Are you excited for the next generation of cinema?
Are you excited for the next generation of cinema?
frankly i want most of humanity to be wiped out
>doc's nose
Nice touch.
Jews have high IQs and frequently become doctors. Are you upset? We also have a very high birth rate :) ...unlike you :((
But it's blacks and Hispanics getting abortions by an overwhelming margin in comparison to whites. It's eugenics. Why is this an issue?
Based falseflagger
much lower than pali birth rate
>french call abortions "avortements"
only ameriniggers get abortions
in europe the nogs are muslim are have 12 kids each
And we keep some of them in a museum
how long until major social upheavals because of this?
Is it fucked up that I think they're cute?
Nah it's ok. Especially the one smiling on the right, looks very happy about having been spared this existence.
So european girls actually don't abort their brown rapebabies?
So basically Muslim and Black women are superior.
That's what you are saying, right?
>major social upheavals
You are joking right? right wingers are a joke you have no support or power in the media.
They do.
I never said which way. Rapid demographic change like that can't just happen smoothly.
>Brown people are having more babies than us :(
I never understood this criticism. What's stopping NatSocs from making as many babies as possible? Oh that's right, they're mostly incel NEETS.
This, white women haven’t been good since Woodstock.
Behold the face of the man who will stop Muslims from fucking!
never claimed any of that you schizo
This is what French deserve for exploiting Libya
IT will happen smothly because whitoids are pussies and any remaining """warrior""" genes have been pacified with movies and video games. Face it, it's over. Sperging out on Sup Forums only serves to make you feel better about reality. Or maybe it stresses you out, in which case I recommend watching the new black panther movie, it was the greatest movie of the century.