This explains SO much
This explains SO much
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Who cares, I only know her name because she's fap material. I don't care if she can't add potato and potato.
>mfw i realised that i never seen a movie or a tv show where jlawrence starts
which movie with jlawrence should i watch tonight?
>it's not an act
>she's actually just a fucking idiot
huh, well...
>drop out of middle school
>go into politics
What's next for her career?
Is her family rich? How did she get to be one of the top desired actors in the world?
Her looks are very good but by holywood standards they are average and her acting is average as well. SO how come she became so famous?
I can only think of a rich connected daddy who got her some roles.
How much you want to bet OP is still in middle school
silver linings playbook, literally her only one good movie
oh my bad, alos winters bone that's actually better
Mother 100%.
eh, Winter's Bone is actually pretty good too
>How did she get to be one of the top desired actors in the world?
Casting couch,fugged the right jews. Don't blame her I'd fug a few kikes for fame and fortune too.
I'm not blaming her, if i was a hot chick i would just marry some rich guy for ez life and be a total slut too
>How did she get to be one of the top desired actors in the world?
I hear she has a mouth like a vacuum cleaner.
And parents who will happily encourage her "career"
>She dropped out of school when she was 14 without receiving a GED or a diploma, and said she was "self-educated".[11]
wew lads I don't think this is even legal in my country
*blocks your path*
Good for Jennifer Lawrence.
Middle school is bullshit.
Even if she has connections, they just get you in the door. What you need to do to explain her full success is first make a list of all her characteristics and then stack them all together. Her total stack is higher than others, even if there's many there vastly outperform her in one or or two other areas. Plus, she got the ball rolling early with the God tier Winter's Bone role.
Senator then president
A dress you could titty fuck her in that she doesn't have to take off,very classy lady. Time saver,see she's smart ideas like that take talent.
literally nobody does this
go back
Also, her expected value was inflated by outside politics. Riding that easy "muh wage gap" gravy chain. With the mediocre performance of her last few projects though we can be sure that her future paychecks will be smaller.
Is like why she always acts like a kid pretending to be an adult?
Street smarts > Book smarts.
she's average looking too. She sucked a lot of dick to get where she is.
No, she acts like a kid pretending to be an adult because her mental growth was stunted the moment that she became famous.
She starred in the biggest YA franchise of the time and unlike Kristen Stewart, she she got flak for being the wooden star of a mediocre franchise she just cried 'muh sexism' and all the media outlets lapped it up and made her their darling.
So did a lot of girls. You still need drive and talent.
>not sophie turner/millie
Nope. I don't like her personality or her politics but she is 10/10
>that porn star pucker
I think she's great
>that porn star pucker
That's my favorite kind,she should do it more often.
how does one even drop out of mid school? where i live that's illegal
she's plan as fuck and dumpy. also she can't act
that's a big candle
>Who cares, I only know her name because she's fap material. I don't care if she can't add potato and potato.
I mean exactly. Never seen a movie where the main woman character was more interesting than than the movie around her.
>finally make a Black Widow movie
>it's not actually about Black Widow
How old was she when this pic was taken? She looks a lot older in OP's pic.
This. It's so obvious.
>I can only think of a rich connected daddy who got her some roles
>This. It's so obvious.
how so
most people in this thread admit shes hot
Won't show tits,and it's pushing some libtard political agenda about russia
nope won't watch it
This slut wants me to watch her crap I'm gonna need to see them titties and not just a quick flash.
>Won't show tits,and it's pushing some libtard political agenda about russia
Both these statements are actually totally wrong, but keep wedging that stick up your ass Boris
old enough for kisses
2 second flash of side boob with no nipple doesn't count
I don't understand how Renee Zellweger was considered ugly when this is considered sexy.
For you
a reality show
I think zellweger aged badly and only looked good in a few pics
Jlaw has staying power and a killer bod with dozens of smoking hot nudes
all adds up to make her desired
plain as fuck, wouldn't give her a half-smile on the streets or in public transport. would probably fuck her in the nightclub toilets but only because she would definitely be dressed like a whore and drugged up.
And now we type Lawrence Marchesa into google and what do we get
Jennifer at the premiere of her break out role 6 tears ago!
mmmmmmmhhhh really makes me think
Renee always looked good for her age until she took the bogpill.
I guess that explains this bitch can’t lose weight. I can’t stand her and her awful acting skills.
So? No one is saying she's a great talent or anything whats the point of harping on this?
If a fat ugly jew told you to suck his dick and you'd be rich afterwards you'd be a idiot not to.
Holy autism, I was just answering a question
Maise has sexier legs.
I always thought you were required to attend school until you're 16 or something
good body; face is a bit meh
Hot girls have it so disgustingly easy in life. It's so unfair.
Jennifer Lawrence always struck me as that bossy girl a grade ahead of you that made student council miserable because she'd find a way to make everyone listen to her talk forever and if you disagreed with any of her ideas she'd freak out. You guys know what I mean? She played volleyball and you stole a pair of her panties from the locker room? You guys know.
>Middle school is bullshit.
Yeah all that addition and subtraction must be really hard.
Jesus, what is that from?
I'm glad we have her speaking on politics
Sup Forums meet up
now THIS is ART
Literal resting bitch face
>Siri, solve this math equation for me.
They put scenes likes this into movies to shock people and make them go like "oh god, this is horrible, i can't believe that people acted and act like this, my eyes are opened!" it's supposed to make them think
so why the fuck do i get diamond cutting erection every time during a scene like that and all i can think about is how i would love to be there and partake?
so hot
I sucked the tits of a chick in the club who looked just like that.
I knew Jeniffer when I was a little kid. Ask me anything if you guys want to.
>*Unzips dick*
was she a cunt?
No, she was actually a total bro. When she first got famous, you can see that she was shy, but had a soul. Was more friends with guys than girls, too.
I enjoyed the history course taught by the vietnam vet who was arrested, on video, buying an 8-ball in a strip mall parking lot.
Simpler times.
>i'm a middle school dropout
>let me tell you my opinion about very complex social issues
>Was more friends with guys than girls, too.
Usually this just means that girls see through her bullshit.
how does one even drop out of middle school wtf is she retarded
She enough to drop out when didn't know you could.
JLaw > You.
>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
well you fucked that one up
So beautiful.
Why not? If i was a hot girl i wouldn't even bother to learn how to write and read... just enjoy money from your rich cuck bf
she looks very sexy while beaten
Yeah I type weird when I'm sleep deprived. :(
That kind of movie bores me to death so i never watched it, but why were they beating her?
She does look like white trash for some reason.
this is outdated. Not even reddit likes JLaw. Or so my friend tells me
because Jesus and stuff maaaaaan
True story, I went to KCD with her. AMA.