Watch Twin Peaks seasons 1 and 2

>watch Twin Peaks seasons 1 and 2
>absolutely fall in love
>so wholesome, feel nostalgic for a place I never was
>fucking PISSED about the cliffhanger ending
>watch Fire Walk With Me
>kino horror, a bit off put by all the sex scenes but it's important for Laura's story
>start watching season 3
>first episode sex scene for no reason
>all the characters suck
Why should I even bother watching it, none of the characters I know and love have their stories resolved


S2 is trash. Get some taste.

>>first episode sex scene for no reason
>>all the characters suck
At least watch to episode 7 before making that assumption

Also betting $5 OP is a woman for being so triggered by sex scenes when they are actually relevant to the plot

>watch Twin Peaks S1 and S2 in the 90s, easily becomes one of my favorite shows at the time
>S3 comes out, and of course I am excited
>turns out to be mediocre normie dogshit
>normies still praise it

fucking normies

>29 years ago yesterday

it still hurts lads

^^ this or something similar.
TP: The Return or Season 3 or "An Even Series" is for Lynch fans or for those that are along for the ride and willing to let an artist do his thing. I'm not saying you have to like ...but if you go in expecting ANYTHING but Lynch doing Lynch then walk away and jack off to your fake nostalgia some more somewhere else.

s3 is kino

season 3 has it's own charm. when I finished it I was disappointed in myself that I didn't completely drink it all in at the time. and was focusing on the wrong shit

I didn't like the first few episodes either but I sat along for the ride and by the last episode I was bawling my eyes out like a fucking baby. Nothing I've ever seen can match the feelings I experienced because of The Return. But I think you have the attention span of a toddler so you won't gain much from it.

> he wasnt here in TP threads when s3 was running
literally the best summer. i miss the cute posters and vedderfags. i was one of kyle posters

Those were the days.

>you'll never see a vedderfag shitpost again

>>fucking PISSED about the cliffhanger ending
stopped reading there.

Holy shit, I have a feeling we could be good friends.

wait for it...





david lunch

Watch northern exposure if you want that comfy and quirky small town vibe, no murder mystery, just twin peaks if it was never visited by Bob. I love the return for its purely lynchian beauty but it lacked the small town atmosphere that made the original so endearing.

you forgot "lol"

It’s today, she died in the early morning

Just finished it today. The lack of some resolutions for the earlier characters bothers me and also the bizzarro aspects are too much

The feeling of sheer terror and dread that The Return inspired was amazing and it was the conclusion that Twin Peaks deserved all these years.

I want to be your friend user

Can we talk about Judy now?

Fucking newfags

Just hang on and keep your mind open. Also check out Frost's books since they're more your speed.