I dislike Viggo's portrayal of Aragorn. He stuck to the "indecisive nice guy" angle for too long, which was fine, but then he never really grew into a convincingly kingly person.
>he never really grew into a convincingly kingly person
Oh yeah? Well I disagree with that.
You never once get the feeling, as in the books, where Aragorn occasionally reminds the people around him that he's of the highest existing bloodline of the race of men, and that he is better than they are and has the right to act like it and be treated like it.
Being righteous and commanding just isn't in Viggo's nature. Likely because you have to be a communist pussy to make it in hollywood.
boy you best not be talking shit about viggo
>idol worship groupthink fanboyery
>affected colloquialisms to compensate for lack of identity
Don't do these things please
I don't think that was Viggo's doing though, Jackson didn't write those 'he suddenly grew tall and noble' scenes into the films and we also didn't get much of him leading as a King like when they burn down Minas Morgul and the healing stuff. I tend to think of the films as being from Frodos perspective, and Frodo knew Aragorn as Strider and a close friend rather than as a King.
Pure kino, how come no one makes movies this good nowadays?
It takes a long time filming in a remote location. The LOTR cast were on location for like 2 years or some shit. It is easier now to just do everything in studio and CGI the background to whatever it needs to be. This is what killed The Hobbit.
>from Frodos perspective, and Frodo knew Aragorn as Strider and a close friend rather than as a King.
That's the difficulty. Is to create a coherent character that can fill that role until his identity is later revealed, and then to additionally fill that role without contradicting or divorcing from the earlier development; seeming to be the same person.
A tall task indeed. My complaint is just that Viggo didn't cover it entirely well. Fine actor though. I think the characterization could have used some more forethought and specificity, though.
Aragorn also lost of a lot of his character building scenes, and he doesn't take up Anduril until film three whereas in the books he sets out to become King from Rivendell so his 'noble' moments make more sense than in the films. I was actually surprised that they used Galadhrim elves as reinforcements at Helm's Deep, I think the Grey Company of Dunedain would've made more sense, and they find Aragorn shortly after Helm's Deep anyway. Still everyone has different opinions and on the whole they are miraculous films.
was it autism?
I was specific and direct with my complaints, but unduly polite out of courtesy. The least you could do is return the favor, and the effort, instead of robotically reciting effortless canards
agreed the Dunedain coming to aid rohan, and the men actually winning against saruman would have been much stronger if the elves didn't show up.
but alas it was still a great moment in the movie.
Especially that mean mug that legolas gives standing with his own kind.
That sounds dickish. I prefer the film Aragorn.
sounds dope but let me fire up that thesaurus first breh
>Still everyone has different opinions
Indeed. However mine are still objectively superior to yours
Yo yo holla back at me homie thats wiggity wack
aight famalam
or maybe you lack the attention to follow that Aragorn becomes increasingly kingly following his promise to a dying Boromir, and prefer it being spoonfed to you from the get go like in the books
>Aragorn becomes increasingly kingly
Mah I didn't really see it. I just don't think Viggo has that kind of fire in him as a person
ever see a history of violence?
fuck it i have nothing better to do im going to binge the extended editions today and write notes for you
Never saw it. Looked too normie for me. I.e. not fantasy or anime. But I eagerly await your observations. You should post them in a thread of your own if this one page10's. Because even if I miss them, such an effort is worth posting and may catch the interests of other anons. Actual content, and all that.
its based on a comic book, its literally capeshit