This movie is completely unredeemable

This movie is completely unredeemable.

Yeah, it was great. Top 3 MCU.

It was stupid SJW garbage.

Yeah! It was fucking great. Top 3 MCU.

Let me guess. Black Panther 1, Spiderman 2, Thor 3

Goth Cate is enough to redeem any movie tbqh

I like your well thought out argument agianst it

It's not funny. It's nothing like Thor. They had to add diversity so now every other person is black. The music is techno stranger things. I already know what's going to happen and I'm 20 minutes in. I liked Dr. strange in it.



>My existence as a human being is completely unredeemable.
I feel sorry for you, user. Have a (You).

My money's on Thoht. Can't kill what you can't hit

There's absolutely nothing in this movie that even resembles Thor. Except the title maybe

It was fun

Piss off ghost!

ror has two fucking hulks

Solid 7.5/10
what was sjw about it? Dont tell me a simple casting choice triggered your autismo

Better than the previous two. That's not hard but sill is an improvement.

>thot is the one with the female characters
But in all seriousness I'll take Thoht because a world with double Cate Blanchett means double the chance of marrying her.

0÷2 is still 0

anything of Marveltrash is irredeemable


Yea I know it was great.

It's a decent Marvel movie where Thor is the main character but it's a shitty Thor movie.

First Thor movie was the best, back when it seemed like Disney had some semblance of a clue as to what to do with this character.

>every other person is black
Who? Other than Heimdall I don't remember any other character

A lot of the extras were black and also the mulatto Valkyrie

double zero is still zero

The extras from the shitty planet? Meh.
I wonder if you realize how gay and whiny the "ugh not everyone was white fuck this movie" thing sounds though.

Everything is SJW for the Sup Forumsturd

>Hey, man. I just thought you might be reading this in my voice, man.

it's just your average superhero movie for the lowest common denominator, relax bud

It's not for the lowest common denominator, it *is* the lowest common denominator. It's the least bit that the maximum number of people factor into. Products are the LCD, not consumers. Learn English.

The opening scene was pure 70s/80s Thor, but the rest was standard mcu filter looking trash.

Why are some pee/pol/ triggered by the mere presence of blacks in the casts?

It's just jarring obvious compared to the other ones where there were no black people. And now that Black Panther is the highest grossing movie of all time, Racism is dead and casts can be all one color.

i dont understand the love for this character

I like it, it was funny, I would love to rewatch it but then I remember...

the niggers, specially the fucking Valkyrie

>*stumbles drunk*
>H-hey guys he's m-mine *BURPS*
>*passes out and falls over*
>laugh track
Pure kino lads thanks for wasting my time again Sup Forums

That's kind of where I stopped watching. I guess I'll power through but what's the point.

I kept thinking "this scene would be funny if it actually was a Viking girl and not this fucking nigger"

It was like a scene straight from How to Train your Dragon (kino movies btw), except you replace the Viking with a fucking african

>awful writing
>awful visuals
The same soyboys that praise this trash fake movie also love Game of Thrones past Season 4.

These faggots want trannies to give them AIDS and coloreds to rape their wives

i couldn't make it past this past at first...turned it off and came back a week later and finished it

alright film but the valkryie character was horribly written, aside from her few moments with hulk, she was terrible the whole movie. is it explained why her head is bobbling back and forth the whole movie? is that on purpose?

thor made a sexist joke during the film

>a sexist joke
Did he call a pretty girl pretty? Explain yourself.

most of the movie was improvised
she was probably told to act cool...and she came up with that

OP laughed the shit out of himself during this movie and changed his desktop wallpaper

watch the movie retard

I'm just saying your stupid post is stupid, as the movie wasn't politically correct

She looked like a goddamn rooster I don't know why no one told her to cut that shit out


>Thor ragnarok
>expected PUNISHED Thor similar to the tones of Winter soldier, civil war or partially iron man 3 where main character loses everything
>instead got quips that would make the GoTG cringe
>directors shitty self insert character literally cracking jokes seconds after the realm blows up

All the humor completely ruined the tone of this movie. I still enjoyed it but fuck, this is leading directly into infinity war? I expected them to at least take certain things seriously. You don’t even realize that Odin, The Warriors 3 and Asgard itself are all killed in this movie because it tries so hard to be a comedy. You don’t even have time to take in the gravity of the situation before some dumb shit like Thor screaming like a girl or kiwi rock man quipping completely changes the mood. I’m glad it’s all but confirmed they get BTFO by thanos in the first 5 minutes of the film

>Hulk gets beaten up by Thor
>Hulk walks away from Surtur fight

Stop being a fanboy. What sexist joke was there? Be specific. Let's see if the Thor Ragnarok lover is a little SJW fag.

>Odin, The Warriors 3 and Asgard itself are all killed

Thor dies in Infinity War, because a Thor 4 is basically impossible at this point. Screen cap this.

I think they pushed Thor too far with the quips. I know to make the movie humorous they had to change his character a bit but it felt like a brand new Thor and not the same one we've watched.

Maybe that's on purpose, and ties into the whole reborn thing with losing the hammer, getting his hair cut, the eye thing, etc...but I would have liked to see the personality transition happen post all that stuff, it would have made more sense in my mind. Like he's in shock and Bruce wonders what happened to him

you watch the movie or this conversation is over, simple as that
>he thinks I'm a SJW
I'm a fucking national socialist you dumb nigger.
Just because I disagree with your absolutely retarded post doesn't mean I'm a fucking commie.

>>expected PUNISHED Thor similar to the tones of Winter soldier, civil war or partially iron man 3 where main character loses everythingdid you even check the genre before watching it? The director only does comedies, the writers only do comedies. The entire movie was marketed as comedy.

this nigga was expecting Thor 3 The Dark World 2 after that movie flopped and everyone called it garbage
>expecting the same tired shit when even Chris, Thor's actor, said he isn't renewing his contract with Marvel because his movies are boring shit, and if Thor 3 was gonna be another dull movie he was done with the role
Like how many layers of retardation are you in?

If the movie was Thor 2.1 it would have never made as much money as it did, it is obvious something was different, like nigga use your brain what the fuck?

Why are you too scared to be specific? You're making it worse on yourself by pretending to be a white nationalist while defending a tumblr movie.

Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner (but not hulk) Hawkeye, vision, Nebula, and Ironman are all dying by Avengers 4, it’s pretty much confirmed.

ive felt like i've read this post before, how often do you defend this movie? shill spotted

This, it was shit on purpose, you just don't get it

Okay Jeff Goldblum is making this movie much better.

I mostly liked thor 3 except the end where the white people became refugees in their own homes thanks to the fucking scheming and insane jewish people

Time to go the torrents m8

what does that make you?
a paid shitposter?

member in the gift when she fell on the floor and she was wearing a dress and you could see her pink panties

All they had to do was take out like 5 of the jokes and the movie would have been fine. Let Thor and the audience mourn over Odin and the warriors 3, let them mourn over the fact that Asgard is fucking destroyed and they’re the ones that had to do it. The rest of the movie could have stayed the same, all they needed to do was give those 3 things weight. Look at guardians 2, it was still a quip fest but the serious moments were allowed to make an emotional impact because they weren’t cracking jokes 10 seconds after the mutiny scene or the big fallout between star lord and rocket or yondus death

>allows himself to be emotionally manipulated by children's films with blue and green characters

>All they had to do was take out like 5 of the jokes and the movie would have been fine
Nah, it was fine. The amount of tickets the movie sold also proves it was fine.
The 3 warriors didn't even have a name, they were worthless.
Asgard wasn't destroyed you stupid nigger
"Asgard is a people" - Odin
"Asgard is a people" - Heimdall or whatever Idris Elba plays
"Asgard is a people" - Thor

How many times did the movie need to spell it out for you to get it? Clearly 3 times wasn't enough for you.

None of those moments needed to be sad. But if it makes you feel better. Odin's scene was a reshoot, rushed, and poorly done because of that.

I will never agree the literally who 3 warriors needed to be sad or Asgard though. As the entire point of the movie was that the flying rock wasn't actually important. the people were.


It was an OK Flick level movie with just a bit too much SJW, but not so overwhelming as to not be able to laugh at shit like the Devil's Anus. Judges as a flick of current year it's OK to pass the time. Nothing more.

Piss off ghost!

I'm a Nazi but this scene really tickled my balls and that's a good thing

Jesus Raimi

It was great, and if you dislike it you're probably a stunted autist who hates fun

Why are you linking to me?
>calls himself a nazi
Hi, leftypol. Are you doing your dumb "I'm pretending to be someone else" posts again? Because national socialists don't use a jewish invented term such as nazi.

You should search the catalog here on Sup Forums for the communist thread, we are having a field on you. Every libertarian, ancap, and national socialist are mocking a couple of your guys there. hurry before its over.

>he thinks I got triggered by extras from a comic book movie
I didn't even care. Valkyrie was my only annoyance.

I'll watch Whitest Kids U Know or It's Always Sunny for retarded sensless humor. Why should film be dragged below tv sitcoms?

Because I'm a BASED NAZI that means I love eggheads with Nords with shit colored skin and hate high quality production values.


winter soldier, black panther, thor 3

spiderman 2 was great but I prefer the first one

Doctor Octopus should've gotten a costume

Decent bait, the movie was too cringe for it to work though

Payoff is pretty good

I also liked how superfast it is

Who the fuck was this Neal she kept calling for?

fuck you

His quippiness has been developing ever since Age of Ultron, mostly because of interacting with humans.

It's our fault.

Because Always Sunny doesn't have the budget to do jokes about dragons and gods and shit

I don't think you know what the word "confirmed" means moron. And we know they have had discussions with Taika and hemsworth about where a thor 4 could go

As an Aussie that works with 3 kiwis, this Korg was hilariously jarring.

The movie overall was pretty fun.
An interesting Thor for once, Hulk actually having agency, Jeff Goldbloom being himself, Loki turning, Strange obviously becoming much more powerful, Hela, Hulk and demonguy being more than a recolored Thor.
Valkyri was a pretty boring character, but other side characters like Korg, Elbadil, Skurge etc were all ok. Moljner being killed/Thor going supersaian.

I did notice in the scene in which Hermadil is leading all the Asgardians down the bridge, there isnt a single non-white in the crowd.

Sam Neill.

what about it was SJW?

RoR KoRMRoK would definitely succeed

I saw this a few nights ago. Absolutely awful movie and probably one of marvels most obnoxious releases yet. You can't just have 75% of the movie be quips and jokes then expect us to care or get serious at the end. There is no tension in this movie at all.

Yeah but Thoht Ragnandar has stluts while Ror Kormrok is surrounded by 20 ididios

>Thor movie
>but he no longer speaks like Thor
>and makes passing jokes like the women did in the Ghostbusters remake
>and completely forgets about his friends

I agree. Thor, Odin, and Loki were completely different from the previous movies. All the characters were fucking quipsters, it was insane. Literally no character development at all

I wouldn't go that far. The movie was just outright bad while disrespecting every storyline we got beforehand. the concept of ragnarok was butchered in favour of a comedic atmosphere which is full on retarded

A black valkyrie?

people complaining about that are just retarded though. I'm the first person to be annoyed by blackwashing but if you can write a good character and the actor/actress pulls it off well, ultimately it doesn't matter what colour the character is. the actual issue is that valkyrie could have been left out of the movie entirely and the movie would have literally stayed the same. some stranger captures thor and that's it. she didn't have any development whatsoever and the only interesting plot point (her becoming an alcoholic due to her sisters getting killed off by hela) wasn't addressed at all

>what was sjw about it?

>black valkyrie who is "rougher & tougher" than thor
>black heimdall
>asgard taken over by blacks
>villain is "yass queen" incarnate
>all male characters are emasculated/enslaved in some way