Why is he considered a Cuck?

I mean i get it that he was way funnier back in the day and nowadays he´s a hit or miss but i never get why people like to call him a cuck, why is that?

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Because in his movie his wife kissed a nigger
That's literally the only reason

>That's literally the only reason
lmao what other reason would you need?

Someone post mike's 10 inch donger


can you give me the link of the scene?

Fair point

Because he's not full "kill everyone who isn't white & who disagrees with me" right wing

nobody has said that and if they did please give a source

That isn't even accurate


lel, not his wife. He's not that lucky.

But yeah he had a white girl kiss a nigger in his film instead of himself while he stood there nodding his head in approval.

Honestly I think James is a good guy but is just a total betamale.



as opposed to "kill everyone who is white and who disagrees with me" left wing?

Dont forget he did this after his wife complained about lack of diversity on his site

I didn't say that. Are you putting words in my mouth, sweatie?

Are you assuming I'm sweating right now?


he is really bald in that Planet of the Apes location video

I thought he was reveald to be the real father of his child after the whole ghostbusters thing

Not his wife

There was a copypasta that James wife was huge creative force in the AVGN movie and was the one wbo suggested the girl fall in love with the black guy instead of the Nerd. Then his baby came out retarded? Or something, making it look like its not his, thus keeping the James Rolfe cuck meme alive

Is Mike Matei keeping James on the leash?

>Then his baby came out retarded?

The doctor fucked up during its birth and broke its arm, but this wasn't explained until later. All we got for a while were vague mentions of the baby's poor health, so everyone assumed it just turned retarded.

It was a meme for a few months, back when cuckposting was in full force (mostly Louie CK related greentexts).
A lot of it compared Mike Matei to James, saying Mike was alpha and hung like a horse while Jame's ass to lick off niggercum off his wife's pussy.
I would not be suprised if Mike himself wrote that greentext, that guy is insane.

What's some kino about the roastie version of """truth""" and """science"""?

there ius nothing more disgusting than newborn babies and their weird fucking limbs. When my little brother was born his leg got caught on the way out, so when he was born one of his legs was sticking straight up next to his head, like a can can dancer. First time I saw him he was in his onesie with his head and leg sticking out the neckhole.

>so everyone assumed it just turned retarded.


I will forever respect him for shitting on Ghostbusters 2016 and not apologising upon the leftie assblast that rained down on him on twitter