Natalie Portman loves BBC the movie.
HOT /thread
webms plx
>mfw my wife allows me to see annihilation when she goes to watch black panther again
how are there no webms yet?
Sup Forumss waifu blacked should be hot shit
She’s getting you ready to prep the bull
I hate this nu male face so so fucking much!
Poor bill corbet
spoil me the movie
I want them to fucking smile. That shit aint smiling, they're literally making goofy faces because they're too insecure with their own faces to make any effort.
you do realize people have done that since the dawn of time tho, right?
At least the black guy was married too so he was equally a shithead.
Natalie Portman cheats on her husband the navy seal with her coworker scientist doctor the movie
Also alien
The movie basically proclaims you can be the hero protagonist and still be a cheating whore who loves BBC, because your husband is away. But then it's okay because she says she hates her nog lover and herself, and that it was a mistake. That makes it okay.
the evil white husband neglects his wife and so she forms a relationship with her strong and empathetic black coworker
it ends in an overexposed race mixing scene with Natalie and her coworker where she insists on being on top of him as opposed to the typical sex scenes
ITT : DisneyMoms
>the movie is this
>end this way
>the mentioned event lasts for a total of 90 seconds of screentime, of a 2 hour film
why don't you just go see the movie?
he's in the Army, not the Seals
and she fucks a black dude after believing her husband to be dead. And then she tells the nigger to basically get out and leave her alone
Rock from space crash on earth
Changes the environment around he crash site
Now everything is getting all weird biologically in the zone
Zone keeps getting bigger
Send the special forces
Oh no the special forces get killed
Send in team girl squad
Natalie portmans husband was special forces
Oh no the zone is having an effect on ou minds we can’t remember anything and we can’t call for help but the guns still work
Oh no mutant animals
Oh no one of us died
Oh no video from the special foRces of them killing themselves self harm
Oh no another one of us died
I’m still going to the crash site
Someone turned into a plant
It’s time
LSD trip
Lovecraftian cosmic horror
Now we are the aliens
She fucked her coworker more than once and only when he was away on missions
Natalie said that this was the last time because she thought her husband knew and her husband acted like a soyboy when he treated her different when he was leaving for his mission a day early. It was pretty obvious that Natalie was sexually attracted to him and they had tension when they interacted at work. He also reminded her that their intellectual connection was also deep in comparison to the deep penetration he was giving her.
i just realized that this is an adaption of the book of the same name by jeff vandermeer.
what a fucking steaming pile of shit. that book is just unbearably vague. it jerks itself off over how it explains or even hints at literally nothing. it's just: random things happen, the book. makes me angry that shit like that gets made into a movie.
but maybe the film is better?
The film follows a more coherent plot but it definitely gets crazier as it continues.
Think pubg with aliens
actually that sounds somewhat fun
there was literally nothing like that in the book. at least the first one (or two), didn't read the third one.
Fuck that's awful.
They go in the circle but nothing that goes in the circle comes out
...the same
Actually what I realized is the film is in fact an incoherent shit of a movie. I mean there are some cool spooky scenes, like the insides turning and the spooky bear. But I assure you that other than those, you will not find any other scene particularly memorable.
You didn’t remember the ending
Is your enjoyment of everything metered by how much white women interact with nonwhite men? Do you just sit there in the theater seething when women talk to anyone who isn't the white man you've self inserted into? Halfway through the film do you just check out at all the "racemixing propaganda" and think of how you're going to spin this to farm outrage on Sup Forums and Sup Forums? Genuine questions, I really want to know what goes through the minds of the snowflakes who panic about brown peepee in white veevee every two seconds.
this is accurate. i enjoyed the movie desu - modern The Thing feelings
>when you're turning into a tree
The release on Netflix is a few weeks away.
Hollywood remake STALKER.
It’s whatever you want it’s to be. Didn’t read the book so maybbe wrong but in the film the event is expanding and emiting human dna waves where all matter biological (and maybe non biological) around obtains your dna and evolution within the bubble is super expediated like a million years a minute maybe more or less. So if it’s ultimate destruction your environment you will reflect it, if it’s heaven it will reflect it, if you just want to submit and become one with it you literally become one with the universe like the plant girl and people (plants with human dna over billions of years will learn to love like humans Hense then shaping to form humans showing affection). So reason for the chaos in the movie is because humans love to self destruction but they also love to love so like yin and yang (girl cheating on spouse feeling guilty dosent know why she didn’t it and hates her self for it). So the environment reflects that. Like the “Big Bang” this is constant chaos and life being created love and hate and will never stop growing like the universe it self.
>TFW Sup Forums is gonna dislike this kino because of one interracial sex scene.
It’s a alien parasite that treats you the way you treat yourself (or it) emotionally while expediting evolution around you eventually making you a godlike being with different outcomes how the person evolved.
>it's a "user is completely retarded" episode
>damaged multidimensional monolith gets on earth
>"terraforming" begins
>shit happens
yeah I remember those middle ages selfies
So what would happen if I just want to be free?
Would I get wings n shit?
Is this good or not? I don't see Sup Forums saying anything about it except for there being all women and Natalie fucking a nig.
>Natalie (((Portman)))
Why did they insist on making this movie into cuck porn?
That's exactly how you know it's good, I base reception on how far anons have to reach to shit on something. If a joyless 30 second sex scene is enough to trigger these faggots then I can't not see it as compensation. Don't let some retarded stranger influence your interpretation
Not that ham fisted that’s why it’s like a religious event comparable to the rapture but not thand rapture so whatever’s you want. those with love in there heart will prospure one way or another and those with self destruction will ultimately anahalate itself eventually. So freedom you’ll prolly become literally one with the universe some hippie stuff where you literally evolve to a plant, pure energy or eternal darkness the ultimate freedom so it depends what’s truly in your heart (or encoded dna).
>it's a "shill make an attack ad personam because has no argument to defend shit hollywood production" episode
Just watch Tarkovskij's STALKER and Solaris.
It was ok. Pandorum/District 9/The Thing, shit even Event Horizon were a lot better. Also, the scene was about 40 seconds too long.
it's not kino
the direction couldn't be more of a hindrance to the script
It's demoralization propaganda. Why would I financially support people who want to destroy me?
If I was black I wouldn't give money to KKK movies.
>calling someone a shill for liking different things
go back to breddit
It's kino.
it only came out yesterday
wait longer
it's highly mediocre all around
garland should stick to writing
what the fuck did i just watch
>idc about propaganda I'll support it anyway!
unless you're pirating then i dont give a shit
Hold up, what?
I read the book and there wasn't a fucking cheating subplot in there, she was depressed because her husband was gone and volunteered for the mission to find him
Am I being trolled? Why the fuck would they make that subplot in there?
i saw it yesterday
the scene is hardly sexual or cucky and makes sense within the context
it's actually putting mudsharks in a negative light
Her original husband isn't white either you fucking cucks holy shit
>30 second sex scene
That's a pretty long time for a sex scene actually.
I've already watched all of these.
a rock never crashes into earth
they never explain where the shimmer comes from they assume its alien
I'm glad image boards don't make me mentally ill, Christ...
because it's 2018 user
if a movie doesn't have a woman fucking a nigger it can't be released
>0,5 cents have been deposited to your netflix account
please calm down sir
The sex scene is a pleb filter and you neets couldn't pass through it. How sad. Keep pretending you appreciate Tarkovsky and aren't just namedropping.
Oh wow you're right! I've hated Tarkovsky this whole time and was only pretending! DuDE!
>overdone cliche of racemixing plotline is a pleb filter
To illustrate her inclination towards self-destruction and the gulf between her and her husband was my feeling. 90% of the book is omitted which isn't a bad thing, I'm actually thrilled that normies are gonna read about The Crawler.
She is physically white, with white melanin, yes.
>white husband
Oscar Isaac is not white. Natalie Portman is not white. You're obsessed with blacks
Oh poor dear, you misunderstood. You don't hate Tarkovsky, you just don't understand his work. Don't be upset, user. Just take your time.
>both of them gasping in ecstasy
>le genius nigger professor
she is jewish
it's not a big deal
the movie makes it out to be bad anyway
Into the trash it goes
>the "Jews aren't white people" meme
Why does Sup Forums constantly die on this hill? Wouldn't you want them to be considered white, to help with white IQ scores?
t. future school shooter
>implying anyone not Russian and not Tark himself can really “understand” his hyper-personal works
You just outed yourself as a massive pleb
umm sweetie just don't okay
I want you to define for me what white even means then in your opiate-addled brain of yours.
Yeah, right, a jewess slime getting blacked. What's not to like?
i want to fly
doesnt mean i can
whites don't need "help" with their IQ scores wtf
>physically white people
>aren't white
>because muh joooo
>t. Sup Forums scientist
the problem is normies don't separate jews from whites
>is your skin white?
>are you Jewish?
>congrats, you’re white
>mfw superior Russian
The jews aren't white people. They're literally fucking Arabs from the land of Israel. Next you're gonna tell me Jesus was white
>whites don't need "help" with their IQ scores wtf
they are lower than Asians and Jews, that's the joke mutt, Sup Forumsnigger.
Did you just type "implying" WITH greentext?
Also, outed myself? I'm user, you're thinking of another site. The one that starts with an R which is where you're from.
>opiate-addled brain of yours.
calm down you edgy jew
most people mean native european when they say white
even jews readily differentiate themselves from white people
So let me get this. Y’all mad that a jewess cucked my fellow spic with a bbc. And some how this is white genocide.
>if your skin is white you aren't white
You race realists are hilarious.
why would i care about artificially boosting IQ scores for my race
lying about IQ would negate the whole point of having it in the first place as a viable metric
You're retarded lol. Jews are the ones who claim they aren't white
Um, hon? Honey? Sweetie? Do something. Please. Do something about it.
Ok, well there aren't only whites from Northern Europe, user. It's such an autistic nitpick honestly. It's usually why you people get picked on so often.
You're actually retarded. I'm not just saying that either. If you're not baiting this is sad.