What are some movies about true love?
What are some movies about true love?
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She used to be really attractive but now she's turning in to that cunt from snowpiercer.
If all this Metoo bullshit leads to the revival of Brendan then it was worth it.
>Shoot that arrow for all of us who hurt
>Shoot that arrow for all of us who hurt.
Brendan was always a fucking pathetic loser.
i thought these metoo women said men cant be raped. This wont go well
Why would Brendan just stand there while some creepy kike puts his finger up his ass?
>inb4 he had to do it for his career
I don't care if it's the CEO of the company you work for or whatever, if another man grabs your ass and wiggles his finger up your crack you need to punch that motherfucker square in the nose right there.
Do you think manson made her finger him like brendan got it?
>Monkeybone was 17 years ago
>JUDGE: Mr Fraser, why did you punch the Plaintiff?
>>Your honor, the plaintiff sexually assaulted me.
>JUDGE: UMM, SORRY SWEETIE, SEXUAL ASSAULT = PRIVILEGE + POWER, STRAIGHT WHITE MALES CAN'T BE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. I find in favor of the plaintiff, the defendant is hereby ordered to give the plaintiff a rimjob within the next 60 days or serve 5 years in prison.
>You live in the version of the universe where Rose McGowan got JUSTED and didn't become the next thing along with Brendan Frasier
Instead we got Shia Lebouf and Jennifer Lawrence
The JUSTice League
Fuck you ass hole
You're the one who is a pathetic loser!!!!!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
(((I wonder why?)))
> Ok, today, i'm going to wear my weird glasses, put the red bright lipstick that does not match well with my milky white skin. It will complement niceley my shaved hair & botched plastic surgery.
You have to actually make effort to appear that obnoxious & disgusting.
> Someone touched my penis for 5 seconds!!! I'm still traumatized 15 years later.
Seriously, what's wrong with the actors in Hollywood? A Guy would have done that to me, i would barely remember.
Some people in those moments are basically like deer in headlights. They never think it can happen to them, and when it happens, they're so shocked they freeze up and logic ceases.
>shoot that arrow for all us us who hurt.
absolutely based quote. Brendan is the man
>*Notches arrow*
>Make a career comback
>put all the focus and spotlight on how traumatized you were because some weak old guy touched your ass once
Is he legit retarded? I can see why his wife divorced him desu. He's a weak man.
He's probably scared because he liked it and doesn't want to admit to himself hiw much he enjoyed it.
>shoot that arrow
I wonder how she'd look now if she hadn't of fucked her face up doing planet terror
>i thought these metoo women said men cant be raped.
nobody said that
fuck you guy
when will they go after nickelodeon?
It's easy for you to say user, you weren't there.
Based Navy Seals pasta.
is this a psy-op to make us turn against based Brendan, or to make us love the me-too movement because it happened to someone the internet cares about?
>Shoot that arrow for all of us who hurt
what did she mean by this?
The #metoo movement is only embracing men now because it's dead and it doesn't matter anymore.
>user dared to make a slip
he's a world famous millionaire actor with 3 kids and has lived a great life.
what have you done?
Is this some sort of pasta or something?
Wait so you're saying they somehow influenced DC to hire Snyder to fuck up their franchise?
Well so has Robin Williams. What's your point?
I had 200,000 people with Bill Graham, who the fuck are you?
In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan on stage, who the fuck are you?
I knew the Grateful Dead from 1968, who the fuck are you?
If the mouse kills Netflix, that would be awesome.
>"You've always been a friend in my mind, too"
I want Fraser to shoot an arrow right through this cunt
How can you stop the House of Mouse? Answer: You can't.
I think Dan "hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider is paid up on his mouse buck dues if ya know what I mean?
I cant tell if Rose is fighting the good fight or is fucking insane, probably both
Are you jealous Brendan has other friends user?
OK Gramps we get it, your diabetes is making you cranky again. How about taking your shit to leddit where it belongs you old faggot?
what happen to brendans eye, did he have a stroke?
>Fraser pauses, and his eyes seem to well up, and for the first time in this litany of surgeries and loss, he seems like he might not want to continue. I ask if he needs a break.
>“I'm okay,” he says. “I think I just need to let some arrows fly.”
>He excuses himself as I ponder what this means. A few minutes go by. When he returns, it's with a leather quiver full of arrows strapped to his back. He steps out onto his porch. Outside, he lofts a bow, nocks an arrow. Down below on his lawn, maybe 75 yards away, is an archery target. He releases the arrow straight into the target's center. Bull's-eye. Then nocks a second arrow, and does it again.
>Finally, he exhales. “I feel a lot better now,” he says. He hands me the bow: “Okay, now you try.”
>nothing personel, kikee
I would have just laughed it off, called the guy a daft old fruit or something.
You disgrace. You are everything that's gone wrong in this world. You're a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I've earned my right to say it.
The Sjw's didn't eat this bitch alive when she went on a rant about she was a fucking Hero for tweeting and she does it " for the world " ?
Who the fuck are you?
Final Boss
Any of that shit existing.
> millionaire
is Rose /ourgal/ now?
clearly, he's been getting touched since the dead poets society ok m8 leave him alone for all we no it was robin williams who started it and thats why he can never say anything
Anyone else feel bad about JUST posting?
Everyone knew his life was shit but we didn't know how bad things really were
What is 1+1=? By the way, inb4 2, only faggot retards say that.
Play any kind of varsity sport and this happens all the time in locker rooms. Locker rooms are gay as fuck.
Can't wait for this whole thing to come crashing down
Rose McGowan I mean
Someone out there has dirt on her, and will put an end to all this stupid crying millionaire nonsense
depends on what set your using, which axioms, etc. 1 + 1 could equal a lot of shit. hell, if you get really exotic with it, reflexivity isn't even a given. i guess the question is, what are you trying to prove?
I wonder what a movie with them together will look like, hahah-