Tries to bring Trump down using pussy, ends up getting fucked by a Weiner.
its probably trump admitting to using tax avoidance or carryforward, even if the media goes all in with it its probably too late to affect a significant portion of voters unlike the fbi investigation reopening
OMG FPBP!!!!!!
why does this cuck hate Trump so much?
Didn't he pretty much already admit to using carryforward?
Pic related is Rick WIlson's bloodline going down the drain.
it's real?
Is pol ever wrong?
is he trying to take hillary or trump down?
Anyone have archive of the thread where an user came on a pic of his daughter and sent it to his twitter?
omg reddit
daily reminder
>Video of bill Clinton saying nigger
>bill comes out and accepts his nigger son to prove he isn't racist
yeah but now they have a tape of something tax related from what the original posting on twitter implied, im assuming its him bragging about carryforward or some other legal avoidance
Is the final surprise he's a cuck and got nothing? Because I'm probably goning to have to go with that.
I don't know if my body can take it
that wouldn't surprise anyone
I'm dying.
His final surprise will be revealing he was always a Trump supporter.
>These are people who overall don't matter in the course of humanity
Does Rick regret that?
This next week will be pure insanity. Stocking up on popcorn.
is it a video of Dick proving he can touch the top cupboard?
Kek have mercy on us
Nobody gave a shit about him doing legal tax shit. Who wants to pay taxes? Stupid leaf.
>my wife's son meme becomes real
Apparently there's a video of Trump calling Kwame Jackson (token black guy in season 1 apprentice) a useless nigger.
>tfw you see a rare flag but you already have it
As is the cum covering his daughter's face
>tfw dozens of anons cheered a fapping user on in real time as he fapped to Cuck Wilson's daughter last Feb
Gayest thing I've ever seen
is he literally a cuck?
Grancuck, that's his grandkid.
Remember when they boasted about a nigger tape and it turned out it was Trump saying 'uncle tom' and the media refused to report it and cried into their pillow?
>Real time
Didn't remember that part, only remember the sending the pic to his twitter.
Love this guy, he got alpha's out of his own party by Trump, turns out he's got a nigger grandchild too. The fucking laughs hahahaha. This is greatest election in history, the cucks are coming out of the woodwork.
They shot their wad with pussygate. They thought it would bring him down, and it failed. They have nothing left.
Frank Luntz seems to know something too
I hope Rick Wilson is ready for the final solution of der Cuckfrage
Its a sex tape
You just ruined my life.
wow it's nothing :^)
Who is this guy?
His daughter tweeted this
He's been saying this for fucking ever.
saus on daughters face + cum?
Wtf I'm memebase now
The final surprise is Trump winning the election
I can pretty much guarantee both sides have some damaging stuff left.
literally who
Nobody's going to care after Kim releases shit on the 1st.
She also publicly posted their home address lmao
They need to hurry up the election is almost over
is the dad even still around?
>Lets wait till there are only 10 people who haven't voted
From the color of the child, I would imagine not.
he's been firing it up for at least a couple of weeks
Rick Wilson is gonna kill himself on livestream!
>wife's daughter's son
Is there a way to be more cucked?
Do people not get that Trump supporters dont care about these things? He could literally murder someone on tv and still get votes. This is far more damning to hillary because shes establishment and everybody hates her.
lol beat me to it
I'm very excited, in fact I just peed a little
What they have on Trump will be about his personal life, showing him to be a shitty guy. People already dislike Trump personally, even strong supporters. It doesn't work. Hillary's leaks will further expose her dishonesty, corruption and incompetence. In the end, this will be more damaging than Trump saying or doing something offensive.
a whole new dimension of cuckery
Feminism BTFO
Hot pockets and another holocaust?
what does the pawn stars guy have to do with anything in this election?
It's over guys, we're finished
Time to fire up the pizza.
>Imagine the lol nigger hitting up some dinduesha and Rick having to pay the child support.
Triple generational cuckoldry, Rick reaching levels of cuckoldry unknown even to Swedes.
That article is over 10 days old. Whatever they had will be covered by Hillary and the FBI for the remainder. At this point the only thing that could bury that story is a video of Trump killing/raping someone. Thats it. Rick Wilson could never have anticipated the FBI doing this and just how much this is going to dominate the news cycle.
I live in that town. KEK if she's doing a 2016 one I should show up.
Once Trump becomes president, will Rick Wilson leave the country?
>Who is this guy?
He runsthe Evan McMullin campaign and is close to Romney and Kristol.
Rumours are he was part of the clique that obtained the Access Hollywood tape.
Wouldn't be suprised if they have more audio from Access Hollywood that they are sitting on.
Last time I'm pretty sure he paid for one and ate it.
>but I don't think it was the 4 pepperoni pizzas I ordered with a total of 14 litres of diet coke
So is it real or bullsh*t?
Thankfully Donald is thick skinned and doesn't hold grudges.
Do it with a MAGA hat and be really nice and respectful
>So is it real or bullsh*t?
It's real. It's the Access Hollywood clan at it again.
Luntz is in on it somehow too, he knows something.
Isn't this guy Nate silver tier who cried wolf all during the primaries about being able to stop trump?
The clock is ticking cucks. I can't wait for the next "scandalous video leak" where Trump is talking with his brow and says "I am heterosexual and I like to have sex with girls"
the pussy tape was coordinated. there was about 2 seconds between the media breaking it and then announcing that his race was over/republicucks abandoning him. it's doubtful it even made a dent in his support, and now they're having to revise down hillary's lead in the inflated poll numbers.
they might try the same thing again but people are pretty cynical about media bias now
Rick Wilson should do this:
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
>>wife's daughter's son
>Is there a way to be more cucked?
Wife's son's wife's son