scene (the subway/tube bit). Good, but not great. Phantom Thread is a pleb filter, but it's actually great.

Darkest Hour is fine but really quite forgettable. Phantom Thread is kino.

I think Dunkirk should win, it's the only true film, ie, used the visual medium to communicate the narrative, all others could be Audio books.
I'm still mad about mad max fury road not winning best picture.

>watching modern film
heh. nothin personel kid

>it's the only true film, ie, used the visual medium to communicate the narrative
You could say the same about Phantom, just at a lesser extent

Those two are the only nominated that strive at telling a story rather than coddling the audience with stupid politics.

1. Dunkirk
2. Three Billboards
3. Phantom Thread
4. Get Out
5. The Shape of Water
6. The Post
7. Darkest Hour

Don't care about the other two, although I have a sneaking suspicion Lady Bird will win. I, Tonya and BR2049 should've been nominated.

Darkest Hour isn't political, right?

I watched get out in theatre, wasn't scary, wasn't funny, wasn't even interesting in terms of what will happen next, like black body snatchers.
If I was Jordan Peele, id feel like shit, having my name pushed around like I am black Kubrick and shit, like get out was the greatest thing to ever grace the cinema, when it was a competent but oft mediocre film. Wasn't bad, wasn't good, just a middling effort that showed he has potential.

1. call me by your name
2. three billboards outside ebbing missouri
3. lady bird
4. darkest hour
5. dunkirk
6. the shape of water
7. get out

the Oscars are meaningless now, just like critics.

No, but what set it apart is that it's a straightfoward biopic, not a story. And it's not particularly invigorating like Sergeant York or Patton are, it's just a basic account of Churchill's life.

Phantom Thread >>> Call Me By Your Name > Dunkirk > Lady Bird >>> The Shape of Water >>>>>>> Get Out > Three Billboards

Haven't seen the other two but they seem mediocre.

>has a notable politician as it's main character
>is it political?
You tell me

Very reactionary take ya got there user

What he means is whether or not it uses historical events to spew a painfully obvious political allegory ala The Post

All I saw last year was Fate of the Furious and Jigsaw.

>seeing the Oscar nominees for Best Picture makes you a "film buff"
Pffffffffffffffffttttthahahahah this board should really stick to capeshit.

Lady Bird and Call Me By Your Name are not at all political. Just because a film has women or homos doesn't mean it's trying to be political, if anything Phantom Thread is far more concerned with gender relations and whatnot.

I've seen 5. Ranked:

1. Phantom Thread
2. Dunkirk
3. The Shape of Water
4. Ladybird
[Huge gap containing almost all movies not nominated]
5. Get Out

Why does anyone think Three Billboards is a good film.

It is garbagio.

The comedic bits were successful. The overall message is good, and a satisfying rebuke of what attitude dominates political discourse these days.
It's an anti-leftist flick featuring a stronk woman and I feel McDonagh is really just thumbing his nose at the academy, make no mistake 3 Billboards is /ourmovie/ after Phantom Thread, that is

>he thinks he is a film buff when he is still caring about oscarshit
Phantom Thread is the only non garbage movie there

Cringe. Fuck off back to Sup Forums and stop thinking about films through fucking identity politics. This comment is literally no different than the brainlets praising Black Panther.

>The comedic bits were successful.
Opinion disregarded. I mean jesus christ you sound like a fucking parody.


1. Shape of Water
2. Phantom Thread
3. Three Billboards
4. Lady Bird
5. Darkest Hour
6. Get Out

what did you like about shape of water?

Surely you are baiting.
I don't know where I said anything about "identity politics". Point is, the left "Oscar bait" crowd has in recent times espoused a certain bloodlust that 3 Billboards makes a point to call out as wrong, take from that what you will as I doubt you actually saw the film.
You're a faggot, straight up.

Seen all except the 2 Oscar baits. Rank 1 to 4 is all about having great cinematic experience, I'm happy if either top 3 winning, although statistical-wise Shape of Water is winning
1. Call Me By Your Name
2. Dunkirk
3. Phantom Thread
4. Shape of Water

Then you have the smart and complex "original" screenplay
5. Three Billboards
6. Lady Bird
7. Get Out

After that you have the Oscar baits which just fail to understand why King's Speech is good

good post

Is everyone in agreement that this was not a great film? I thought it was completely average and it's the only one which hasn't made anyone's top 5 thus far.

Everything but Darkest Hour

1. Phantom Thread
2. Three Billboards
3. Lady Bird
4. Call Me By Your Name
5. The Post
6. Dunkirk
7. Get Out
8. The Shape of Water

christopher nolan is the biggest hack in cinema history

I wonder why

Not great. Had some satisfying moments but just not a relevant story, at all.

>So you think you're a film buff eh?
no im just here for the memes desu

I just saw Phantom Thread. What the fuck was that about? It was a perfectly good period piece and then it just devolved into absolute absurdity. "Just poison me senpai. I wanna shit blood for a while, it makes me love you."

Three Billboards was great and completely misunderstood for strange reasons.

Shape of the Water was classic Taco fairytale that doesn't belong in the Oscar category at all.

Dunkirk was perfectly adequate but nothing more.

I'm a sucker for sci-fi/fantasy shit I guess. but overall it's well acted and ambitious.

was boring. but you know, Meryl Streep. she literally has to be nominated for everything shes in

>Phantom Thread
Mushrooms are awesome and will reveal tender emotions and reward you with cathartic experiences

I’ve only seen 5
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards
Get Out
Lady Bird

Looks to be a terrible year. Probably Call me by your name is the best among the ones I've seen. Haven't seen Phantom Thread but the trailer really bored me.

>the left "Oscar bait" crowd has in recent times espoused a certain bloodlust that 3 Billboards makes a point to call out as wrong,
This is a. identity politics and b. not even in the film. The main chick is just angry and it makes her politics fucking morbid (we should barcode every baby). McDoogle didn't do it knowingly, either, he's a fucking hack who has no idea what Missouri is like. Seven Psychopaths was so bad it's impossible to validate his abilities.

>ephebophilia faggotry, actually not a bad movie
>straight to dvd garbage
>muh convergent timelines with awful sense of scale
>das racis: the movie
>muh mommy issues but with a great fucking score
>token Maryl Streep movie
>what if a woman fell in love with an oppressed creature living in captivity- w-woah powerful
>a fucking cgi deer

It's just so fucking boring. It reminded a lot of Bridge of Spies i.e. Spielberg trying to milk two hours out of story that could be told in like 30 minutes

>I, Tonya not nominated

what a joke

It wasn't psilocybe mushrooms fella, it was poisonous mushroom. They state it explicitly in the movie. The only thing they revealed was the inside of his rectum.

I really don't think you understood the film, user.

I saw Shape of Water because I like Del Taco

The rest I have zero interest in

Sure but it would appear he had similar effects... For example hallucinating his dead mother. Clearly there was more physical toxicity involved but the psychological effects seem comparable to psilocybin

lel thinking it's some wry response to a prevailing leftism in film criticism is a retarded interpretation buddy.

You haven't offered any other interpretation, nor explained why mine is so retarded other than "DURRR McDonagh is a hack hurr"
I guess I'm not really saying its a response to "leftism" but the overall message sure doesn't gel with modern leftism I'll tell ya what.

>What the fuck was that about?

It's Sup Forums: The Motion Picture. He wants Vicky Krieps to be his mommy so he allows himself to be made sick and vulnerable so she can take care of him.

> No Death of Stalin

The absolute state of these kike hacks

>similar effects... For example hallucinating his dead mother

This isn't a psilocybe effect, it's a dissociative if anything since we see through his eyes and the world is normal but for a "ghost" in the middle of the room.

There are dissociative effects from poisonous mushrooms but there is no reason to believe this is the point of the movie, you're inventing head canon at this point.

> Clearly there was more physical toxicity involved but the psychological effects

From what we learn in the movie she might as well have been cooking him tainted chicken, with a resulting sickness and he would be eating more of it, knowing it was tainted, so he could be sick and she could care for him.

It's not like there aren't mentally ill people who would be into this, but that's really not explored in the movie either. DDL is just a high strung and fussy character who can't get over his dead wife and can't take a break. I'm sure the point is that he's deliberately forced to take a break, but it's still a nutty plot point that doesn't make a whole lot of sense or is explained enough.

For some reason he's just knowingly eating poison mushrooms and enjoying being violently ill.

I mean, I guess, yeah. Like I said it seems to be what they intended. It just comes off as bizarre and is too underdeveloped to make sense. They go far more into the interpersonal triangle he's set up with his older assistant and the young girls he takes in.



Fair enough, I'm no expert. That's just my portal into understanding why he could enjoy the effects and willingly put himself through a poisoning.

This is what you said
>Point is, the left "Oscar bait" crowd has in recent times espoused a certain bloodlust that 3 Billboards makes a point to call out as wrong
You think the film attempts to validate the violence of its main characters? You think McDougie actually thinks we should be barcoding babies?
The film was ass because it was written like a bad play. McDuffie can't think filmically, he never learned how. It's abhorrently small-minded and so is his camerawork. I don't even think the main chick gave a good performance, and Rockwell was just doing his usual thing -- that he was nominated for this of all his films confuses me.

That was a great movie. The "funny" ran out by the end but if you look up the real story it paints a completely accurate picture of how fucking insane and corrupt the regime was.

Like with Venezuela though, lefties in the west will hush up all mention of it in shame.

I had the most fun watching Shape of Water, Three Billboards and Get Out, but Phantom Thread is probably the best film out of them all. I want it to win Best Picture.

No, I'm saying the film shows the awful bitterness, bitterness that poisons everyone around you once you succumb to anger-fueled hatred.

>Fair enough, I'm no expert.

Honestly you might have struck home here. I do know what the effects are.. is it possible PTA does not? He might have used mushrooms in some generic sense of unpredictable effects.


(view responses)

Right, I'm thinking he may have even chosen mushrooms specifically for their druggie connotations.

>you're a film buff if you blindly consume the newest films year in and out with glee
Wrong. The only film that should be up there is Song to Song.

Song to Song was shit, take your elitism meme back to Sup Forums

Lol that's not what you've been saying at all. You were saying that the director's politics aligned with his characters and that they were in opposition to leftists critics and that's why it was "/ourmovie/" (oof embarrassing).
>The people in the film are angry
No shit. Nice fucking pivot, retard.

1. Lady Bird
2. Call Me By Your Name
3. Phantom Thread
4. The Shape of Water
5. Three Billboards
6. Get Out
7. Dunkirk

haven't seen Darkest Hour or The Post, neither interest me. Florida Project would by my #1 if it wasn't snubbed

No you've literally just been misinterpreting my words every step of the way. Nice going dipshit

Film buffs don't watch the Oscars, pleb

>The overall message is good, and a satisfying rebuke of what attitude dominates political discourse these days.
It's an anti-leftist flick featuring a stronk woman and I feel McDonagh is really just thumbing his nose at the academy
>I mean, uh, the characters were angry!
Fucking pathetic. Kill yourself.

They all look like retarded Oscar bait except Dunkirk, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Your opinion is shit. And there's nothing elitist about appreciating Malick, an entry-level and popular contemporary director, nor about denouncing the notion that you must keep up with current film and trends to be able to appreciate film. When there are thousands of directors to watch from years past, it's in fact anti-art to go out of your way to consume the most recent films, as if it's trendy and hip to do so. Posturing at its finest, turning art into a societal spectacle.

The overall anti-hate message IS good. The attitude to which I refer is leftist bloodlust. Righteous anger, to be sure, but a pain that is only prolonged by one's succumbing to said anger, and resulting in hatred which can poison.
You're just assmad my man, cool it.

If you want to ignore the politically slanted tropes he relied on to realize such a vision, be my guest but don't come in here talking all this shit.

Is this you talking to yourself? I'm confused. Regardless, you've changed "what I was saying" about 3 different times now, so you're clearly either inarticulate or got embarrassed that I pointed out what you were saying was dumb. The point remains: Three Billboards is shit.

>That was a great movie. The "funny" ran out by the end
yeah i think the trailer set it up too much as a comedy

would of thought #meetoo would love Beria getting shot and burned for being a serial rapist BUT NOOOO

fun fact. Malenkov was Hank from The Larry Sanders show. It was noodling me all day !

Looks like Dunkirk has taken the lead

>Film is art


I haven't seen any of them and the only ones I'm remotely interested in watching are Dunkirk and Phantom Thread, the rest look awful



get out

1.Call me by your name
huge gap in terms of quality
3.Three Billboards
another huge gap
4.Get out
5.Lady bird
and another huge gap
6. Darkest hour (what a piece of shit)

Haven't seen the rest yet, but not gonna bother with ''The Post'' looks like boring shit


can i come to the AWSCARS ?


>1. Darkest Hour

None of them. Holy shit, what an embarrassment.

The trailer is truly shitty but the movie itself is great.

2 Phantom Thread
3 Dunkirk
4 lady bird
5 Shape of Water
6 Three Billboards
7 Get out

8 The Post
9 Darkest Hour