How is such a thing even possible?

How is such a thing even possible?

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Do you not know how genetics work?

One of them will star in a gender swapped Die Hard reboot

don't talk about muh jawfu like that

Do you?

Stand up. There you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Plastic surgery doesn't alter genes



The more I look the more attractive they get.

how drunk are you?

By azura by azura by azura. It’s the great champion!

Jesus Christ, she looks like something straight out of an Elder Scrolls game.

Wow all three daughters are square jawed hideous men WTF?

Not drunk at all, there is something weirdly alluring about those fucking jawlines. Look at that shit. You can kill a child with that.

You have to fuck one of the daughters. Who do you pick? I'll just go for the middle one since her short hair dyke look doesn't offend me as the two men in drag at her sides.

Imagine them all chining you senseless..

whatever gave you that idea

can't i just fuck the old hag with the glasses?

Three strikes in a row, no wonder Bruce is so pissed off all the time, probably blames Demi's rotten eggs.

t. guy who actually wants to fuck Bruce Willis

Leftmost one is passable, but man oh man the other two were beaten with an ugly stick.

When your jizz is so alpha

>you huddle in the corner
>"Come on user, you don't want to upset our father, do you?"
>the pug-like spawn of Bruce Willis speak in turns as they trade off repeatedly smashing their hammer-chins into your exposed skull
>your world fades to black as you feel your collarbone snap from a wild swing
>the last vision to grace your eyes is Bruce Willis in a wife beater and socks, playing with his saggy, scarred balls
>"I'm proud a' you girls! There's my little princesses!"
>his disarming chuckle carries you into senselessness.

Are you mental? She looks like her dad in drag.

if he had boys they could have been gigachads, instead he got this...

Bruce Willis is a man tho.

she looks like one of those deviantart drawings by an amateur artist who can't get proportions right so it just looks like they drew a somewhat okay-ish face way too small and too un-centered on an oversized oval

I'll go with the middle one as well. At least she doesn't have that weird pinched in squinty eyed look going on.

From the look of their jawline, all of them should. What manly daughters

>not wanting to fuck Bruce Willis

What are you, gay? the very least he's better than his daughters

When will they start balding?

>tfw found out he had two more kids fairly recently
>they're both girls as well

God fucking damnit Bruce

Imagine having offspring that look like your exact clones.. but with female genatalia. That's bruce willis

What do you mean? Those girls are an exact mid-morph between their parents.
Right before the jaw-reduction kicks in on the mother's side.

Shy qt.

>dad is chad
>im an ugly ass incel

But yeah muh genetics
