previously on The Shield...
Previously on The Shield
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>"...and he swallowed! He's gayer than Dutch-boy!"
Wheres the fucking 4k remaster?! Shawn Ryan you goddamn hack
I had to skip this scene.
>4k remaster of a show shot on 16 mm film
brah not sure if it's a good idea
Did you cry?
>you... sucked?
assinvader was always annoying as shit but i almost sympathized with how shittily his wife handled the news
Cant wait for the 4k
No, Shane did nothing wrong.
I think if Shane told Vic and Ronnie about Lems situation they could've talk him out of it. Not fucking shoving a grenade on his ass
what is going on here? can i get some context?
just watch the series, you won't regret it
maybe if you told me what was going on here then i might
a police officer is forced to suck on the dick of an exceptionally disgusting beaner
If we told you, we're gonna spoil the show for you, you stupid faggot
but why
spoilers wouldnt bother me
there's no reason for it, south americans are just subhuman
Ambrose was my favorite from the shield
at gun point. you think he might be able to wiggle out of it when you hear other detectives outside but they go right by the house and he actually is forced to perform on the guy with the gunpoint
almost every PREVIOUSLY ON segment after that usually includes a shot of him hurling into a toilet. it's actually a great show with the most devastating finale ever. do yourself a favor and watch it
not gunna watch this gay wire knockoff power fantasy show for faggots
>it's actually a great show with the most devastating finale ever. do yourself a favor and watch it
i watched sons of anarchy and i thought it was just alright, i'll pass
you're gonna watch it or we're going to have a problem
Lmao dude the shield pisses on all those shows. Actually the wire just as good, nvm. The finale especially though is the best on TV bar none.
The Shield has better emotional power, its more intense and sometimes better acted than The Wire
nah i'll pass becuase it seems tryhard
seems like a show made just for you then.
im not gay though
ignore him, he said the same thing 3 times, it's obvious bait
It was annoying because this scene was great and the potential for Aceveda's character was great but they wasted it with those stupid prostitute scenes...
Lem wasn't going to rat
das gay
You guys remember that time Chiklis was a truck driver on Sons of Anarchy for like five minutes?
what about this guy?
he even got blown up in both series
>it's obvious bait
it really isnt, you guys are just fags and this show is some kind cop drama show for dumb people
>The finale ends with a montage of significant characters and events from the show.
sounds like trash to me
SoA was such a letdown, especially if you watched The Shield beforehand.
>police will most likely die anyways
>not biting off his dick
Rather be dead than a gaiboi
Yeah I knew Vic was meant to be in the series at one point, but I didn't even realise he was the truck driver until afterwards when his name was in the credits. Dude got fat.
The Shield is well worth the watch to anyone on the fence.
You're such a liar
How so?
i'm glad goggins has been successful instead of chiklis
If a guy threatens to put a gun through your fucking head, your brain tells you to do as he says
And he doesn't tell him "fuck you shoot me" because..?
Because hes the City Council, he has a wife and children, and he doesn't want to fucking die?!
>If a guy threatens to put a gun through your fucking head, your brain tells you to do as he says
Losing your shit cause of a death/life situation only makes you gayer, fucking shoot me senpai, I don't give a fuck, it's not like you will be pardoned because you sucked some dude's dick.
The finale was one of the best I've ever seen.
Is there a single attractive actor in this entire series?
>sons of anarchy
This is disgusting, what is the point of this?
no matter what role anthony anderson takes, this is what i see lol
Shane did everything so not wrong his whole family ended up dead. What a star.
He was the one who suffered less in the end. Just ended it quickly and probably had quick sex with his wife before everything ended.
But the others...
>Lem ended up exploding betrayed by everyone he loved
>Ronnie probably killed himself AFTER being raped 310130 times by the black guy and other black guys
>Vic ended up living a nightmare he always hated
Lem never saw it coming, and died pretty quickly. Shane watched his wife a child die by his own hand before he blew his stupid brains out.
Everyone would have been better off if he'd done that at the very start.
Except by the fact he wanted his wife and retarded kid dead so he could just pretend being dead and become a vice principal by the name of Lee Russel.
After what happened in Vice Principals he became homosexual for a while, dressed as a woman then SoA happens. During this show you can also see the shows are connected, since at the series finale you see a cameo of Vic driving a truck (he ended up leaving the office but still working a shit job, you can see he's depressed and super fat).
When he realized no one was looking for him anymore (Vic went to jail for manslaughter after killing Jackie boy, lawyers just wanted him gone) he went back to being a man, years of talking to gay and trans people made him a nazi. That's where the Justified saga begins.
All these shows are about Shane Vendrell.
>comfy 9-5 desk job
>free of ex wife
>free of autistic children
>free of criminal prosecution
>living a nightmare
Living with sucking a guys dick hanging over your head for the rest of your life honestly sounds worse to me.
>ronnie getting prison raped
>they literally had no evidence against him except vic's testimony, which probably isn't even enough for to get through a pre-trial hearing much less a trial
He was going to go to jail anyway, even during the trial, which means he'd get raped and murdered, fucking retard.
that was funnier in your head
>>Vic ended up living a nightmare he always hated
Couldn't he just pay his bail? He had like a million put aside.
Just bite his dick off.
All of them look pig disgusting