Former Black Panther on film "Black Panther"

Former Black Panther on film "Black Panther"


>I finally got around to seeing the Black Panther movie Tuesday. I’ve been black nearly seven decades. My blackness does not require affirmation from the Disney/Marvel Comics Universe, where Tony Stark is a greedy Pentagon contractor, where Captain America is a genetically modified organism, where the Wakandan king and the wannabe king both work with/for the CIA, and where Daredevil’s pals (season 1 episode 4) note that investigative reporting on “teachers union scandals” is as personally perilous as crossing the Mafia.

>For those of us aiming to build a better world, this movie is nothing short of enemy propaganda.


>In the Black Panther movie, all the Wakandan players are royalty, their counselors, their advisors or their rivals. All the strikingly beautiful and capable Wakandan women take orders from men. The only unambiguous good guy is the Frodo looking CIA agent. The homicidal Killmonger character is calculated to sully the very notion of black rebellion against unjust authority, while Pan Africanism and humanism are defecated upon from multiple angles. Cinematic bar fights, car chases and battle scenes are a dime a dozen, and worst of all Wakanda isn’t even rendered in any visually inspiring way.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The movie disrespects its audience and is a standing insult to science fiction and afro futurism. As Dr. Jared Ball points out, we can’t just go make and market another movie to compete with this one. Disney/Marvel Studios put tens of millions into the promotion of this thing alone, and for now millions of people are buying their message. That’s called cultural hegemony.
>Those who would drink from this nasty water for “affirmation” and “black joy” must be deeply desperately thirsty. And evidently thirst confuses before it kills.
>The only good thing I got from this movie was the motivation to look for and find some real, respectful, challenging and innovative science fiction and afro-futurism, preferably written by some black women to wash the rancid taste of Marvel’s superhero industrial complex from the inside of my head.

Excellent. Still communism was a bad idea on their part.

Communism is the singular form of liberation of mankind.

Right on brother


Kek, he's kinda right. Consider that the BPs were nigger communist terrorists and he's still pretty spot on about the MCU.

Enjoy your 2 days of freedom wagey. It’s back to slaving away on Monday.

>Communism allows me to fuck around all day
>All ex-communist countries would send you to forced labour all days of the week.

Let me guess, you're from the western part of the world.

>haven't had a job for 5 years
>have my own place
>get paid just to exist
based socialism

>le 1000 billion forced labour commie-nazi concentration camp gulags
Thanks for spacing out your insipid post to make it easier for me to read, but here on Sup Forums you don’t need to space like you are on reddit... and I’m not western but you sure as shit are.

Sorry, but Armand's review hits harder and he isn't some savage anti-white bolshevist.

This man clearly hates black people and progress. Black Panther is an absolute triumph of a film.

Thanks for pointing out you are subhuman trash.
I am from one of the former communist shitholes. Just a few days ago some of my work collegues had a discussion about this phenomenon. Police would just stop you on the street ask for your work permit before even IDing you. If you could not provide them with what they asked they would take you to the station and make the necessary procedure to get you working some shit job, because everybody had to work. Also also school days would be 6 days of week. Pupils were taken to work the fields after hours during the crop seasons. But hey, I'm a reddit wagecuck right? Everything I say is false.

Armand "White" is an Uncle Tom

Ok I’m sure all those people that have been polled in surveys are lying. Today they are free, 30 years ago they were in le 1000 billion gulags yet for some reason they prefer the past to today.

Doesn't matter, all fucking niggers must fucking hang.

>that graph
>what is sample bias

Clearly you're not qualified to speak about anything that requires thought.

>annual oil production
Saudi Arabia confirmed as best country in the world

dude lol, gommunism was really great for the 30% of slaves who lived. i totally trust marxist academic and media sources with data collection. i fully trust that they have zero political agenda and would never lie to me.

what job do you want in the future gommunist utopia? me? i want to design uniforms and web pages.

And there are still some people that make a pilgramage to the former beloved leader's grave every year, proclaiming that it was better then + you people that had not lived through those years that say the same thing.

Your point being?

Exactly how is that different from the US, you have to work a slave wage with no healthcare, and if you don't you get tossed into the street and starve since you have to work to get foodstamps, the cops are oppressive and kill people and fuck with people. College is mandatory for any decent job and it costs tens of thousands of dollars. Also try looking up the border patrol and see how oppressive they are to people. This is assuming any of the shit you said wasn't made up

Redpill me on this shit, Sup Forums

Go back, Juan

Yes please

>profit driven capitalist media
This is literally how classcucks think.

Not an argument

>academia DOESN'T exhibit massive Marxist bias
>media DOESN'T exhibit massive Marxist bias

>live in socialist country
>get paid to exist
>free apartment
>free healthcare
>discount on electricity and water bills because I'm "poor"
I don't get the hate to be honest

this is the part where you tell me cnn pushing for gun control and university gender pronoun policy is “marxist”

yes, user, what IS sampling bias? what does it have to do with a comparison of two countries?

You know how Cyperpunk is rightfully infused with Japanese imagery? Well it's essentially that, but with Dashiki aesthetics. Look up Nnedi Okafor's books for some examples.

>everything I don't like or disagrees with me is Marxist

be as smug as you like. worshiping "equality" started with that fat, drunk, deadbeat, elbow rubbing cunt and university gender policy exists as a result.

everyone knows this. you can't make marx cool again, comrade. sorry.

Communism is not social market economy brainlets. Every state needs something like that in the future even muttistan.The technology will replace the most jobs soon and the alternative is straving or the state helps you with tax money from the big company's.

>be as smug as you like
i’m not smug i accurately predicted your stupid reply, please point out what gender pronouns have to do with an economic system? and why do you care? are you still in university? then maybe use your brain and read marx you nigger

>I have never read theory in my life because I don't read books, I eat them

>marxists only apply marxism to economics
>marx only cared about economics

you are retarded or more likely, you're desperately trying to get people to read your le SACRED TEXTS via subversion

marx is dead and getting spitroasted in hell, dude. get over it.


I always wondered why black people see this movie as empowering when it's promoting xenophobia and segregation of the working class from upper society, although I guess African Americans don't really have the proper perspective and just see the AIIIIGGGHHHHT HOMIE WE GOS DA MONEY NAWW DASSSS RITE.
Nice to see someone with some sense on the issue.

>predict user will say something truthful which destroys your retarded non-argument

h-haha g-gotcha, user! y-you can't use that one now cause i called dibs!

>openly states he has not read marx
>calls others retarded for not understanding marx
sure buddy, the capitalist universities that work in unison with student loan agencies to charge outrageous tuition prices to keep kids in debt and the multi billion dollar for-profit media conglomerate that CNN is a part of are communist because of gender pronouns... have fun in fairy land lmao

black people in the future basically

Fucking spot-on.

>openly states
really? then you wont have any trouble finding that statement and quoting it.
>gender pronouns are the only agenda media academia push
>hasn't come to the realization that organizations and people can exist in and take advantage of a capitalist system without liking that system or encouraging its existence.

has it not occurred to you that you spouting pinko bullshit doesn't even make sense with the model you just presented?

god damn /leftypol/ really is filled with intellectual toddlers.

>Wakanda isn’t even rendered in any visually inspiring way

He means to say that it still looks like Africa, if Africa had money and scientific innovation. Wakanda still has that bantu tribal style. Which was a reasonable way for the cinematographer to design it.

I think it actually did a good job of giving black people some responsible/respectable heroes to look up to, which there's a huge shortage of in that race. They can pretty much look up to athletes or rappers, and that's about it. Most blacks that hit it big outside of sports or rap, are half-white uncle Toms which urban blacks don't relate to.

I was actually impressed with how much it *didn't* push a "blame whitey" agenda as the name Black Panther would imply. Though no doubt, militant blacks probably hated it for that reason.

Nowhere in your insipid rant did you make any mention as to how gender pronouns or advocating for the disarmament of the proletariat have even the slightest thing to do with communism. You type like an illiterate, I am seriously starting to wonder if you can read at all- let alone read Marx. Can you read? Can you read this?

>and worst of all Wakanda isn't even rendered in any visually inspiring way
how shit does your movie have to be that the Black Panthers shit on its composition?

>says the faggot who doesn't stand in a beet line every tuesday.

Do us all a favor and don't post for another year

>le 1000 billion starved :(
Compared to an actual billion under capitalism
t. butthurt classcuck

he said while using his smartphone

>a culmination of black weeaboo intersts and afro-liberation activists; afro-futurism is possibly the least obnoxious means of putting black people into a medium.

You see, rather than giving the world a cynical western setting populated with mary sue black characters, afro-futurism simply sets the future world in an African or Afro-American aesthetic, usually with several main black characters. The style largely borrows from pulp genres, namely Spaghetti Westerns, Samurai flicks, and Blaxploitation films of the 70's.

See: Deltron 3030, Afro Samurai

>everything I don't like or disagrees with me is Marxist
this is true. It's pretty much the sole recipient of my hate. And colleges are lousy with it.

>I'm giving you a prescription for two Yuriposts a day

I'm calling it.

This one's a Jew.

love how Sup Forums is filled to the rim with 40+ y/o slavs from the eastern block

>afro-futurism is possibly the least obnoxious means of putting black people into a medium.
I don't think the point of afrofuturism is "putting black people in" something, but a expression of their own.

>Frodo lookin' CIA agent

>where the Wakandan king and the wannabe king both work with/for the CIA
But isn’t that what the Black Panthers have been doing for 40 years?

Maybe these kids are trying to te-live your fake revolution. Keep in mind that this “oppressed” black man got to live in the most advanced nation to ever exist. The First Nation to eliminate starvation. The first nation with nuclear capabilities. The first nation to ever have a black middle class.

His revolution was phony to begin with. His entire life is one, big delusion of persecution

>The First Nation to eliminate starvation.
Fucking lol

>Fucking lol
The lowest form of sophistry. Do you have an actual rebuttal?

What sophistry is there in laughing? The claim you've made is patently false.

What about Afro Ninja?

>trying to get people to read your le SACRED TEXTS via subversion
ignorant and proud

>patently false
More sophistry. If it was patently false, then it would be very easy to disprove.

think about it: they conform to the status quo while spouting red scare propaganda while thinking they're the rebels while opposing idpol while posting yuri bezmenov's videos about subversion
truly a work of art

Right now, hunger in the United States is far from eliminated. 12,3% of houses are food insecure and 4,9% have very low food security as of 2016 according to the USDA. Please state the historical moment in which hunger was eliminated in the US.

Also, sophistry is not exactly what you think it is. This is an informal enviroment and I'm not trying to convince anybody with "fucking lol".

And that former Black Panther member was none other than Armond White.

Black Panthers were controlled by the FBI

False. World poverty has been cut in half in the last 30 years because of capitalism.

More like infiltrated, no?

Define poverty.


>1 in 10

wtf I like the black panthers now

According to official metrics I'm poor but I actually have more money than I need.

Only 1 day off a week in communism

7 days a week in western socialism

>tfw we'll never get a Deltron 3030 movie

COINTELPRO, look it up. It was used on MLK and Malcolm X as well.

Black Panthers had a New York based chapter being fed misinformation to make him even more radical and intentionally causing internal conflict with in the group by sowing seeds of mistrust and doubt. Which lead to a split from the main Oakland chapter. And because in New York he was so bombastic, he would Garner attention which the CIA would put on blast for most of America to see and discredit the entire organization with.

>food insecurity = starving to death
How many Americans starved to death last year? In the last 20 years?

>user uses a paragraph
>"omfg reddit!!!"

Can we stop this retardation?

Where are you from?

Being American is shit if you're not upper middle class or above, this isn't news.

Communists are peddling a dead ideology. The Russians now denounce Communism. Since Deng, the Chinese have somehow managed to denounce Communism while still slapping the label "Communist" on everything, which is kind of impressive. The last Commies on Earth are the North Korean faggots that everybody hates, the Cuban faggots that everyone ignores, and maybe the Veneuelans... Who are busy starving to death and butchering each other en masse right now. An Internet Communist is a crank on par with a flat earther

>there not getting enough of the nutritional value eating cheap processed food leading to more problems
>but are they starving? how many starved in 20 years?

what about in case of a financial emergency? are you prepared and well off for that despite being poor by there metrics?

I see. You're promoting this alternative to the HFCS crisis.

It’s almost as if sophistry is all that you know. A classic symptom of browsing Reddit for too long

The character "Black Panther" was created before the organization was ever a thing. Stop spamming Sup Forums with your horseshit Sup Forums bait.

The problems arise when the socialists in charge import millions of immigrants who live off welfare.
That means no welfare for you.

>fictional black heroes
>couldn't find any real ones

That's just sad

Pretty sure an actual black person's opinion, especially a black panther's > yours faggot

It's really thought-provoking how China started a meteoric rise to world power the exact moment they threw communist economic practice in the trash

>the best African culture is literally borrowed from both the East and the West

capitalism did not invent the smartphone, brainlet.

I have some money on the side but I don't see that happening.

(Nice dubs)

The person who reviewed this is the same type of person who would've called Sidney Poiteir an "Uncle Tom" for winning an Oscar for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, and, also probably never read the original Black Panther comics.

Probably also complains about white people "Appropriating our culture" when listening to rap and hip-hop and thought Jimi Hendrix was "Too White".

This movie gives young black people a positive role model to emulate, and he dares call it "Enemy propaganda"?

And they say that people of color can't be racist?

I shouldn't be surprised, though. Many so-called "Feminists" criticized Heavy Metal (The movie) not only for it's liberal display of female nudity and sexuality, they claimed that the character Taarnah was a portrayal of male chauvinistic stereotype of women since she didn't speak, citing "Literal DUMBNESS". I guess they never heard of STRONG AND SILENT.

I guess you can find a monster under any bed if you look hard enough.

What a bunch of shit!

>literally private companies sabotaging their supplies of food in venezuela
>blame it on the commies

What about Agropatria? The overwhelming majority of Venezuelan food production infrastructure is state owned, the farmers didn't all unite to leave their fields fallow and drive themselves to ruin in an act of mass capitalist sabotage