Mike likes Rich more than Jay, but only because Rich doesn't make fun of him when he goes off on autistic star trek rants. Jay hates Rich for this, and for being a fat videogame nerd. Jack, also being a videogame nerd, connects best with Rich even though he wishes he could take Jays place on HITB and be Mikes official companion. The only reason Josh is so often on BOTW is because Mike likes him, everyone else thinks he's an unfunny fuckface.
Mike likes Rich more than Jay...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the autistic shut-in version of celebrity gossip magazines?
>shipping YT movie critics
prove me wrong, you can't
Furthermore, Jay is getting more and more ostracized by the group because he's well-groomed, slim, attractive and has a twitter account. The others, except for Mike, are jealous of this and of Jays position as Mikes official companion. Tensions are building among the group, and at some point there's going to be some real drama between them, probably resulting in Jay tweeting something passive-aggressive and disappearing from the shows.
based josh poster
no, it's the autistic shut-in version of actual gossip between friend groups.
>jay baukteeth
>well groomed
Mike and Rich were best friends since high school. Jay didn't really come into the picture until later (like, college age)
I did a summer internship for RLM, working on lights, blocking and set design for BOTW and HITB. Josh is a maniac and they keep him around so that he doesn't flip out again. Once he blew up because nobody laughed at his joke, saying "Where's your stupid titter now, Rich? Just because I'm the one that made the joke it's not funny?" they then re-shot it and gave him a big laugh and spliced it in. I think that Josh has dirt on Mike or they're physically frightened of him.
If you're going to make up fanfiction at least make up something interesting. Gilchrist did, so can you. And Rich doesn't go on Trek rants, so Jay can't hate him for it.
He is well groomed, having fucked up teeth doesn't change that. He did get them fixed as best as could be done, you can't fault him too much.
I meant Jay hates Rich cause Mike likes Rich better than Jay.
my dad works for nintendo and spies on the ceo meetings as a janitor
You are also wrong that Mike alone likes Jack, thought he was Jay's friend first and anyway, Jay laughs at his jokes and seems to like him quite a bit. If Jay hated fat nerds he has a funny way of showing it by constantly hanging out with fat nerds.
For instance this is a neat RLM fanfiction.
the more I watch them the more I realize Mike is an idiot. He IS the dumb fat masses he complains about.
When the fuck is Rich's fast food review show happening?
Considering how well pre-rec does, how well eating videos in general do on youtube, and the money they could get in shilling fast food I'm surprised they haven't done it yet.
>When the fuck is Rich's fast food review show happening?
won't be better than ROTW
it's e-celeb fanfiction
>The only reason Josh is so often on BOTW is because Mike likes him, everyone else thinks he's an unfunny fuckface
This is blatently false, Jay laughs at Josh's shitty jokes on re;view all the time while Mike barely seems to achknowledge him.
Why has Jay been removing things from archive.org? What does he have to hide?
It shocks me every time I see something like this and I think "people have nothing better to do in their lives than make up fan fiction on YouTube people's lives." and it reaffirms my belief humanity is a waste.
the gang have such a weird sense of humor, most of the time it's semi-refined and others it's normie as fuck. And I'm not talking about poop-jokes, but that oprah-joke? christ
why do people feel the need to obsess about the people behind some youtube videos?
I think Mike respects Rich's ability to occasionally hit him where it hurts because he knows him so well, like about how Mike believes in ghosts and shit. But Rich doesn't do it often enough to rock the boat.
Rich has a severe video game addiction. He needs help
Where does Rich reveal that Mike believes in ghosts?
How does Jay know about it?
>See, now this conversation is why EVERYONE should LOVE this game!
What did Rich mean by this?
The same reason people obsess about Kim Kardashian or whoever, but at least these cheeseheads aren't popular for no reason.
I think it was a best of the worst, but it was in reference to Mike's knowledge and fascination of ghost hunting shows, and Mike struggled to explain that he simply likes the science behind it.
In his defense, he doesn't have a real full time job, if anything playing games is actually kind of a job to him. I think a lot of people would have hours like that, if not far more, if they had the lifestyle he does.
I got twice the hours in Morrowind when I was in middle school, but then again Morrowind has more going on.
Mike has been talking about how he loves the paranormal everytime they talk about a ghost movie on HitB for years, Rich made fun of him during the telepathic communication with animals WotW episode.
A lot of people are into that sort of stuff without actually believing it.
Mike like Rich more than Jay because they're friends who share common interests. What's the point of the thread? To say Mike runs Red Letter Media? Sure he's a major part of it.
That's pretty mild, I could rank up to 40 hours per week with a full time job, so 50 hours a week for someone whose job includes playing video games is pretty tame
>What's the point of the thread?
For people to make up stories about their friendship simulator for cheap drama.
Oh well then aidsmoby rapes children
Some inspiration for you guys, or maybe you can use this as a writing prompt.
Previously Recorded finally has video again, and not just audio. I don't know wha they were thinking
AIDS wanted to save time on editting by not having to deal with video and have it be audio only.
that would be opie and anthony
I actually really liked the animation thing they did
I think I'm a fairly normal person, I find all the YouTube comments and the deep meaning research that goes on on the archived threads to be real odd
Why can't rlm just be a bunch of friends who like watching shitty movies and record their reactions. Why did OP write what he wrote on this thread, maybe I'm just not autistic anymore
When did Sup Forums become such cancer?
>someone made a comic of it
my keks has been given
Since forever, you fucking pumpkin piece of shit
You can watch movies with irl friends but it's boring and lame because most people aren't funny, witty or informative like Mike (and to a lesser degree, Jay) or stock characters like Rich. But people eventually grow bored of even that kind of friendship simulator so they want more excitement, a bigger hit. Then you get all sorts of made up fanfiction.
Fuck those RLM cucks. E;R is where it's at.
>These people are totally my friends guys!!
>I know every little detail about their personal lives!
>Mike and Jay am I right guysss???
They are just a bunch of friends its just stuff you pick up on over time watching their videos. While most of this is exaggerated alot of it like Mike banging a chick Jay liked probably happened.
>>I know every little detail about their personal lives!
The fact that they are relatively careful in keeping their private lives private is probably what drives the autists even crazier though.
I almost feel bad for them. Imagine being dependant on youtube bucks and 80% of your fanbase is made up of super creepy gay autists who stalk you and put everything you do under a microscope.
I honestly doubt that RLM has ever hired an intern
Who gives a shit? It's just a boring static shot at them sitting. I pay no attention to the video when "watching" Pre-Rec.
Meh, its not really fan fiction but more of OP's opinion, it probably wouldn't have even taken 5 minutes to write. Theres a lot worse fan fiction out there that you should be getting angry about rather than a 3 sentence post on Sup Forums
>Mike banging a chick Jay liked probably happened.
That was just the plot of Gorilla Interrupted.
Since Mike seems so obsessed with redheads, I doubt they compete much for women.
They actually did.
I remember a pre-rec stream conversation about it.
It was a failure because they didn't really know what to do with him.
i can't immerse myself with my friends only with SOUND bro
Hmm interesting. Do you think that the intern they were talking about was the same user in this thread?
Did they sit together in class and wrote silly things on the desk to make eachother giggle and get in trouble with miss teacher?
Eh, they chose to be in the limelight, and most of their fans are probably pretty normal. I just feel bad for the people connected to them, Rich's gf or Jack's kids don't really deserve to mocked.
Of course, I don't see why anyone would lie on Sup Forums.
no this is definitely fanfiction
So you think that OP doesn't actually believes what he posts?
OP is right, Mike and Rich do have the closest, most genuine relationship.
But it goes further than that: Mike is in deep, albeit conflicted, love with Rich. Mike may give him shit and subtly (or not so subtly) mock all of Rich's imperfections, but he's still besotted. Rich is Mike's muse, Rich has made almost all his movies and videos starring his muse. Whenever Rich talks Mike instantly focuses intensely on him and can't take it eyes off of him. When Mike edits videos there are always close ups of Rich above anyone else and the camera pans over to him all the time, even when it's not really relevant. The camera is Mike's obsessive eye on Rich. Mike even dated (is dating?) a woman who looks like Rich in drag. He even went digging through Rich's trash to retrieve childhood photos of Rich. It's all there.
he's probably delusional enough to believe in it but he's inventing a story based on a moment in an internet show. that's fanfiction
>Whenever Rich talks Mike instantly focuses intensely on him and can't take it eyes off of him
This is absolutely spot on. If you watch the recent STD review, Mike looks at Rich with intent and respect in a way that he would never give Jay, whenever Jay is talking Mike just looks like he's waiting for his turn to talk rather than listen to whatever that manlet is prattling on about. Its clear he values Rich's opinions and insights far higher than Jay.
look at those fucking eyes
I don't think that even fan-fiction authors believe their story is real. Even the authors of fan-fiction know it is fiction.
They know it's not real, it's what they wish were real.
You may think he is wrong but to call his opinion fan fiction is pretty retarded. Why can't it just be an opinion? are all opinions fan fiction? I honestly cant see the relevance except for the fact the they are a movie review show and that fan-fiction usually deals with movies and tv shows.
No need to get autistic OP, whether it's your "opinion" or not it's based on your headcanon that has nothing to do with reality. Various posts have pointed out how wrong many of the OP points are, so it's all just made up. If there were reasonable evidence for the general statements made then yeah, it could be considered an opinion (or a theory, or several other words if you want to get into semantics) but there is no evidence for it other than the clear desire for it to be so. Hence "fanfiction."
>it's based on your headcanon that has nothing to do with reality
So how do you know what the actual reality of RLM inter-personal relationships are? do you were there? are you friends with them? For all you know your opinion is actually fan fiction.
He doesnt like Jay at all, he can stand Jay and can only talk to him because hes a bit smarter than the other people in Milwaukee, but he doesnt like him.
Jay likes to be the good guy, but he hates all of them and wishes he could be openly gay and leave all this behind to focus on his bf/master
Rich is just a slave at this point, needs the RLM money, so he takes the insults and mops the floors.
Jack likes the money but he could do other stuff for money, hes not a complete loser, so he is still a version of himself but edited to suit Mikes idea of humor
Beardfat wants a cut of the money so he tries too hard
Jesse got sick of all the drama and cancer plus whichever one of you called the office like 20 times a day to talk to her
No, Mike would say stuff until Rich did his laugh.
Miss Teacher would then send Mike out of the room knowing Rich was a poor orphan boy.
No it's easy to assume, based on what we do actually know and see, that a group of people who came together as friends to make videos and get along on camera can at least tolerate each other instead of everyone secretly hating each other based on literally no evidence and a bunch of made up motivations.
>smarter than the other people in Milwaukee
This fanfiction thread is getting out of hand.
Jay edits pretty much every video they make, because Mike is too lazy and Rich is the golden boy who just has to show up and do his dumb cackle. That's why they keep making joke skits with Rich being the bum they force to do all the work. it's an in-joke that you're not in on, but I figured it out for you anyway. Jay is, in reality, the bum that has to do all the work and in return they let him use the nailgun on Jacks favorite movies during the winter months.
It's silly to think that a group of friends would go this many years without having any interpersonal drama. Its not so much that they hate each other but just that the group dynamic is changing over time.
Okay, fine but that's a pretty boring fanfiction ; nobody really said otherwise anyway. That's still quite different from all the things said in the OP, which are pretty specific in both description and motivation.
These types of threads is how you realize how truly fucked-up some people are in Sup Forums. Like you make the stalker in Perfect Blue look normal by comparison.
No normal human brain can fantasize about computer screen friends so much without being really sick.
Each to their own
I personally think that everything OP has said is true with the exception of Mike liking Josh.
this never happened btw
>inb4 t. Jay
nice fucking fanfic
You’re an autistic faggot and you should feel bad about your life
this isn't true
What do you guys think each one of them actually make?
They're probably in the solid middle class range, no idea on numbers. I doubt Rich gets as much as Mike or Jay though.
Not actaully that much. Their patreon earns about 20k a month and I would say they earn about 5k a month on youtube(that guess is kinda from my ass though) all together it is not a huge amount considering the amount of staff they have
>three people
>the amount of staff they have
>(that guess is kinda from my ass though
Then why post it at all if you have literally no idea what you’re talking about?
>ywn go to mike or riches house after school
>ywn watch the latest episode of Star Trek with them and talk about what'll happen next in DS9 or VOY
Why live bros?