>basic plot
>paper thin characters
>bad acting
>pretentious as fuck
>awful editing
Basic plot
cinema is all about visuals pleb
what's that?
>Implying there's a plot out there that isn't basic
Go back to your containment site.
>gets outed as a brainlet in other thread
>stops replying and starts a new one
Noone claims it's kino and everyone knows that Refn is all style no substance. The only reason Drive was a good film is because he had no hand in the script.
His visual language is the only good thing about his direction.
I really liked Drive, I have seen it three times and I will see it again. But OGF was a total bore.
For those genuinely interested and not just shitposting
>>basic plot
What's wrong with that?
>>paper thin characters
How? I suppose "le deep" characters for you are characters who constantly talk about their emotions and traits
>>bad acting
Again how? I can't think od any other actor than Gosling who would be a better pick for the role. I presume you're mixing up what you is bad writing with bas acting
>>pretentious as fuck
Meme meaningless point
>>awful editing
I can agree that the editing is somewhat clunky yes
All in all you sound like a juvenile underage casual
>imagining being so self-important you announce that you think everyone you disagree with is so emotionally invested in your dumb ideas that they're U MAD / SEETHING.
>fantasizing about emotionally connecting w/ user strangers who don't care about you but to call you out when you reveal your stupidity
>could have just said, being 13 and socially inept
So did he fuck his mother?
Her dead corpse, yes
Only Idiots don't like only god forgives
>basic plot
>paper thin characters
these are not flaws, especially not in this type of movie
>pretentious as fuck
meaningless statement
>awful editing
certainly looking cool is a prerequisite towards kino what are you on about
Imagine SEETHING this much lmao.
You're so angry, you're like a little baby.
not every movie has to have "substance", and I would like to hear what you think "substance" is in a movie. By the way, the substance in refn is all the small details and little things.
If you care about complexs plot with developed characters maybe just maybe you should try out telenovelas, and leave kino to the konnoisseurs
Pleb Status: FILTERED
good bait, almost went for it
Only God forgives. Good movie, don’t listen to these steaming faggots.
>Noone claims it's kino and everyone knows that Refn is all style no substance.
Sup Forums voted is as one of the best films of decade so far
Your parents should have kicked your ass as a kid.
Why does everyone here love BvS so much? I thought they liked it ironically because it's so bad that it's good
It's the same thing with everything Sup Forums likes ironically, there will be retards reading the ironic shitposts and start taking them seriously.
>My Little Pony