This was pretty pretty decent

This was pretty pretty decent.

Other urls found in this thread:


Agreed. Not terrible but definitely not great

It got pretty fucking intense near the end.
I really hope to see more cyberpunk. It's overdue.

>This was pretty pretty decent.

Do any of you Newfags know what the catalog is?

>It got pretty fucking intense near the end.
That's the problem. It got pretty fucking intense near the end, instead at the end. It blew its tension/emotion load at the finding blue chick/fighting Cactus scene and then just kept going and going to the uneven ending.

I think it got more intense after that when the blonde doctor took over.

>implying the other thread is about the movie

>Director of Moon, Source Code, and Warcraft
um why would you put that on the advertisement


Did one of them die or are you testing a bot?

No it's legit fucking awful. In fact it's so bad I'm gonna guess Sup Forums will pretend it's "kino"

Fuck off, shill. This is a movie which manages to be worse than Justice League, Suicide Squad and Valerian. That is quite an achievement.

Can you tell us why? Or will this only result in you spouting memes?

Valerian was a decent movie. You can go fuck right off

I’m with you user. It also felt painfully slow. While I liked cactus and doc, anytime they were on screen it was sort of clashing with the vibe they were setting with mute lad. I would’ve enjoyed a separate doc and cactus movie, and a separate mute movie. Instead it felt like it couldn’t make up its mind and I just got tired of it. When cactus got killed and doc knocks out mute, I thought to myself oh he kills him to get revenge for cactus and then it ends. But it’s another 15-20 minutes of shit with absolutely nothing on the line. You know mutes not going to die otherwise he would’ve already. You know doc won’t be getting away with his nefarious deeds or he would’ve already.

where exactly is sam rockwell in this movie?

Also, not a big deal, but I would’ve liked to see that fight between the final boss henchman aka bookclub and mute lad

Its better than Blade Reddit 20men69ing at least

On a TV twice

It really wasn't half as bad. I bet you think Marvel movies are good films too.

It was utter garbage with 90s adventure cutscene visuals. The cyberpunk theme added nothing to the story

It was OK. Loved the two doctors and the main was also decent

Mute is pretty much guaranteed to be the contrarian's choice for 2018.

It should have been about a guy who doesn't use technology trying to solve a mystery in a cyberpunk world. That's an interesting concept.

Instead it got bogged down by some gay gangster pedo subplot.

There's no point to setting in the future either.