Why does it have to be like this bros?

Why does it have to be like this bros?

Other urls found in this thread:



>too scared to post on Sup Forums
fuck off retard

I would rather talk to my Sup Forums bros.

To feel is man's reason for living, and also his curse

>It's implied if he fucked Miki she would've died


Where would you ever get the idea that someone would be scared to post something on Sup Forums?

What can be one about the Sup Forums cancer plaguing this board?

I really wish they'd shown the mob tearing her to pieces like they did in the original, except actually show it.

no it's not.

He killed billions.

Sup Forums is by far the most hostile board on Sup Forums. Plus, this thread would be deleted after Sup Forums excoriated OP for blogging.

To save his bf

Hey janitor
Why isn't this pretend on-topic thread deleted like all the other ones you're axing right now?

You think she would've survived the amount and speed of his ejaculation in her?

What did he mean by this?

Why did Satan like the devils so much, again? They're all insane brutal murderers who haven't got an ounce of empathy. Humans can be shitty and duplicitous but you'd have to be a retard to think that there's anything worth saving in devils that isn't present 1000 fold in humans.

he was dreaming in demon form retard. Did you wonder at all why he had to use the hair roller remover thing the next morning to remove a pound of fur from his bed?

Haven't seen the new anime yet. How is this masterful scene adapted?

I don't know? Maybe try watching the episode where he thoroughly explains the answer to your question again?

It was a rhetorical question you mongrel. His explanation was retarded.

please stop using words you don't know the meaning of

The guy isn't his father in this version. Ryo initially comes across as a weird spergy lunatic just like always tho.

I know the meaning of the word rhetorical, and I used it correctly. Please stop deflecting and defend the show's laughably edgy writing.

I liked this anime, but it felt really edgy at times

He would've done her in his demon form, he was losing self control in the balcony but the cat snap him out of it.

>it felt really edgy at times

sorry, should have said phrase "rhetorical question," because your post which wasn't even responding to anyone was 100% intended to create discussion. As for the "edgy writing," it's a unique story, and the antagonist is literally satan. Do I need to explain to you who satan is?

Based Dance Party Negro


This anime was incredibly bad and stupid. Although the 2nd half was more entertaining it still was incredibly stupid.


I posted on Sup Forums once. There was an advertisement on Sup Forums that had some kind of joke reference to one of those Japanese comic book things that I did not understand at all. I kept seeing it over and over again so I decided to make a thread over there asking what the joke was.

I got told to go fuck myself in about ten different ways and the thread was deleted by some faggot mod.

Never again.


there's nothing to be scared about on Sup Forums anymore. That cash-grab Naruto spinoff gets threads hitting bump limit

That part was a homage to the final scene of Akira and Miki riding off into the sunset in the Devilman anime series.

Sup Forums isn't going to spoonfeed you retard. That's why there are boards for your newfag requests

>Sup Forums is incredibly hostile and elitist to the point that all normie anime discussion has to sneak onto other boards
>this is to protect muh quality discussion
>they're still riddled with generals, waifufags, and meme/bait threads
It's like Japan's isolatonist policy but failed.

>I got told to go fuck myself in about ten different ways and the thread was deleted by some faggot mod.
God imagine if Sup Forums was that good
we wouldn't have any Sup Forums, Sup Forums or reddit problems

but nope instead we got ginger mod that uses bane to advertise the site on twitter

>That's why there are boards for your newfag requests
You're fighting a losing battle, people actually defend these tumors and their leeching.

>we wouldn't have any Sup Forums, Sup Forums or reddit problems
We would still have Sup Forums problems tbqh

I would just be happy if "kino" was word filtered to "I jerk off in my mouth"

>Post anything vaguely resembling the way a human would talk, but on Sup Forums.
>Autistic screeching over 20 comments before a ban.
lmao nty

All the problems on this board (save for the pedobot spam) are by those 3 boards including the so called "Sup Forums problem"

I wish Sup Forums was like this. Instead all we get is capeshit and Star Wars.

Sup Forums has birthed enough shit on it's own to last a lifetime, user. Sure outside shitposters need to fuck off, but you can't seriously pretend that only getting rid of those crossposting faggots would make this board a glowing safe haven for discussion.

>I wish Sup Forums was like this
It was, but then /got/ killed Sup Forums. Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.

What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Sup Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.

Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Sup Forums is for memes and memes only. Sup Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.

Once the teenage reddit mexican /got/faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death. They couldn't get enough. If you ever propagated one of the following memes you are part of the problem and should kill yourself. JUST, Sheev, kino, pest-posting, Sneed, *blocks*, and all spammed memes. Bane was only passable at first. Everything after was a pale imitation.

There is no going back. I would torture any of the teenage reddit memers to death if I could. I hate you all

how much you guys wanna bet OP tried his hand at making another thread on Sup Forums lol. It's formatted like a retarded Sup Forums thread too

>It's formatted like a retarded Sup Forums thread too
He didn't call it kino.

This is on-topic because this is a TV show and because there exists no rule against animation.

you a silly nigga


Another anime thread derailed into meta because millennials purposefully come here just so they can get triggered and wallow in their victim complex.

that wasn't me

I tried making a One Punch Man thread because I thought it was pretty neat. No replies, but I got a ban for shitposting.
Feels wierd that I can braap and bane and shit all over this board as much as I want, and all I get is the occasional 'kek' or 'fucking retard', but I actually post something on topic somewhere else and I get punished for it.

nobody reply to this bait. Yes, it's bait. He used the word millennial. I took the bullet for everyone by giving him a (you), now please ignore his post and carry on with the thread

>nobody reply to this bait
Too late.

That wasn't bait and I said millennial because millennials are specifically the problem.

It used to be at some point. Now it's nowhere near close to being like that.

I bet your OP was a single sentence purely intended to gauge interest in the show. That's a no no. You're OP is supposed to initiate some kind of discussion, not just be a "template" thread. Hope I helped you a bit newfriend :)

Aside from /ck/, the other boards are just too wierd and hostile for me.
I originally immigrated from /x/ years and years ago after the 'orange square' epidemic, but I can't go back now that its turned into 'How do I summon sex demon' and other bullshit.
I feel oddly at home here with you assholes. You're the closest thing to friends i've got.

This is why Sup Forums still feels like old Sup Forums compared to the trash fire that most of the other boards are these days.

>tfw got very drunk and marathoned the whole thing while drinking more
I only remember the last two episodes clearly. Should I rewatch for detail or is that all that matters?

>This is why Sup Forums still feels like old Sup Forums

If you want to, yes. If you don't, no. It's up to you.

IKTF user.

Sup Forumspedos were the board's scarenormies

banning cunny threads opened the floodgates

>tfw I enjoy the fact that Sup Forums keeps normies and basic animeshitters out
Sup Forums sucks, but if they acted any differently, most anime discussion would be like the shit you see on Sup Forums.

True facts.

>most anime discussion would be like the shit you see on Sup Forums
Christ, it'd be better to have no board at all.

The only things keeping Sup Forums from being completely infested with reddit are cunnyposting, racism and BLACKED-posting

every thread getting derailed by shitposting wojak images that represent different anime studios?

Sup Forums doesn't know anything about anime and barely even watches it. They're just as casual as any other anime community.

I like how you think BLACKED-posting drives people away.

>post something like op on Sup Forums
>threads gets deleted because apparently it's not Sup Forums related

Sup Forums blows

If anything, the constant posting of pornographic images drags them in closer. Spend 10 minutes on Sup Forums and try saying that it isn't affecting them. They're all desperate for more of it, they're addicted to it.

Nice reddit spacing, asshole.

reddit spacing doesn't exist. They're called paragraphs.

Sup Forums isn't for shitposting
Quality content only.