ITT: shit casting

ITT: shit casting

>Reacher is a giant, standing at 6' 5" tall (1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg). He has ice-blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He has very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural (he reveals in Persuader, he has never been an exercise enthusiast.) He is exceptionally strong but is not a good runner.[3] Reacher is strong enough to break a man's neck with one hand (Bad Luck and Trouble) and kill a villain with a single punch to the head (61 Hours) or chest (Worth Dying For). In a fight against a 7 foot, 400 lb steroid-using thug (Persuader), Reacher was able to lift his opponent into the air and drop him on his head.I

>Reacher's demeanor is stoic, and he does not talk much. He has a propensity for saying "that's for damn sure". Reacher frequently does not answer when people make statements or ask questions, nodding or shrugging, preferring the other party to fill the silence. A recurring line in the novels is "Reacher said nothing".

Hollywood wasnt even trying with this one.

imo worst Cruise movie, this and sequel
literally poor-man Mission Impossible

>amerimutt delusion strikes once again

>Reacher frequently does not answer when people make statements or ask questions, nodding or shrugging, preferring the other party to fill the silence. A recurring line in the novels is "Reacher said nothing".
I know who they should have casted

>film adaptation takes liberties with garbage source material

Alert the presses

You can't argue that Cruise didn't at least attempt to take the character in a unique direction. Sure, it's not the way the novel set out, but at least he didn't star as Generic Tom Cruise Action Hero #6

>(1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg). He has ice-blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He has very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural (he reveals in Persuader, he has never been an exercise enthusiast

This is just fucking ridiculous unless he's mainlining test and eating beef all day.

Yeah I planned to boycott it because of Cruise muscling his way into a great story despite being completely miscast for the role. Then I watched it and all was forgiven.

Same as All You Need Is Kill, Cruise is a good actor and picks projects where the cast and crew give a shit. Sure it's never as good as what you imagine while reading but it's decent.

>I'm a manlet so everyone is

It's another lankletget coping episode

>115 kg pure muscle is normal and attainable
>no exercise needed

Spoken like someone who never stepped foot inside a gym.

Of course it's ridiculous. That's why it's an interesting story.

Cruise movies make around 70% of boxoffice overseas. If you need foreign money, you cast Tom.

hes a hobo who once spent the summer digging pools in florida for beer money.

The wost thing about that spew is the implication that exercise is unnatural.

>is normal
It's not normal. Jack Reacher is an outlier.

I think Child is conflicted about Cruse. In the last Reacher book he makes special points to call out how fucking massive he is; like describing his fists as "the size of roast chickens"

That said, both reacher movies are enjoyable and I hope they make more. Better than most of the capeshit, and a nice departure from the bourne movies making up the majority of this genre

>is an outlier

I'm not sure if you don't get it because you've fused with your couch, but there aren't any 115kg pure muscle men who hate exercise walking around anywhere.

People using steroids would have trouble pulling in these numbers with no bodyfat to boot.

Bobby Draper from The Expanse

She's supposed to be 2 metres tall and over 100kgs probably jacked up on futuristic martian roids. Instead she's just slightly bigger than average and has no muscles.

They had to do this because all the male leads are

At least Tom isnt a Jew

Hollywood tends to like shorter people since they fit in frame easily than taller people

Just because someone doesn't pay for mirrors and sneaky peeks of cock in the locker room doesn't mean they don't exercise. Reacher walks around America and does manual labour when he's not killing crooked factory owners.

Are the books worth reading?

As someone who has seen the film and only just now heard of the book's specifications on the character, I reckon Cruise filled the shoes for the character's gravity just fine.

lmao get the fuck out nerd xD

Yeah they're fun and there's tonnes of them.

You made this thread last week

The only bad Jack Reacher novel is One Shot, the one they used for the first film. I haven't seen the second film, nor read the book it's based on, but I'm 100% sure it's on the same level as One Shot. When I first read OS, all I could think of was
>Man if they wanted to make a movie out of these books this would be the one since it's so much worse than the novels preceding it.
Which is a shame, because OS still had a lot of decent Americana imagery, and great character moments; the fight scenes against the main goons in the film, while entertaining, don't hold a candle to Reacher crushing a man's spine in a bearhug.
If you're in any way interested, and have time, read Killing Floor, Die Trying, Tripwire, Running Blind/The Visitor, Echo Burning, Without Fail, Persuader, The Enemy, and The Hard Way. If you're pressed for time, skip Echo Burning.

I've really got no idea how at all the entire series has this reputation for being dumb fun. They're incredibly memorable stories with wonderful Americana imagery, brilliantly realized plots, entertaining villains, and great characterizations for all the characters, especially Jack Reacher. Each of the novels I listed, besides One Shot, could easily make for their own seasons of television. The Enemy, Persuader, and The Hard Way would be damn fucking great television.

>They had to do this because all the male leads are

Addendum: I say skip Echo Burning, as it is pretty weak, but it paints a wonderful picture of the desolate American midwest. I'm quite fucking amazed an Englishman manages to capture America so accurately.

so he's literally a gary stu

cruise made him more relatable by being 5 foot tall

Good to see the pleb filter is still working.

>Numerous critics have pointed out the various similarities between Lee Child and Jack Reacher. Bryan Curtis, writing for Grantland, and Natasha Harding and Caroline Iggulden, in a separate article for The Sun, have brought out the various similarities between Child and Reacher: Child is 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) tall while his protagonist stands at a similar 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m); both writer and creation consume "incessant amounts of coffee"; Like Reacher, Child "lives in cheap pairs of jeans and T-shirts and finds the idea of buying expensive clothes to be irrational; and that "Jack Reacher’s famous physical qualities are based on Child's playground memories as a child".[1][7] Child tends to agree with such observations: "I was huge as a kid and Reacher's stature is me translated as a kid. I enjoyed being bigger and fighting shamelessly. I've done a fair amount of headbutting. It's an awesome manoeuvre."[note 1] Andy Martin notes that "just as Reacher is half-Rimbaud, half-Rambo, Child is both art-for-art's-sake Parnassian and ruthless businessman."[8]

It's the author's fanfic.

They’re mass market grocery store pulp novels. Adequate, entertaining, guilty pleasure tier.

Sounds like it would have been a perfect fit for young Stone Cold. He even said shit like "That's fer dang sure!" . Too bad they didn't make these in the 90's.

>so he's literally a gary stu
Not necessarily. If you were to compare Reacher to, say, Rey from Star Wars, Reacher never gets anywhere near that level of ridiculous "fanfic character who is flawless." Everything about how the novels characterize Reacher, even One Shot, makes him believable. One Shot actually had a neat thing going for it where Reacher was feeling his age catch up with him, which the film doesn't mention even once I don't think.
>guilty pleasure tier
How so? Which novels?

They’re guilty pleasures in that you know they aren’t top tier. Most of them have a similar structure. It’s immediately obvious Reacher is a Gary Stu. They’re the action man equivalent of chick-lit Janet Evanovich’s books. But they’re really fun to read so it’s all good.

I haven’t read all of them, but out of the ones I’ve read my favorites were Persuader (a revenge story) and The Enemy (a prequel of when Reacher was Military police)

>They’re guilty pleasures in that you know they aren’t top tier
What do you mean? Most pieces of media aren't top tier, but you wouldn't call The Godfather III a guilty pleasure. And I don't know many guilty pleasure novels that describe the American ways of life like the Reacher novels except for novels explicitly aimed at being about American life.
> Most of them have a similar structure
From the first novel, Killing Floor, to the second novel, Die Trying, it goes from first person to third person, and Child uses the third person immaculately and cleverly. Tripwire is also third person, but is a more personal story than Die Trying. Running Blind/The Visitor is the only novel in the series to be a direct sequel to the one preceding it, and follows a different investigative procedure for Reacher which I won't go into because spoilers. To say that they have a similar structure greatly simplifies how unique each one is. The villain in Die Trying and his motivations is nothing like the villain in Running Blind, The Hard Way, etc. The only thing I'd give you is that Reacher sleeps with a woman in almost each novel in the series, and even then the curveballs thrown in Echo Burning and One Shot are pleasing in that regard.
>It’s immediately obvious Reacher is a Gary Stu.
>Not necessarily. If you were to compare Reacher to, say, Rey from Star Wars, Reacher never gets anywhere near that level of ridiculous "fanfic character who is flawless." Everything about how the novels characterize Reacher, even One Shot, makes him believable. One Shot actually had a neat thing going for it where Reacher was feeling his age catch up with him, which the film doesn't mention even once I don't think.
>Janet Evanovich
Dunno who that is.
>But they’re really fun to read so it’s all good.
>Persuader, and The Enemy
Yes, The Enemy desperately deserves a miniseries.