What are some must-see movies about America?
What are some must-see movies about America?
Black Panther and also whatever their trash the Kikes want you to give them money for.
John Adams tv series is GOAT.
Also Turn:Washington's Spies, worth watching just for Fookin Legend. His best role to date.
If you want to defeat Trump and capitalism you need to support billion dollar movie franchises.
>teachers are not allowed to help out children with their problems
>they are allowed to shoot them though
Eh. I'd rather teachers have guns and be able to fight back than just expect them to lock the doors and cower under their desk when some psycho comes to mow them and their class down. If school shootings are such a problem, then armed teachers are the solution.
A lot of teachers are women and they would probably end up shooting the innocent kids and not the shooter.
if blacks shooting blacks is such a problem why dont we give blacks more guns
>>teachers are not allowed to help out children with their problems
I still can’t believe Americans elected that lunatic lol
>arming teachers = bad solution
>banning guns = good solution
Let’s ban murder while we’re at it
This is perhaps the worst and most baffling strawman I’ve ever seen
>there are people defending this solution
this is hilarious, i'm not even mad. it takes decades for an empire to crumble, but goddamn if you can't see it happening
Serbian film
>bill clinton got his dick sucked
>all the news talked about for the entire year, got halfway impeached for it
>trump cheated on his wife with an actual pornstar
>story blows over in a week
To be fair an adult teacher shooter who has actually practiced for 20-30 years could easily BTFO some shitty school shooter who is only 15 years old. Please not I am not saying most teachers have actually practiced shooting for this many years but maybe they should be trained to
>the absolute state of America
The only ones defending it are Magapede reddit rejects who think (((trump))) can do no wrong
America is either run by a death cult or an all pwerful carel so bloodthirsty that the might as well be one. If regular slaughter of children in their classrooms and the eager willingness of their government to support that slaughter isn't part of some sort of ritual sacrifice it's indicative of a cynical late capitalist conspiracy to sell death itself. People have weapons, people kill, the government proposes to sell them more weapons so the can kill more, Trump and his cronies laughing behind the backs of their grieving families while the blood of innocent children keeps flowing and their bank accounts keep growing.
if all the blacks have shot eachother they wont be able to shoot eachother anymore
School shootings aren't a problem . It's just that when it happens it's terrible
Like plane crashes
take your meds schizo
>giving a real answer in a Sup Forums whining thread
>in america kids getting murdered in school isn't a problem
There is nonstop outrage/pants shitting about literally everything he says or does. I can't fucking escape all the liberal tears. What is this bitch on about?
why they dont just lock the door on the school looool how is shooter suposed to get in loooooooooool