So bad it's good!

>so bad it's good!

How is that soy? Some movies are just so fucking awful, it becomes enjoyable.

>it starts the Goose!

>I don't know why I like it, it's just comfy

>so bad it's good!

that's not soy tho

soyboys definitely wouldn't enjoy kino like tango & cash

>All Zack Snyder films are pure Kino!
> BR 2049 was the best movie of the year

>Pink Flamingos on laser disk!


what was the best of movie of the year then?

>so many cheeky references!

That in no way applies to No Man's Sky.

>Tango & Cash

if you look at any shit movie on letterboxd, all the reviews say it's so bad it's good, even when it's just boring and crappy.

> he thinks Tango & Cash needs that approximation to be appreciated
Dumb soyboy
>He recognizes famous soyboys
Dumb Sup Forumsedditor

>>He recognizes famous soyboys
wait, who? I thought they were stock photos

god I'm so glad their shitty game failed

Unironically ironically liking something is as soy as it gets

fuck off op bait or not a lot of movies can be very funny because they're bad, even doing that is hard as fuck. few movies get in that sweet spot.

>it's a guilty pleasure

so bad its good: president edition

just kidding he's shit

nice beard, what oils do you use?

>tfw used to lurk the /vg/ General
>it lasted about 2 weeks
> there were persons seriously playing and defending that shitty game

how the fuck can a product be named soylent (unironically)

It's not ironically liking something as much as it is being able to appreciate the humor inherent in a long comedy of errors put to screen for the world to see.

If I become a soy boy loser, can I at least make a few friends? It's tough having to be so awesome by myself all the time.