I just killed hundreds of people padme

>i just killed hundreds of people padme
>its ok

Other urls found in this thread:


let's fuck

>be you
>insanely hot girl likes you for some reason
>she's also insanely powerful in the force
>she wants to have your babies
>you fuck like rabbits for years
>one day, she does something bad

You're going to kick her to the curb like that? Or are you going to BONNIE AND CLYDE THIS MOTHERFUCKER TIL THE WHEELS FALL OFF?

>sand people

At what point did she ever indicate that she was powerful in the Force?


no see you cant change the genders like that because women are property

you retard


That's what friends are for. Friendliest friends that ever friended. And they friended all the way to Friendsville. In their friendmobile. Just friends forever.


true love

god you're so fucking stupid, jesus christ

Sometimes I don't think people get that these two are young, hot, and horny. Both have career paths that lend themselves to feeling isolated.

Possibly the biggest contrivance in all of Star Wars was Mace and Yoda thinking that sending Anakin, a padawan, alone with the smoking hot senator he doesn't even try to hide his feelings for.

>implying the mudslimes didn't deserve it

There's literally a quest in the first KoTOR where they explain they will keep killing people just because of their retarded religion. Sand "people" are literally fucking retards and deserve to be genocided. I wish Lucas didn't cut away but that subtle Darth Vader breath as the scene cuts away was fucking great just for the implication and to show his descent into Vader.

Jedi are pedophiles and deserve every bad thing that happened to them.

>slaughter dozens upon dozens of people, innocent children included, literally wipe a settlement off the face of the planet
>"oh...it's, it's okay...you were upset. let's get married."
>kill like nine more kids

It wasn't quite the child murder thing that sealed the deal for her.

Padme didn't really start to swerve until Anakin talked about taking over the Galaxy.

esto es el fin retard

>killing kids is a-okay
>taking over the galaxy to is a no no

>user i know we're pretty much perfect for each other in every way but i have a confession to make
>after seeing my dad die in my arms after being viciously murdered by a pack of feral niggers i took out my gun and slaughtered them all
>not just the nogs
>but the nigresses and the niglets too
>they're animals
>and i slaughtered them like animals
>i hate them!
And then we got married

>kill feral dune dwelling ooga boogas whose culture condones rape and torture until death
>who would probably just die in the wilderness or be enslaved by a rival tribe
>vs kill a bunch of young students at the school you went to

there were only 20-30 max in that camp

Hey, man, at least it's consistent.
(Also she did tell Obi-Wan she didn't believe him. Hearing Anakin say he was lying probably placated her, until he started running on and on about taking over the Galaxy.)

He rejected politics in favor of brute force and basically told her he wholeheartedly endorsed totalitarianism when they were romping in the fields of Naboo. Then he murdered a boatload of children a few days later. All this happened before she married him.

It's been well over a decade since the last prequel film was released, we can admit that Padme's character made no goddamn sense.


>that one time Vader goes to Tatooine just so he can kill some sand people for shits and giggles


>He rejected politics in favor of brute force and basically told her he wholeheartedly endorsed totalitarianism when they were romping in the fields of Naboo.

And she wrote this off as a joke to which Anakin just played along with. He wasn't joking. But his implications were clearly making her upset, so he must have been relieved that she thought that.

>Then he murdered a boatload of children a few days later.

Those were the children of Sand "people". They were savages who raped and killed his mother, so she can easily be construed as thinking less of them. Even if she didn't, you can make an argument as to why she might excuse that. (I agree though, he shouldn't have told her that. It's pretty out there.)

She makes sense.
She would have made more sense if some scenes weren't cut in Episode 3.

I gotta admit I'm liking nu-Vader a lot.



>if some scenes weren't cut in Episode 3
Such as?

so did Sidious get the Sandpeople to abuse Shimi so Anakin would turn or was it just pottery?


padme's and obi-wan's intense sex scene

I mean really it was just sand people chill out lol

Shmi was Sheev.

It was a long con.

Why do you try so hard to live, retard?

There's a scene where the Alliance to Restore the Republic is born. Padme makes a decision in that scene to not tell Anakin about what's going on. She later tells the Alliance she knows a Jedi they can trust; it's Obi-wan.

Reading the novelization is a painful reminder of how good Ep. III could have been.


Padme has always had a tendency to get really strict with Anakin when it comes to her political ideals. She respects and loves democracy more than she respects and loves him. In Episode 3 there was a scene where they essentially form the Rebellion and Mon Mothma is like, "Shh." But they tell Obi-Wan about it later.

I guess she didn't want to tell Anakin because she either
A) Thought it'd upset him. or
B) Thought that he was too close to the Chancellor to risk it.

There's also a scene where she asks Anakin to ask Sheev to end the war. He tells her to take a request like that to the senate, where it belongs. So there's precedent for both A and B. What drives them apart is ultimately politics.

Padme's a bitch. No wonder Anakin choked her.

You're not really Anakin, are you?

>She respects and loves democracy more than she respects and loves him
why is lucas autistic? nobody loves democracy with that kind of passion, everyone would like to be a dictator if given a chance

For grooming a child to be her love slut one day and not be in some form of future jail?

It does lend credence to him claiming Obi-Wan turned her against him, yes.

>implying women aren't like this irl
One of the few things George actually got right tbqh



>expecting an israeli jew to give a fuck about mudslime scum

She probably convinced him to do it, her own personal Jericho missle.


I think she didn't want to believe he was going insane (because she loved him) so she kept ignoring the signs until it was too late.

>space Hitler has made the Republic and Empire
>the Chosen One is telling you he can overthrow space Hitler
>the Chosen One is saying you can be a major decision-maker in how the galaxy should be run
>you are desperately in love with the Chosen One and are pregnant with his twins
>fuck that asshole
Padmé would have joined Anakin if she wasn’t fated to die of plotitis.

they were palestinians

Nah, she’s just wet for the bad boy she thinks she can fix. Just like all the tumblrinas fantasizing about Kylo.

Honestly, in every scenario, deleted scenes or otherwise, I can see why she said what she said to Anakin. There were a lot of factors in play.

And besides, she didn't REALLY bring Obi-Wan there. She also kept pleading with Anakin to just come away with her. She was ready to say fuck it, but she wasn't ready to become a totalitarian ruler whom has to hurt and scare people to keep them in line. Or see the man she loves doing those kinds of things. Which is understandable. After all, these were her ideals, and they were instilled in her as a child.

George is too pure

RotS is kino, pleb


It could have been.
Labyrinth of Evil > RoTS except for the memes.

you ever ask a jew what he really thinks of palestine?

Making her die in childbirth has to have been one of the most retarded decisions in all of SW.

so did padme suck obi wans dick and make anakin watch or did they actually fuck?

Aw, you gonna cwy?

You mean Rey?

>kills his dad in front of her
>next day she's trying to hold his hand and ships herself to him

Skywalker dick must be fucking bomb.

Obi-Wan never hit it.

fucking retard even if trolling

>to save thousands


Have you seen TLJ?

I believe she was originally intended to be on Alderaan for a while. There was a scene in Labyrinth of Evil with her with Leia.

Shame Kylo has literally le 50% Skywalker face

Yeah but TLJ doesn't count, it's a fucking joke from start to finish.

I think George wrote himself into a corner with Padme's impending death as Anakin's main motivation. Not that her death wasn't the most sensible choice, but the execution was really stupid.

It would've been fine to just not have her die and have Anakin's fears have been misplaced.

Why is this funny? I don’t get it.

Or write the whole thing completely differently
>Sheev starts befriending Anakin
>Anakin and Padme have kids in secret
>Anakin knows this wouldn't fly with the jedi council
>Sheev offers a helping hand (what if you used the force to confuse the jedi and conceal your loved ones)
>hide Padme and the babies (Sheev helps arrange the logistics as well)
>Padme rolls with this because at least for a while she knows babbies > politics
>Anakin and Sheev are best buddies now
>the jedi don't suspect anything because force mind fog
>except Obi-wan who starts investigating all this
>he finds Padme and asks how this all happened
>Anakin has kids now, he's started using the dark side and found a mentor in Sheev
>Obi-wan connects the dots, as he's been suspecting a secret sith master pulling the strings
>brings a couple of council members to confront Sheev
>Sheev was one step ahead and arranged Anakin to be with him (I'm in danger, need you to guard me 24/7 etc.)
>the jedi confront Sheev and Anakin, Sheev reveals himself
>Anakin stays loyal to Sidious, battle ensues
>intense dialogue with Obi-wan about muh dark side etc., they fight
>Anakin gets fucked up within an inch of his life, but Sidious is winning the battle on his own
>Obi-wan has to make a run for it, Sidious lets him
>Anakin transformed into Vader
>Sidious orders the arrest of the jedi council
>the jedi escape the planet and join Padme to form the resistance
>final battle between jedi and empire
>as a prelude, Vader tries to convince Padme and Obi-wan to renounce the jedi council
>Padme says he's become a monster
>battle ensues
>Padme dies in the battle
>Anakin goes apeshit/full dark side, destroys the jedi
>other characters take their OT starting positions etc.