
>Shows Koresh exiting the compound with his hands raised
>Shows ATF firing on the huskies and then on the Davidians without receiving fire
>States again and again how they could've just arrested Koresh without a siege
>Shows the ATF out like mowing down some unthreatening unarmed dude like some Germans from a WWII film
>Shows the ATF throwing their own guys under the bus to cover their fuckups
>Has the typecasted bloodthirsty military dude play the FBI agent who keeps trying to provoke the Davidians
>Keeps showing how the (((media))) was biased against the Davidians for the MOST PART
>The bald bearded Davidian who took out two or three ATF agents during the initial siege
Fucking. Perfect.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did they show the part where fbi broadcast rabbit slaughter in the Davidian's backyad?

My dad works for Paramount. This series does not end the way you think it does. At the beginning of the final episode, the Seventh Seal is broken. What follows defies description. I'm talking full blown 2001/End of Evangelion-type stuff, as the events foretold in the Book of Revelations unfolds.

are you implying that the Davidians were the "good guys" ?

Now THAT would be kino

>Has the typecasted bloodthirsty military dude play the FBI agent who keeps trying to provoke the Davidians

I don't think you know who Shea Whigham is OP.


This is the ending we deserve. Red State almost did, but nope...

The way I see this character, Eli somehow stumbled his way from Sheriff of Atlantic City to head of the FBI's military wing. There are times Wigham is trying to be intimidating and I just can't take him seriously.

So did the Branch Davidians actually perform music for the FBI during the siege? Michael Shannon is great in this btw

Ps. Why is Paramount calling it a ”limited time television event” when its obviously a miniseries?


Paramount wants to be the new FX so they are trying to make everything sound as prestigious as possible.

yup. that was in this week's episode.
needs more Melissa.

>are you implying that the Davidians were the "good guys" ?

You obviously aren't watching the show and know little of the real situation.

Watching episoade 5 right now, forgot I hadnt watched it yet on my dvr.


>So did the Branch Davidians actually perform music for the FBI during the siege?


Do you really think they'd make up something that crazy?

Congratulations on idolizing a serial pedophile and violent religious whacko and somehow raped a 70 year old woman to take over her cult

Im watching the show and I still think they deserved to get raided, was it the right way they got raided, no.
No religious organization or cult needs a fucking arsenal of assault rifles, grenades etc. INB4 muh 2nd amendment. ATF had a legit warrant to search the place. Plus Koresh was a pedo, even before he started up the place

I haven't watched this show. How do they justify Koresh's pedophilia?

They don't.

But I thought the pedophile cult that hoarded guns were the good guys?

How about you stick to YA novel adaptations or whatever black-and-white comic-book-morality bullshit you usually watch?

he didn't molest any of the kids
FBI made that up

So the kids that got molested made it up too? Or did they work for the FBI?

So Paramount is setting up the biblical cinematic universe or something?

>Branch Davidians

the compound had already been searched by the local cops, sorry but the "arsenal" wasn't illegal and the atf is the most incompetent government agency in existance. They're so fucking stupid that they literally allowed dozens upon dozens of ar type rifles to be delivered across the border to the cartels for YEARS in order to "track them" but whaddya know, they fucking lost every single one of them. that's a few hundred more deaths on those cocksuckers hands. disband the cunts already


So they just killed a bunch of people for no reason. Right.

They killed a bunch of people for more government funding.

yeah, assmuncher, they did. The compound was literally searched by the local sheriff department not 3 weeks before this shit started.

and what reason do they need? a lot of cops are insecure faggots who just want to start shit and kill people. Are you really fucking doubting that after what the fbi (many of the same agents were also present at waco btw) did to the weaver family or shit, what that dumbass cop who had "you're fucked" etched into his rifle did to that father of two in arizona not 4 years ago? stop having opinions on shit you obviously haven't researched yourself.

Please elaborate. How did killing these people result in more government funding?

So if they had nothing to hide, why didn't they let them in?

A show of force. "Come out with the kids and guns", look good for the press.
They could've picked up Koresh a hundred different ways but they went with the siege because it'd make them look good. When it became a huge fucking embarrassment they decided to burn it all to the ground, witnesses kids and all.

American law enforcement is notorious for killing people without reason.

So why didn't the innocent people with nothing to hide just surrender and embarrass them?

I've never really understood this meme. All of my encounters with the cops have been polite. Is it because I'm white?

Watch the fucking show or read up on the event.
The compound was their home and they thought the siege was a test, and leaving would be giving up on salvation.
Not to mention they'd be walking over into the arms of the people who just gunned down their family members en mass because a pregnant husky barked at them.

>why didn't the religious fanatics whose apocrapha included a final, armageddon like battle happening at their very compound let a literal army come waltzing right in after they had just surrounded them and shot their dogs

wow good question

>and leaving would be giving up on salvation

Oh, they were Christians. Then they deserved to be killed for being stupid.

So they're innocent because they're crazy? What exactly do you think should have been done here? It's so silly how you Americans are willing to protect the religious rights of any insane militant sect other than Islam.

It's because you as well, are polite.

According to the arms dealer who had sold most of the guns to the Davidians and a former ATF deputy director, David Koresh offered to let the ATF inspect their guns and paperwork.

Also as said
>The compound was literally searched by the local sheriff department not 3 weeks before this shit started
So they DID let them in

*tips fedora
Ebin shid post

They were hardly crazy.
>What exactly do you think should have been done here?
Pick up David Koresh when he's on a stroll or in town. Or just not fuck with the Branch Davidians at all since they weren't violating any laws as fucking a 14 y/o consensually is legal in Texas.
You can't just go in and shoot people for not breaking the law you fucking retard.

If this was a group of Muslims would you be defending them?

If the Muslims weren't breaking the law at all then sure.

the ATF is a holdover from Prohibition. It doesn't do anything that local and state law enforcement can't do. So to justify it's funding it likes to stage big raids on "cults" and "white supremacists"

Of course not. If they were Muslim they'd be marrying 14-year-olds and shit.

>What exactly do you think should have been done here

Jesus fuck dude, at least do a little fucking research before spouting your retarded opinions

So you are in favor of muslim extremists hoarding weapons and having sex with 14 year olds in a compound in the US? You think this is a good thing, right?

Explain to me how the branch davidians weren't a cult.

He's a European what can you expect.

Now there's a big difference. You never said extremists. The Davidians weren't extremists and weren't violent.

So how did the siege start if there was nothing to hide? Why not just let them in again?

>are you implying that the Davidians were the "good guys" ?
Them not being the good guys is a separate issue from Janet Reno and the rest horribly mishandling the situation

Because some huskies barked and the ATF shot up the damn place you retard.

>weren't violent
What were the weapons for?

>So the kids that got molested made it up too? Or did they work for the FBI?

The kids fucking burned to death, mate.

Funny that the ATF used unapproved gas grenades in the siege. Using illegal weapons to capture illegal weapons.

>fucking a 14 y/o consensually is legal in Texas
MARRYING a 14 year old is legal in Texas with the consent of his/her parents. Fucking them is probably illegal. That being said, "ATF" doesn't stand for "Children, Tobacco and Firearms".

I haven't heard of a comparable case, but yes. If the muslims aren't breaking the law and are just chilling in their compound then I have no problem with them.

Its not based on your personal interactions with police.

But they're just peaceful folks, right? Why not just surrender then? How could they possibly fend for themselves? They obviously had no weapons, because they were peaceful, right?

Are you black? Is that why you hate the police so much?

>European education
Let's see, I dunno,
>Target shooting
>Home defense
Among many other reasons people fucking own weapons.

>Why not just surrender then?
WHILE the ATF is shooting unarmed women, children and dogs and storming the compound?
>They obviously had no weapons, because they were peaceful
If you're implying you can't be peaceful AND have weapons then we're done here, you're too fucking stupid for me to even interact with.

Check out this terrorist.

I remember when this happened back in the day. They tried to paint it as the cultists setting the place on fire themselves and shooting any of their own who tried to run away.

>The government should just bust into peoples homes and shoot them without warning if they're religious

It's not a meme if it's generally true

>It's a religion leads a bunch of stupid people into suicide episode
Jesus Christ this shit is boring

Are you black?

I am not

>rape children
>hoard guns
>don't comply with simple requests
Oh no we are le victim!

Are you poor or something? How can you hate cops this much?

>murder said children as government authorities
not sure how this one is supposed to fit in there

>be ATF
>decide to perform a surprise no-knock raid on a group of people they suspect have fully automatic rifles
>tell the media beforehand, so they can get a camera crew on location
Gee, what could go wrong?

>The kids fucking burned to death, mate
Some of them left with their parents before the fire.

Its almost like they had a severe mistrust of the government. I wonder where they could have gotten that from.

Read the thread you Sup Forumstard bootlicker

I am not poor. Recognizing a problem is not the same thing as "hating cops". Don't be simple-minded.

>*fucks a 60+ woman to make a magic baby*
>*rapes some prime cunny*
>*burns down own compound to murder any witnesses*
Literally a saint

t. ATF agent
/k/ is to the left

>Fucking. Perfect.

Seriously? I haven't watched and was expecting the network to suck the ATF's cock and make Koresh and the Davidians out to be a bunch of monsters.

I don't hate police and I even think most of the outrage about police shootings is unjustified. But you do have to agree that America has a pretty bad track record with cops over asserting their power and shooting innocents dead. I believe that this is a trade off however of the gun culture in America. The more armed citizens you have the more risky police interference is in civilian matters which is why you have police shooting first and asking questions later. Keep in mind that I don't mean to insult america in any way I just realise that it is a complex situation you have over there. and no i am not black

>rapist pedophiles aren't monsters


>I've got a secret...

It humanizes the Davidians a lot and the ATF/FBI are borderline Nazi-like in their behavior.
There's a bit where three ATF agents walk up to a fella and shoot him without warning like Nazis in a WWII flick.

I love that David is made sympathetic even in his narcissism and madness despite banging 14 year olds and running guns. Somehow retarded conspiracy retards see this guy as a victim. This is why we need to revoke the 2nd amendment as the victims of molestation will respond to this post with anger that should be pointed at the molester.

>running guns
Legally. Literally nothing wrong with this.

If David starts performing miracles I won't even be surprised.


Probably not, but that's an entirely different animal.

Was that song a cover or original?

Howso? If they're, like, totally peaceful?

Sup Forums here 0/10 because not grimes.

based google bringing the bants

they were. being in a cult is not illegal.

>This is why we need to revoke the 2nd amendment
and the gungrabber reveals himself. please pick a fight with a gun owner some time

Is hoarding an illegal stash of guns illegal?

Back when the Waco Seige went down, I remember the talk being that the Clinton administration had been considering eliminating the ATF and moving their alcohol and tobacco enforcement duties over to the FDA and the gun enforcement to the FBI.

The story was that the neither the FDA nor the FBI wanted any of the AFT agents and bureaucrats working for them, as it was known throughout law enforcement that they were a bunch of slackers and fuck ups and this meant a lot of AFT agents and bureaucrats were going to lose their comfy gub’ment gigs.

So the ATF cooked the story about the Davidians being crazy gun running pedos, etc. to justify the siege and ultimately, justify the agency’s continued existence and funding.

And it ended up working like a charm….

>I need my guns to protect myself from spooky monsters
Literally why do you need guns in your home? If you live in a place where "home defense" is necessary you are an utter failure at life.

They didn't hoard an illegal stash of guns.
They owned a legal collection of guns. All their guns were legal.

There's no place in the world where home defense is unnecessary.


Nvm i already got the answer.