Is this some kind of joke?
Other urls found in this thread:
>movie with few whites
>therefore no gays
Sounds about right.
Black Panther thread? My favourite. But what does Moshe Goldstein think?
Are they forgetting the audience?
>Washington Times
Those guys lean right. This headline was probably made just to troll people.
>'Black Panther 2' packed with action, diversity, gays - but no transexuals
>'Black Panther 3' packed with action, diversity, gays, transexuals - but no braaap people
>black people
Since when do normies care so much about a Marvel movie? I thought only Sup Forums was obsessed with capeshit.
I'd pay 10 tickets if Black Panther 4 has braaap people in it
The MCU is in mainstream popular culture and has been for the last few years. It's the new star wars.
how do they know wakandia don't keep things on the down low??
>98% niggers.
k. en.m.wikipedia.org
Leftists will never be pleased, so why bother trying?
how will wh*tes ever recover
Maybe that's an American thing, where I live no one cares, most of my friends haven't even seen the movies.
Are they criticising the casting of the movie, or the fact that Africa has the highest rate of countries with imprisonment and death penalties for homosexuals?
Really gets my nothing joggin.
(Just kidding, i know the left doesn't give a fuck about people outside of the US).
there was white people and koreans in it
>Britain’s biggest LGBT charity has quit Pride in London and accused organisers of failing to represent non-white communities.
>Stonewall says it will now take a bigger role in UK Black Pride, which traditionally takes place on the same day, as it cites racism as a major ongoing problem among LGBT communities.
And thus the snake consumes it's own tail
Supposedly the comic had a couple of lesbian characters that the movie turned straight. Don't read or watch capeshit so I can't confirm.
Wut? Don't libs know niggers hate faggots?
>nobody in the film rapes a virgin to cure their AIDS
hollywood wtf
where iz da CULCHU
it doesnt have any pedophiles either!
Didn't watch the movie, but how can you tell if they're straight or not? Are they exlicitly fucking men on screen? Or did audience just assumed their sexual preferences?
i actually know a gay guy
they dont fuckin run around with sparkling jackets singing Queen songs in falsetto
>I love how we're all united to play in this diverse movie that represents the voice of those too long silences and ridiculed. Black Power, Amen!
>Great, now which one of you can we have play the homosexual?
>Shit, nigger, you be tripping if you think I'm playin' no goddamn faggot fucker.
I wish they had made BP gay. The left would have exploded like a computer from a 1960s movie trying to process a paradox.
Yeah, especially when all the negrofriends failed to materialize at the movies because blacks are major fucking homophobes.
hello Sup Forums!
Why don't black people get called out for being homophobic and very much against gay marriage?
Blacks embraced "Moonlight. "
Michael B Jordan is gay in real life.
Dude has a gf. He even got shit from black women because she wasn't black.
Something interesting I realized is that diversity requirements make it impossible to make a movie only about a handful of people, because it would be impossible to represent every identity in a reasonable manner.
Also, if you look at businesses, hiring diversity also means you need some kind of minimum qouta for your companies size employee wise. That could be anti competitive to some extent.
Is moonlight doing BP numbers? No. BP would have Moonlight numbers. Blacks are seriously, no joking around, violently homophobic.
Since about The Avengers.
You just stack the diversity. Fat black trans genderfluid lesbian disabled Muslim otherkin.
Why do you guys keep posting the Washington Times headline? Washington Times is right leaning.
I think the original whining came from gizmodo. They were upset that two female characters had a vaguely romantic moment during a fight scene. But, Marvel chickened out and removed it to avoid a ban in China, most African, and muslim majority countries.
I think it's a given now that a blockbuster would do bigger than an Independent flick. The reception from blacks was positive, of course they didn't flock to it, but "Say your name," or however you call didn't pull in a large crowd compared to Ragnarock and Whites are way more accepting of gays. I find it weird with the influx of bp, everyone suddenly became experts on Negroes.
>monochromatic cast
I'm sure this will go down well
Stonewall should try and push the gay agenda with the Muslims as well
Let Japanese do the wincest arts
> group most likely to be incarcerated and understand what prison gay is does not want to see says gays
color me surprise
They should add some gays guys to round it all out.
Of course they'll never tell you blacks are the most homophobic race because not alot of these sjw's have grown up around blacks, they simply don't know.
>'Black Panther 85' packed with action, diversity, gays, transexuals, braaap people, genderqueers, genderfluids, intersex, attack helicopters, dragonkin, polyaromaticsexuals, carbonite-boys, picklesexes, foot fetishists, pedosexuals - but no wienerpeeners
Fucking this. It never ends. And once they're done with the fictional characters, they'll make the same demands for the writing room, the editing from, etc. And even if they get their perfect movie, they'll still throw a fit because not everyone likes it, and demand for every other movie to be the same way.
so it's not all bad then
>they dont fuckin run around with sparkling jackets singing Queen songs in falsetto
the ones you notice do. but of course there are also fags who don't make their whole lives about how much dick they can cram inside their assholes and telling everybody about it any chance they get. it's just that you notice the obnoxious scum because they make being noticed for their faggottry their #1 priority in life.
I dont know but damn did it make me laugh.
Also what diversity its just nogs?
Wheres the asians and the mexicans?
Just get Michael K Williams to do it
i actually wouldn't have minded seeing this guy as a wakandan
Blacks can be bigoted as they want.... Only white bois have to accept everybody
>all blacks
"Diversity" seems to be a dog whistle for communists, the word really meaning "racism".
no the fuck we didn't
i don't know a black person that has seen this or even heard of it
That was a recent addition that had a lesbian couple in the king's guard. They're also suppose to be potential spouses for him. It was a little odd. One or both of them got killed in the film, too.