>all cable tv shows suck
>can't find anything worth the time on streaming services
Recommended me some television shows that aren't plebian please.
All cable tv shows suck
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>Based Jill
Also, dig up older stuff. Recently started rewatching SG1 and 24, reaching maximum levels of comfy. Can't stand nu-TV.
Ew why?
Twin Peaks
Is that lara croft
its always sunny
Hercules and Xena
Yeah, I've already went through much of my backlog which includes that nip tuck, burn notice, heroes (shit) and dark angel
Better Off Ted
Have you watched Boss?
It's only 2 seasons, but it's some of the best TV ever made.
I, Claudius is pretty good.
I also really enjoyed the first season of Strike Back. The others are good, but it's not the same. Tonal shifts and all that.
Haven't heard of any of them. Thanks I'll try
No problem.
Boss is probably my all-time favorite TV show. I really can't recommend it enough.
its the most patrician television program in existence. why would you turn your nose down at it lol way to be open to suggestions
oh nvm pleb tastes idk man watch game of thrones
>tv shows
You will get The Wire and the Sopranos.
Both are practically unwatchable in heavy doses to anyone that even remotely considers themselves normal.
Just watch ST-TNG/DS9 (with viewing guide) and any of the following: Connections (x1, 1978) w/James Burke, Terriers, Westworld, and seriously consider anime if you aren't already doing so. Start with Cowboy Bebop like everyone else over the age of 25.
I've watched all of the wire, it's overrated but very very good. Sopranos is utter shit. It's not worth the trouble..
Also ive watched more anime than I wish to admit.
Well, Terriers is the best show ever canceled, and westworld is westworld. Connections is a goddamn masterpiece that puts the likes of Cosmos to shame (as far as documentaries go) First episode if you care:
What are the essential Julia Voth kino?
I only saw her in Bitch Slap.
she goes to burning man nude and goes to the orgy tent