*gets hit by a flying truck with full load of fuel that explodes* - alright now I am pissed

*gets hit by a flying truck with full load of fuel that explodes* - alright now I am pissed

*falls 50 meters* - gg you died

WM's suit was borked when he fell, so its not hard to argue that safety/impact countermeasures were not working. He was essentially just a dude in a can.

I couldn't take this movie seriously

it basically became one of those play-fights in your friends basement where you're not really hurting each other.

and then one friend gets hurt and then the playtime is over and everyone is afraid they'll get in trouble with the parents

that cgi suit looks fucking terrible

This. The stakes didn't seem high enough. They were laughing and joking the whole time so it kind of took away the impact.

He should have died, someone should have died. And why did nobody give a shit he was actually trying to blow Captain America's jet out of the sky, in which both men inside would probably be dead? The film needed a lot more work. Black Panther and Black Widow are insufferable Mary Sues, and Agent Carter is so boring and lifeless I can't bear to see her on screen, stealing Cap's best quotes does not make her cool or interesting.

Not sure. Haven't seen this movie.

He was targeting Falcon, not Captain America. Falcon dodged and it fried War Machine instead.

he should've at least stayed crippled or turned him into the Initiative/Dark Reign version

it's all fun n games until someone broke their spine

I'm still mad that Marvel and RDJ fucked over Terrence Howard.

stop posting this you bugboy

God damn this movie looks terrible. Why is it so washed out? Do these retards think washed out = mature?

>Marvel and RDJ fucked over Terrence Howard

more like Terrence smelt the money coming and being the ungrateful bitch that he was instead of waiting for a pay raise that he earned immediately demanded more and thought MCU didn't have the balls to replace him

Typical white guy; keeps the best for himself, and gives the House Negro the scraps.

Microdicklets don't deserve respect.

>civil war
>no casualties

>hasn't seen the movie

>the person who made this image thinks any of those things will matter for more then one movie

he didn't demand anything. he was supposed to get 8 million for Iron Man 2 as per his contract with Marvel and they suddenly decided to give him 1/8th of it and the rest went to RDJ.

>T'Chaka dead
>T'Challa ascends the throne
>Wakanda under new management is now less isolated and more open towards the world by the end of Black Panther

His suit's power source was damaged when he fell 50 feet you idiot.
Iron Man can take damage because the suit has tech that stabilizes him inside, tech that's disabled if you knock out the suit's power

>someone should have died.
The king of wakanda died

I thought Stark somehow getting his arm broken by a couple of falling cars landing on him when he’d previously survived tank shells hitting him mid flight and falling at extreme speeds and hitting the ground and being perfectly OK was more annoying.

I mean does every iteration of his suit become shittier? He goes toe to toe with fucking Thor in Avengers 1 and in Civil War Cap beats him half to death.

the villain kills any interest in this series.

The 70s and 80s had this weird edgy streak where they would subvert expectations by making the villain win or having it be morally grey or some shit like that, so naturally having a villain you know is going to win in the end and then fuck himself over is the dumbest thing ever, why the fuck have we been following these characters for years if their entire existence is pointless because it's all going to come to an end-and then come back because plot magic-but it wont be our heroes winning the day, it wont be the villain being proven wrong through the power of friendship or some shit, it will be a dumb 80s "the villain wins" twist that overstayed it's welcome literally 2 seconds into the fad. Dont even get me started on End Times, the same edgy faggots that brought you "thanos wins" are the edgy faggots that brought you "chaos wins empire is toast lol fuck sigmar" and all those edgy horror movies where the bad guy wins.

>affected psychotically

yeah that's how shit works in the real world.
fucking brainlet, neck yourself

>tony of all people siding with the guvmint
>cap of all people siding with a terrorist


it wouldve been more poignant if cap was the one dedicated to taking down bucky while its tony, his new friend, trying to convice cap to listen to his old friend

all of thateans shit when the movies following it don't react to it
schools still show motivational videos of a fugitive and traitor
Bucky is still in hiding and his healing was refeenced in a post credit scene
Thanos been bullshitting just the thw last 10 years
the next movie is about them having to team up to take on Thanos

so yeah wow big changes, even JUSTice League handlwd the world without Superman better than those "game changers"

>falls 50 meters
After getting hit by a blast by the strongest character in the scene

>gets hit to his battery witch has no effect on the force impact caused by falling to the ground

Spiderman homecoming deals with a lot of the fallout from this. The airport scene featured at the start is a huge driving force for Peter wanting to do more, and Tony wanting to distance himself.

Black panther literally kicks off from T'challa returning home from Europe where his father and king were blown up and his ascending to the throne commences..

Ant man and wasp has been stated to start when Scott Lang cuts a deal with the FBI after being captured and later freed after civil war...

this is the worst MCu movie. worse than iron man 2, worse than thor 2, worse than incredible hulk

>tfw Ares/Cyborg Rhodey team up never ever
It hurts... Ares is fucking bad-ass.

>there are people who take this seriously
Lmao neck yourselves

>aims to disable the jet engine on falcon's jet pack
>blows a crater into war machine

what a dishonest movie

>Makes claim
>Claim refuted

maybe we should neck ourselves together, hmm?

>I couldn't take this movie seriously
You aren't supposed to you moron

*he was essentially Indy in a fridge.

Can someone post the webm of the CGI face

Justice League sucked.

It's okay, he's too busy reinventing mathematics to be Iron Man's friend now.

I just fucking remembered the very first Iron-man movie, that scene where he get's hit in the air by a tank and falls and no injuries. Or the end of his escape in prototype armor where he flies up and falls in sand and again no injuries. WTF?

>couldn't take this movie seriously
It's based on children's comic books

>I couldn't take this movie seriously

What's worse,the person that made this image,or the cocky fatso that treats this as scripture?