How do you kill a man without fear?

How do you kill a man without fear?

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By pootin the fair en im.

Just like you kill a man with fear

heart failure

With a chair

By throwing temper tantrums when they make fun of your wife.

>black kingpin

Kick him in the nuts


Hows yo daughta doin

>best kingpin

>nigger-staining White characters

Makes more sense that the king of the crime underworld is a nig desu

This wasn't done for PC reasons though. It was done because he was the best big guy they could get, and being big is more important than Kingpin being white.

I like when the big bad guy owner of the company looks like a regular weak CEO but when he's cornered by the hero shows that he knows how to fight and he's very good at it.

More movies where this happens?

Also it's easier to kill a man without fear because fear as a biological response to danger, if you are not scared of a guy stabbing you to steal your LG cellphone then a guy will stab you to steal your LG cellphone and since real life is not movies you are going to die bleeding and lose your LG cellphone.

By destroying a vital organ probably. A gun would work.

Stick him with the pointy end.

Fear often paralyzes people, so I'd say it's easier to kill someone who's shitting their pants than someone with a calm and collected mental state who has no qualms fighting back.

Yeah, fuck LG

>white Kingpin
Kingpin was part asian in the comics.

Whats his superpower? I imagine he has one.

Too bad he's Duncan is dead. He would've made a good Barracuda in the Punisher

Not a movie but MGR

Best Kingpin

He's rich

Shut up nigger

>tfw the african american gentleman in op's pic died

haha good

whiter then you ahemd


>it's a liberal tries to falseflag Sup Forums episode

Damn I forgot Ben Fatfleck was Daredevil

I really liked back when we had some good black actors so raceswapping wasnt necessarily an enforced thing

>How do you kill a man without fear?

you kill him by luring him into a trap that a normal person would fear because it would obviously kill them but this guy would walk right in cause hes not a'feared.

actually seems easier to kill people without fear than fear, those motherfuckers with fear like to run and hide and not die and shit.

Same. I wish we had more Michael Clarke Duncans and Morgan Freeman's instead of whoever it is we have now.

Bullseye was kino in this movie

that actor is dead

Shoot him

That might be the most numetal thing I have ever seen.