Did you stop rooting for him?
Did you stop rooting for him?
Killing Jane was over the line.
She was a slit Jesse and Walt bros til the end
I never rooted for him. Only for Hank
Never, he wanted what was coming to him and his ambitions revealed how scummy everyone around him really was. He provided for his family and got horseshit in return.
The first time I watched I turned on him when he let Jane die. The second time I realized he was a miserable petty little cunt of a man from the very first episode.
I never rooted for him. He was an ungrateful egotistical asshole from the start.
Its just business.
If you are going to empathize with a drug dealer you cant worry about everyone who gets caught in the crossfire. He is literally peddling a shitty drug that destroys lives.
he didn't kill her though
>Beard and glasses
>Gets cucked
I never rooted for him
I never really rooted for him, but i tried to sympathize with his character. Until the grey matter episode with the flashbacks of him leaving grey matter and marrying Skylar. Where is became painfully obvious he was just a crybaby cunt.
I never rooted for him. Some of the characters were awful, but Walt was never a character you can empathize with.
Everyone around him was being a selfish cunt including himself. Of course they had to make him flip-flop between being narcistic and caring.
When he left Gretchen, back in the day. You realize Walt doesn’t just have cancer, he IS cancer. His own worst enemy.
It actually was one of the better things Walt has done. Saved Jessie from being a degenerate junkie
>Did you stop rooting for him?
Dont know
Stopped watching the show after they introduced an invincible James Bond tier Villain who took out the mexican drug cartels with a snap of his fingers.
Did Gus own a giant death ray laser beam business too?
Never forget that the first 4 seasons of Breaking Bad happened in one year only.
In one year Jesse:
>started making meth with Ww in a van
>made a distribuition channel with his pals
>was kidnapped by a spic psychopath
>introduced Ww to Saul Goodman
>started working for Gus
>became Jane's boyfriend
>became a hard junkie
>had his gf killed
>had his gf's father destroy planes
>went into rehab
>met Wynn Duffy at rehab
>became better
>started making meth at a dry cleaner
>got replaced by a fag
>killed the fag
>got a new gf
>had his gf's son poisoned
>destroyed his former boss
Missed the part where he became a filthy rat.
>"hey want this job that pays 6 figures and has full health insurance"
>"lol fuck you man ima be a science teacher and sell meth"
The subplot about walt jr not being his kid shouldn't have been dropped.
That was on s5
No, he was a true hero.
Never, no matter What he did, not even when poisoned that annoying little monkey spic. Although I was kinda angry at him for killing Mike and failing to kill Jesse the rat.
>caring about a heroïn junkie bitch
>letting a junkie whore controlling your life
You guys are really cucks, aren’t you?
Dont stop
>The subplot about walt jr not being his kid
The fuck?
his build-up to villain status was very contrived
why are people jane-shilling? she was a manipulative bitch who if she didn't OD and choke to death would run off with jesse and his money. literally a psycho bitch. jesse was lucky he got out so easily she could definitely have damaged him more, and from previous scenes she clearly had the possibility to do so as she seemed to have BPD
Never. All the things he did were due to circumstances out of his control, caused by other people, which he had to overcome somehow.
unironically never in my 2 viewings
Killing is over the line. Period.
He could've just accepted some help from his 'friend' at the start and everything'd have been fine. Like he even tells you straight to your face in case you're too dumb to get it otherwise, he did it all for himself.
Kys weak beta faggot.
t. 50 confirmed kills
I haven't seen this movie.
Kek XD
The stupid bitch OD'd. Walt saved both himself and Jesse by not doing anything to help her
Jesse was the only one I rooted for during the whole show. I stopped rooting for Walt when he decided to kill Gale and I started to hate him when he tried to poison Brock.
It's still hard for me to understand why people still defend him even when it's explicitly clear that his motivations were selfish all along.
>I haven't seen this movie.
good, there are zero klingons in it
I dont get it.
He didn't kill anyone and if anything saved Jesse. Poisoning that kid was over the line even if not fatal, though
Based Jesse